21 Insights In 4 Nights
During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas. Insight #6 . . . It's been ten years since I received about ten boxes containing the first edition of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic. I was enchanted by a vision after spending a day with porn stars, strippers, video vixens and 50 cent on a music video over a decade ago. I was crystal clear that when transformed little girls become women who choose suitable mates they will raise children in healthy, loving households and we'll experience transformation in our communities, world, planet. This book project was my love letter to my daughters and yours. My protective stand for the children of the post-gangsta rap generation, seeing the misogyny as a red flag of more degeneration to come. WHAT IS YOUR PASSIONATE CAUSE THAT YOU WOULD FIGHT FOR? Although, I never had a sense of urgency to hurry and get this book out, I figured I would be promoting and sharing it with people for the rest of my life, while at the same time felt that somehow one day the concepts in this book would become irrelevant. It felt like with the interest in natural hair and natural beauty becoming more and more mainstream especially in the "African-American" community I'd be singing to the choir. I really felt the day would come that women and girls would get the memo that as "The Golden Goose Of The Universe," our innate power and magic supercedes the colonized, misogynized, superficial and exploited fragments of female we had become on display for all to see. I, you, we're not quite there yet, we're getting there though. DID YOU KNOW YOU ARE THE GOLDEN GOOSE SIS? Although many would repeat Dicken's mantra that this is the BEST of times and the WORST of times, there are planetary influences, that will trump a great deal of the degeneration and nonsense we've witnessed in this last era. So this book is even MORE RELEVANT now than ever, but I'm not at all worried because I can see a beautiful victory ahead. DON'T BE STINGY WITH YOUR GOODIES. In this book, I talk about being "stingy with your goodies." Well, my blood sister teases me that I haven't really done all I can to make sure that people can easily get this book into their hands by virtue of the fact I've seen a remixed boot-leg copy in Atlanta while doing makeup on a music video with Usher and R. Kelly (Yes, I know. Dont' judge. The work of healers are needed everywhere. Jesus taught us that.) and that I've seen it sold on Amazon for over $258. She had to make me see that it wasn't as much a compliment but that there was a feeling of scarcity for the book. There are only fifteen-hundred copies on the planet. Not a good thing. This is a message, not a piece of artwork. As an artist, I had to shift my mindset and go for the masses because this is about the generations to come. So the scarcity of the book is going to change. We've been chanting #blackgirlmagic and that #blackgirlsrock for a while now so . . . in honor of the ten-year anniversary:
I'm really looking forward to connecting with some of our readers as well as introducing this work to new readers. DO YOU HAVE THIS BOOK? CLICK this link to connect with me. DO YOU DESIRE TO HAVE THIS BOOK? CLICK this link to grab one or two or three . . . What have you created, accomplished and built that needs to be commemorated and celebrated? commemorate. Thanks for reading. Looking forward to meet you soon during this year of celebrating ten years of S & G! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 13 of 13/13 Moon Waxing Gibbous 21 Insights In 4 Nights During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas. Insight #5 . . .
I got a word over the holy day season that 2017 would be the year to be Ready For MAGIC & MIRACLES. Just to be clear, for me magic is willed alchemy as oppose to miracles being divine blissings of grace. These are the Way of Manifestation for superwomen and goddesses i.e. empowered human beings. Superwomen in our culture are females who think, feel and act with a mind that anything is possible, while goddesses (small "g") are females who inspire life in everything they touch. PROMISES FULFILLED When I wrote SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic Book One in 2005, I promised if you came forth to be the greatness that you are, you will have every desire of your heart on page 77. That you would : "...have the respect, affection and company of suitable men, ...experience peace, affinity and love with all people, ...be acknowledged for your contribution to your people, ...be abundant in resources and community, ...be vital and live a long life, ...and wield the magic and power of superwomen and goddesses." From your mission to your mate, your money and everything in between, expect promises to be fulfilled this year. SCHOOL TO HIGH SOCIETY We've been in training, sometimes grueling, sometimes amusing and now graduation is upon us. School is out and our classmates have become a high society of real life superwomen, goddesses, and metaphysicians walking the Earth prepared and ready to work their power to manifest M & Ms (magic and miracles) this year and beyond. WHO you desire to be? HOW do you occupy your day? WHAT are the material rewards of this lifestyle? The last year, the last nine years, really all our lives we've been preparing for this moment. This year is our moment to BE, DO and HAVE. BE who we were born to be, to DO exactly as we've envisioned and to HAVE our hearts desire beyond the illusion. What an exciting adventure we've stepped into. What will you accomplish this year? What will you manifest? FOCUS & CONSISTENCY IS KEY Already on day 6 of this new year, the once passionate gym crowds are whittling down, like the first day of school excitement that has died down and now the REAL work of consistency and focus kick in. Applying that info and what you know with consistency is the KEY. We all know what to do, could write a book on it. Information is plentiful and free so we can keep things going for a period of time until - we hit a breakdown, feel lack of motivation or just plain not feel well, then return to our old habits which can be pretty strong if you didn't tend to them during the solstice. So then what? How will you get over that hump to remain in this game? ...the year where we're ready to show up for the magic and miracles? The only thing that could screw it all up - receiving all those promises fulfilled is, us. YOU ARE INVINCIBLE So you got to have a crew, a tribe, a circle that will keep you accountable, give you a structure and support to get you over the hump. Last year I said that I'd rather soar with a few instead of dragging a bunch. So I'm carefully assembling that community if you're ready to soar with us. Still some woo-woo while less woo-woo than last year. This year we're focused even more on practicality and accountability for results of the magic and miracles that are abound for each one of us. There will be no forcing or attachment while at the same time being very scientific. In community you are invincible because we won't allow you to be invisible and fail. "No burden is heavy when everyone lifts." We will be one nation under a groove. If and when you fall, we'll pick you up and keep it movin'. And as for the expression of your GIFTS, TALENTS, ABILITIES... Like cracker jacks, everyone has AT LEAST one gift, talent or ability that we can all benefit from. Then there are some of us who have gifts, talents and abilities that if not shared will suffer until we share those gifts generously. On some level your inner oracle knows that you are being stingy, scared and/or out of integrity with why you came into this physical realm. So it's a reminder, sometimes not so gentle or friendly to Get. Off. Your. Arse. Yessss. 2017: A Year Being Ready For Our M & Ms (Magic & Miracles) The abundance of it. The allowing of it. The celebration of it. The flow of it. The goodness of it. The knowing of it. The manifesting of it. The power of it. The receiving of it. The whirling of it. Are you ready for your m & ms? Want to be held accountable? Be supported to get you the experience you desire in this life. Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit. ready for m & ms. REGISTER for this Sunday's FREE Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." If you're unable to attend at the appointed time, REGISTER STILL and let me know. Thanks for reading. Here we go! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 9 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous
Insight #4 . . . Ever feel like that gold you be droppin' is going over their heads? No shade but . . . "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7 : 6 In Love, In Work, In Financial Matters, etc. Speaking of pearls, did you know the most expensive i.e. valuable piece of jewelry in the world is a 55 million dollar necklace by Mouawad Jewelry. It's an "internally flawless diamond."
SPARE SOME CHANGE? So you know that apparently homeless guy in the subway asking for change? What do you think would happen if you offered this necklace to him? Do you think he would appreciate the value of the diamond or find it useful in his predicament? Do you think he would have the knowledge to even understand how this piece of jewelry could completely alter his reality, as well as those whose lives he could touch? Most likely and sadly . . . not. Still hypothetically speaking, his considerations are most likely focused on survival and would question why on Earth you were offering him a necklace when all he was looking for was a sandwich, some whiskey or his next hit. INTERNALLY FLAWLESS So why is it, us who have done the work on ourselves, our craft, built our wealth to be flawless, extremely rare and beautiful, attempt to share our heart, work, money with individuals who have no frame of reference or appreciation for our value? Oftentimes, when asked "Who is your customer?" The aspiring entrepreneur will say, "women." As of 2014, there are 3.52 billion on Planet Earth, so WHICH women? Who are they, where are they, what are their challenges, what do they dream of, what do they read, etc.? If you're a business owner, freelance maker, man or woman in an intimate relationship, when are you going to get CLEAR on who that 1% is that can truly value, appreciate and cherish what you have to offer? 1000 TRUE FANS I love when Kevin Kelley came up with the concept of "1000 True Fans." He says, if you can develop 1000 true fans who will travel to see you, buy any project you launch, product you offer, you will do well in your work. In relationship, most of us only require ONE man or ONE woman out of billions so don't you think it's okay to be super picky and desire more than a pretty girl or a man with a job? Which investments are worthy of your cash and will bring in the highest return? Several notes ago I spoke about the Pareto Principle i.e. the 20/80 rule. Continuing with that perspective, doesn't it make sense to focus our energy, time and resources on the 1% who appreciate, value and are actually looking for what we have to offer them. extremely rare. beautiful. flawless. Only the 1% top earners in this world can afford to acquire one of the most expensive jewelry pieces in the world. With 11 to 55 million dollar price tags, these highly sought after and precious pieces by Cartier, Bulgari, Garrard, Chopard, Harry Winston, etc. are perceived value. What is extremely rare, beautiful and flawless is precious, sought after and valued; only appreciated by those who understand or perceive the value. If you're a Cartier-level woman or man/maker/entrepreneur, how could you expect a dollar-store level consumer to not only "afford," but appreciate the value of and maintain the Cartier? It makes sense to continue to cultivate a relationship with the 1% who are looking for and will be jubilant to actually find that extremely rare, beautiful and flawless gem that you are. In relationships, enterprise, you don't require or really want everybody's attention. Keep it clean and simple. Jill Scott said it best, "Everything ain't for everybody." focus on the 1% What 1% are you going to invest your focus, time, energy and resources on this year? More on this topic in this Sunday's Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 8 of 13/13 Moons First Quarter Moon Source :http://www.wonderslist.com/10-most-expensive-jewellery-pieces-in-the-world/ Insight #3 . . . Years ago me and my eldest daughter attended T. Harv Eker's paradigm shifting weekend experience "The Millionaire Mind" where he introduced what he called "the world's easiest and most effective money management system." It's a system my girls still use to this day and they are really good with money. The system was to have six or seven jars in which you by percentage distributed or allocated your money. The first and MOST important jar was 10% in the FFA (Financial Freedom Account). The money in this jar was NEVER to be spent. OK, back then when I first heard this, it messed with my head. When I was a pre-teen and would get money my mother would kind of clown me about how "my money was just burnin' my pocket." I liked the experience of buying things and bringing them home. "DON'T KILL THE GOOSE!" So hearing that there was money, 10% of everything you received that you put away and NEVER SPENT was something I was really uncomfortable with. He reasoned that this money was to create a "golden goose." You were to live from the eggs that this "golden goose" created in profit, dividends, interest from placing it in an interest-bearing account. He further instructed to leave your golden goose in trust to charity, church, children, legacy as the "golden goose" that they can't spend because after all you "DON'T KILL THE GOOSE!" He explained that this money acts as a magnet for attracting more wealth. MAGNET FOR ATTRACTING WEALTH When I think of women who are in their full unapologetic expression, we are magnetic and highly valuable to anyone who's life we touch. Guided by a Source greater than ourselves, it's no mistake that the most powerful men in the world have an enigmatic woman by their side. Wise men know that having a good woman in their corner, creating home (psychologically and physically), and guiding their children is his greatest asset and power that brings eternal dividends to their legacy. I deeply believe that every masculine man is looking for a queendom or a muse to serve, protect and cultivate. This is the quality that I most appreciate about masculine men that they look to be of use and affirmed by the feminine and not quite balanced unless he is needed by his muse. You'll NEVER hear me declare that crazy mantra: "I don't need a man." Never! Yesterday as I watched two very intelligent and strong men strategize how to get a huge armoire up to my second floor, I said to them, "What on Earth would women do without men? We definitely need you." CULTIVATE YOUR GOOSE BABY Because of our value as women on this planet, in the home, wherever we are really is legendary, it's good to recognize that we are "his" golden goose. Even if you're not in a partnership, we are the "golden goose" of our home or wherever we have others that depend on us. As feminine women, our #1 priority needs to be in the cultivation of ourselves as "the golden goose" who produces golden eggs (empowered mates, our children, our creative works, etc. ). When we place cultivating ourselves our ability to magnetize all of things in this life that make it yummy, magic, miracles and grace in our lives will be consistent and flowing. More on this topic in this Sunday's Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." Details below. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 6 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Crescent S a v e T h e D a t e U P C O M I N G E V E N T S J A N U A R Y
21 Insights In 4 Nights
During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas.
There's a song from 1977 that says,
"If it don't fit, don't force it. Just relax and let it go. Just cause that's how you want it Doesn't mean it will be so." by Kellee Patterson "If It Don't Fit Don't Force It"
Insight #2 . . .
Abraham, Bruce and Maya were spot on. Abraham (Hicks) said "Go with the flow. No resistance. No struggle." Bruce (Lee) said: "Be Like Water My Friend." Maya (Angelou) said: "In everything give thanks." I take them all to mean FLOW without resistance. Because we live in an electromagnetic Universe, which is a feminine force of attraction, I, you, we get to practice working our power and magic through MAGNETISM. Any energy, vibe, action, attention, focus becomes a "Yes!" in this Universal law of Cause and Effect i.e. Attraction. So even your "No!" is becomes a "Yes." There is no read of what you do and don't want, do or don't like only that you are giving it energy. So giving thanks for it all, no matter what it looks like, feels like is again to be in the energy, vibe, action of allowing, no resistance, no struggle, but complete surrender and trust in the provision of the Universe, it's laws, our Spirit Allies and all of the good seeds we've planted for better. Giving thanks, being like water and going with the flow is an acknowledgment that regardless of appearances "All is well." It will turn out. It will benefit you in the long-run, even the short-run. Just flow and trust. go with the flow. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 5 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Crescent
S a v e T h e D a t e
![]() 21 Insights In 4 Nights During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas. One afternoon, I was having a moment where I was just daydreaming in gratitude thinking about the things I appreciated about someone and poof! I got a phone call from that person as I was daydreaming about them in gratitude. Insight #1 . . . came as a reminder that whatever you desire more of, daydream in gratitude about it. Speak in appreciation about it and you will find that you experience more of the same. Many of us get into the complain game and because like Kendrick Lamar says, "Life ain't nothing but a fat vagina," we get EXACTLY what we profess. The electromagnetic Universe in it's "YES" state is always listening to our directives and then pregnant gives birth to what we've uttered from the heart, without judgment, for better or for worse. gratitude multiplies. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Crescent S a v e T h e D a t e U P C O M I N G E V E N T S T O N I G H T C H I C A G O : E V E N T Fridays At The Sanctuary [Post-Solstice/New Year Celebration] Feeling Good is a necessary ingredient for attracting the sweetest things in life. Acupuncture, Reiki, Massage, Brow & Lash Beauty Services. Community Reading + New Year Manifestation Rituals over tea. Friday, 30 Dec. 2016 6:00 - 10:00 PM CLICK FOR INFO J A N U A R Y