R E F O C U S + C O M M I T It's a New Moon in Virgo. With the anniversary of my birth day in a week, I'm contemplating on my purpose, mission and calling. We each have one. Stevie Wonder has one. Harriet Tubman had one. Malcolm had one. We've each made agreements to fulfill on our mission, purpose or calling. Can you imagine how different this world would be if Stevie never wrote or sang a song, Harriet never got free and if Malcolm never went to the mosque? On this New Moon I am mindful of purpose and mission, then having the obedience to answer the call. How about you? Are you? Have you? Answered your calling? If you're generous, SHARE. In the Spirit of Superwomen & Goddesses, ♡ ☆ ♀ Ms. Akua Auset Day 249 of 9/12 Moons New Moon photo: theskyscrapers.org If a nation can rise no higher than it's woman, how does a woman ascend to her highest consciousness? LUNATIC TO LUNAQUEEN I remember years ago happening upon a book that changed my life while shopping at Camilla Alfred's Heal Thyself Deli/Colonic Center in Chicago about ten years ago. It was called "The Journey From Lunatic to Lunaqueen" by Myeka. Up and until that time I never really kept track of my internal moon cycle. I'd have a REALLY emotional day and realize the next day when my flow began that it was just my pre-moon time symptoms. I always thought to myself, I should plan ahead next time. PEACEMAKER OR HELL-RAISER The message that most echoed to me from Myeka's book, was that a woman's knowledge of her body and lunar cycle or lack thereof could possibly dictate whether you gave birth to peacemakers or violent beings i.e. hell raisers (my word, not hers). It's almost like the equivalent of having a magic wand and not knowing how to use it properly. You can do beautiful things with it, destructive things with it or have no power at all. Ever notice when you or a woman you know is ovulating she's more magnetic, more feminine, feels more sexually charged and when she's going through what is known as PMS she doesn't mince words and is feeling more sensitive emotionally. By the way, a woman's pre-moon time energy and expression is NOT a "syndrome." She's not crazy, to say that is disrespectful and ignorant to say (insert a middle finger up emoji.). The wise know that a woman's changing lunar phases is a superpower not a disease; that if understood and honored, could immensely benefit her life and those in her orbit. Women and the Moon have a special relationship, we're twins. As above, so below. The Moon's magnetic force affects bodies of water and every hueman being on the planet (even possibly the Universe). Hueman beings are 45% to 85% water so through the perpetual movement of the Earth in relation to the Moon each phase affects us. FOUR PHASES There are four key moon phases: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter. The New Moon is an auspicious time to begin, start again, declare a vision, create an intention. The First Quarter Moon is the phase when the Universe is working with you to manifest your new moon intention. The Full Moon is the time to celebrate your harvest, manifestation, fruits, results in gratitude . The Last Quarter Moon is the perfect time to release, let go, cleanse, engage in completion. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20 NIV PICK UP YOUR WAND Profound levels of manifestation can occur when you partner with your twin, Si"star" Moon. Observing the moon phases within and without (in the sky and in your womb) is utilizing a super power of manifestation. Doing this incorporates at least two universal laws: The Law of Correspondence (above and below) and The Law of Rhythm (cycles). It's like an heir not cashing the check, forfeiting their inheritance. Females have been given a great gift for creating and manifesting in the world. Cash the check sis! JOIN US Here's my Last Quarter Moon Ritual I'm facilitating with my SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES Facebook Community today at 11:11 am and/or pm (your time zone). Set your phone alert for 10:59 and rendezvous with your si"stars." CLEANSE + FLOURISH A Last Quarter Moon Ritual Version 1 Open the windows. Burn sage or Dragon's Blood. 11:00 Tune in through your breath. Relax every part of your body. 11:02 Vibe up your body vortices (chakras) by chanting: Amen, Om, Hu or any other sound that resonates. 11:05 Pray Up In Gratitude: 111 thank yous if you really desire to be amped Grab your mala beads or gratitude beads 11:06 Tune in to what is not working in your life, review the toxicities, the energetic vampires, people, places and things that get you down and anything that zaps your joy. 11:08 Review the benefit it has brought even if it is simple as creating a contrast by which you desire better or more. 11:10 Give thanks for the benefits and lessons. 11:11 Take a deep breath and blow each one out. 11:12 Shimmy in celebration. Drink plenty of water. Shower or bathe. At bedtime Begin to fantasize and envision the desires of your heart. Thank you for reading. If you feel generous, SHARE.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 3/12 Moons Last Quarter Moon Eagle Woman artwork: susan seddon boulet "Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future. I want to fly like an eagle to the sea Fly like an eagle Let my spirit carry me I want to fly like an eagle Till I'm free Oh, Lord, through the revolution "Fly Like An Eagle" by The Steve Miller Band F R E E D O M • P E R S P E C T I V E • P O W E R • D E S T I N Y • M O V E M E N T Mother Of All Eagles artwork: susan seddon boulet Have you ever had a dream where you're trying to run but your legs felt so heavy you couldn't move? Have you been feeling sluggish lately? Do you feel disorganized, overwhelmed in confusion? Has discouragement replaced your passion and motivation for something you once were excited about? Are you feeling like you desire more but there's so much stuff preventing you from moving forward? Where to start? What if the plane you boarded had no weight restriction? Would you feel comfortable flying across the country at thirty thousand feet in the air? How can you soar like an eagle when you're weighed down with unnecessary stuff? If you're ready to soar and live, it's time to lighten your load. If it's not contributing to the quality of your flight, get rid of it. NOW. This is the most beneficial time to do a bit of releasing as we're in the Last Quarter of the Moon (18 Feb to 25 Feb.). Let go and cleanse what is no longer contributing quality to your life. In the midst of feeling sluggish, disorganized, overwhelmed . . . where to begin? Begin with the basics. Look at what is no longer contributing to you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically? Scour your life and look to release, let go and cleanse what is weighing you down unnecessarily. Look at every relationship, your body and it's organ systems (digestive, lymphatic, liver, blood, etc. ), your physical environment (home [bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.] , office, car), your clients, work projects, organizations, debts, etc. The second New Moon of 2017 will be 26 February and the perfect time to create anew. If it's not contributing quality to your life, give thanks for what it's provided in the past and let that "shite" go. NOW. How else will you get unstock, feel light as a feather and be able to soar at the speed of light? You've got to clean it up, clear it out, let that "shite" go! Thanks for reading.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 1/12 Moons Waning Crescent 21 Insights In 4 Nights During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas. Insight #5 . . .
I got a word over the holy day season that 2017 would be the year to be Ready For MAGIC & MIRACLES. Just to be clear, for me magic is willed alchemy as oppose to miracles being divine blissings of grace. These are the Way of Manifestation for superwomen and goddesses i.e. empowered human beings. Superwomen in our culture are females who think, feel and act with a mind that anything is possible, while goddesses (small "g") are females who inspire life in everything they touch. PROMISES FULFILLED When I wrote SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic Book One in 2005, I promised if you came forth to be the greatness that you are, you will have every desire of your heart on page 77. That you would : "...have the respect, affection and company of suitable men, ...experience peace, affinity and love with all people, ...be acknowledged for your contribution to your people, ...be abundant in resources and community, ...be vital and live a long life, ...and wield the magic and power of superwomen and goddesses." From your mission to your mate, your money and everything in between, expect promises to be fulfilled this year. SCHOOL TO HIGH SOCIETY We've been in training, sometimes grueling, sometimes amusing and now graduation is upon us. School is out and our classmates have become a high society of real life superwomen, goddesses, and metaphysicians walking the Earth prepared and ready to work their power to manifest M & Ms (magic and miracles) this year and beyond. WHO you desire to be? HOW do you occupy your day? WHAT are the material rewards of this lifestyle? The last year, the last nine years, really all our lives we've been preparing for this moment. This year is our moment to BE, DO and HAVE. BE who we were born to be, to DO exactly as we've envisioned and to HAVE our hearts desire beyond the illusion. What an exciting adventure we've stepped into. What will you accomplish this year? What will you manifest? FOCUS & CONSISTENCY IS KEY Already on day 6 of this new year, the once passionate gym crowds are whittling down, like the first day of school excitement that has died down and now the REAL work of consistency and focus kick in. Applying that info and what you know with consistency is the KEY. We all know what to do, could write a book on it. Information is plentiful and free so we can keep things going for a period of time until - we hit a breakdown, feel lack of motivation or just plain not feel well, then return to our old habits which can be pretty strong if you didn't tend to them during the solstice. So then what? How will you get over that hump to remain in this game? ...the year where we're ready to show up for the magic and miracles? The only thing that could screw it all up - receiving all those promises fulfilled is, us. YOU ARE INVINCIBLE So you got to have a crew, a tribe, a circle that will keep you accountable, give you a structure and support to get you over the hump. Last year I said that I'd rather soar with a few instead of dragging a bunch. So I'm carefully assembling that community if you're ready to soar with us. Still some woo-woo while less woo-woo than last year. This year we're focused even more on practicality and accountability for results of the magic and miracles that are abound for each one of us. There will be no forcing or attachment while at the same time being very scientific. In community you are invincible because we won't allow you to be invisible and fail. "No burden is heavy when everyone lifts." We will be one nation under a groove. If and when you fall, we'll pick you up and keep it movin'. And as for the expression of your GIFTS, TALENTS, ABILITIES... Like cracker jacks, everyone has AT LEAST one gift, talent or ability that we can all benefit from. Then there are some of us who have gifts, talents and abilities that if not shared will suffer until we share those gifts generously. On some level your inner oracle knows that you are being stingy, scared and/or out of integrity with why you came into this physical realm. So it's a reminder, sometimes not so gentle or friendly to Get. Off. Your. Arse. Yessss. 2017: A Year Being Ready For Our M & Ms (Magic & Miracles) The abundance of it. The allowing of it. The celebration of it. The flow of it. The goodness of it. The knowing of it. The manifesting of it. The power of it. The receiving of it. The whirling of it. Are you ready for your m & ms? Want to be held accountable? Be supported to get you the experience you desire in this life. Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit. ready for m & ms. REGISTER for this Sunday's FREE Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." If you're unable to attend at the appointed time, REGISTER STILL and let me know. Thanks for reading. Here we go! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 9 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Miss me? I missed you. Waking in the twilight hours to LISTEN, be in gratitude and then write a note here has become part of my morning ritual; my daily ministry to share the juicy magic that comes through for you, for me, for we. (Day Three Kwanzaa: UJIMA) The Sun was in a standstill, so I (along with over 100 other people in our solstice observance community) went into a standstill for the most magical time of the year. Instead of creating shallow, ineffective New Year's resolutions, I/we put aside my/our agenda (s) and just LISTENED to "the Will of THY Will." I/we got into magi mode (crown chakra) instead of magician mode (root chakra). Well mission-accomplished! I came out of four days and four nights with twenty-one insights. Some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas and to top it off, experienced a-bit-o-magic. Did you participate with us, get still and listen too? What did you hear? What did you see? What did you feel? TELL US below in the comments if you feel inspired to (I don't normally have the comment section open so go for it!) Every year I have a theme and I also got clear on what the theme of my year will be as well. Over the next three weeks, I'm going to share the "Twenty-One Insights That Came In Four Nights." I'll share it right here in the notebook for you. Many of you have subscribed to this notebook. In about a week, I'll begin to send weekly emails so that you don't miss a single note. S a v e T h e D a t e U P C O M I N G E V E N T S G L O B A L : E V E N T Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard Workshop Sunday, 8th January 2017 12 PM Pacific/ 2 PM Central / 3 PM Eastern CLICK FOR INFO C H I C A G O : E V E N T Fridays At The Sanctuary [Post-Solstice/New Year Celebration] Feeling Good is a necessary ingredient for attracting the sweetest things in life. Acupuncture, Reiki, Massage, Brow & Lash Beauty Services. Community Reading + New Year Manifestation Rituals over tea. Friday, 30 Dec. 2016 6:00 - 10:00 PM CLICK FOR INFO Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 1 of 13/13 Moons New Moon in Capricorn
photo credit: Pixabay s u p e r m o o n s It's occurred to me that some people may wonder what's the deal with all the interest in the moon. For me? It's my way to be grounded in the rhythm of nature instead of a man-made rhythm of hustle and bustle. Being connected to my internal lunar rhythm as well as the external lunar cycle in the sky assists me with mastering the illusion of time and to just BE present. Tonight get out of your house to gaze, honor and conjure the desires of your heart with this Full SuperMoon in Taurus. The moon hasn't been this close to the Earth since 1948 and won't be this close again until 2034. Walk to the waters, charge your crystals, kiss your love and celebrate all of the beauty and blessings in your life - now and forever. Need some Full Moon Rituals & Observance ideas? CLICK HERE l o v e I launched Auset's Notebook two months ago on my birthday as a "mostly daily" place to share a bit of my personal holistic beauty culture - which is heavily based on habits and mindset. Like my mother, your mother probably would affirm that "Pretty is as pretty does." True. True. True. 99.9% of the 40 notes have been "inspired." I awoke with the message and compelled to write about it. Here were your TOP THREE FAVORITE Notes: #1: No. 28: Get Off Your A$$ Gorgeous CLICK TO READ AGAIN #2: No. 34: ...Before You Call YourSelf A Witch CLICK TO READ AGAIN #3: No. 3: Villains, Angels & Beauty Secrets CLICK TO READ AGAIN s l e e p So it could be YOU or it could be ME but here are the posts you TOTALLY slept on.
WTH?!? Let's try this again: Here were the TOP THREE Notes That Got Crickets: #1: No.33: Your Daily Beauty Ritual CLICK THIS TO READ #2: No. 27: Stingy With The Goodies CLICK THIS TO READ #3 was tied with the following notes: No. 6: The Goddess's Collard Greens CLICK THIS TO READ No. 21: The Excellence of Love CLICK THIS TO READ No. 31: You Must Set The Standard CLICK THIS TO READ No. 39: It's Time To Express Your Multi-Genius CLICK THIS TO READ [FAVOR] Please do me a solid and tell me WHAT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN and I'll see if I can provide inspired notes about those topics. I've opened up the comments sections and look forward to your input as well as feedback on the notes that got crickets. I LOVE feedback and don't get sensitive when I receive it so give it to me! ;o) ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 15 of 11/13 Moons Full SUPER Moon in Taurus Ever wonder why people consistently fail at their New Year's resolutions? It's the wrong timing.
Whatever you are focused on during the Winter Solstice will be amplified during the next 365 days. For any goal, vision, desire you have, there is not a better time than the Winter Solstice, the longest nights of the year to cultivate your genius within by being still and listening. The most Ancient Egyptians were legendarily advanced because they discovered the secret of cultivating the genius within. In the cocoon of darkness, dreams, visions and insight come forth like none other. Although the Winter Solstice is over one month away, we know that the seeds for manifestation began yesterday on 11.11.16. Dec. 19 to Dec. 25: Is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the four days and four nights when the sun stops its progression are the shortest days (9 hr. and 8 min.) and longest nights (14 hr. 51 min.) of the year. Winter Solstice: Wednesday, 21 December, 2016 at 5:44 AM EST I've personally observed the Winter Solstice since 2012 and host an annual observance community on Facebook. A great deal of my observance practices were inspired by the work of Ra Un Nefer Amen of Ausar Auset Society. Not on Facebook? Shoot me an email and I'll find a way to include you in the goings-on. This year's observance will include key events: 1. Pre-Winter Solstice Cleanse/Detox beginning on Sunday, Nov. 27th 2. Global Conference Call 3. Celebration & Gathering at Metamoorphose Wellness Temple on Friday, Dec. 30th. The basic protocol during these four days (Dec. 19 to Dec. 25) are the following: 1. Eat lightly. 2. When the Sun sets don't use any artificial light. 3. Quiet your environment. 4. Refrain from speaking. and 5. L I S T E N Be ready to write down what you hear and see. When the Sun returns you will be the newborn Queen/King ready to serve, receive and shine. This is the ULTIMATE preparation for a 2017 filled with Health, Love, Unity & Prosperity. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 14 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Happy Full Moon in Aries. It is the tenth of thirteen Full Moons this year.
Aries represents the "I AM" energy, a childlike worldview that anything is possible. The Full Moon phase is the moon in it's full and brightest illumination; the harvest of a seed planted. Combine these two forces and you've got a SUPER powerful MOON. The observance for this phase of the moon focuses on gratitude and celebration for the manifestation of your New Moon intentions or a general feeling of gratitude and celebration for every blessing in your life. Here are ten ways to observe the Full Moon: • Acknowledge your blessings and prosperity. • Celebrate those blessings and prosperity. • Charge your crystals/precious stones in the Full Moon light by setting them out under Moon. • Take a Full Moon bath in a spirit of celebration. • Dedicate this day to celebratory and self-loving beauty rituals. • Enjoy a meal of celebration and gratitude with your loved ones. • Moongaze outside twirling your feet in water or sinking them into the Earth's soil. • Listen to Sparlha Swa's "Moongazing" album with a cup of tea. • Salute the Moon by doing yoga postures under the Moonlight. • Join me at 11:11 am for our Beloved Community Declaration (set your alert at 11:08 am). I'll be LIVE today on Facebook in our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community. SHARE OR TWEET some of your Full Moon observances or which of the above observances will you engage today. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 16 of 10/13 Moons Full Moon in Aries
photo credit: goddessrising.org
It's a new dawn , it's a new day, it's a new life . . .
- Nina Simone, "Feelin' Good"
Time to read: 3:46 min.
What do you desire Beloved? From the center of your heart, what is it? Take a deep breath and bring to mind the greatest thing that concerns you, scares you, makes you angry, sad, discouraged, disillusioned. Before getting into the real emotion of it, stop and give thanks for it. Give thanks for it? Yup! Give thanks for it. Great things always come out of a problem solved so give thanks for that great thing because on the other side of this feeling or experience is the yearning or true desire of your heart. Ok, bring that to mind and feel it, immerse yourself in what it would be like to experience that reality and hold that vision and feeling for at least seventy seconds. Then declare: And so it is. Thank you. Perhaps the greatest song ever written of this age was "Don't Believe The Hype" written by Public Enemy. We get caught up on the hype of what was designed to be a catalyst for our rebirth. The caterpillar was never the destiny of the butterfly. The pain of the hueman being is not our destiny. We were born to create to be free, to be beautiful and to love. NEW MOONS & BUTTERFLIES Today is a New Moon and the perfect time to activate your imagination, to entertain your fantasies, envision your dreams and launch your desires. The pain that is being paraded across our TVs, computer screens from various communities around the world is only the pre-cursor to of an era of lovers, creators and beauty unless . . . the butterfly believes the caterpillar stage of its life was its destiny. What is it gonna take for us as a collective to experience a golden age in huemanity, a renaissance? To pass this test that we're being given as a collective? STAND IN OUR IDENTITY AS LOVERS & CREATORS. We must be aware of what is so while also keeping our focus on what is working, what's right, good, what's possible and engage in the business of amplifying that daily, as a practice. If you don't feel it, how do you get there? Well GENERATE the feeling. Move your body, listen to music, drink and eat green foods. But just get there! Because one person vibin' on love, beauty, and possibility is more powerful than a thousand who are not. It's always the 1% that make things happen anyway, that participate, that follow-through, that act, that make history, that become legend. When has there never been a case when light didn't overcome darkness, literally. Think about it, a match or a lighter creates the ability to see in a once pitch dark environment. So plant your seed in this New Moon energy and be that point of light, that creator, our lover. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 1 of 10/13 Moons New Moon Today is a Full Moon in Pisces Priestesses, Goddesses and Superwomen are in sync with their internal and external moon cycle. It's not as "woo woo" or esoteric as one might think. After all the most impressive engineers who built the pyramids in the most Ancient Egyptian culture were guided by star science. My si"star" friend and author Myeka even goes so far as to say the difference between a lunatic woman and a Luna Queen is all in the knowledge of her lunar cycle. CASE & POINT I remember when I was documenting my Organic Beauty Detox journey years ago, I had a really tough emotional day complete with a headache and an uncomfortable "growth" conversation with my Beloved at the time. I thought that these two occurrences were simply part of my detox symptoms - the next day my moontime (period) showed up. Feeling ridiculous that after all these years I wasn't in syne with my own lunar cycle, I committed to knowing daily where I was in my lunar cycle so that I could utilize that energy in the most beneficial way. Since that day I've been charting my internal lunar cycle and flow with the cosmic lunar cycle because we are all connected to it like every driver on the road effects the flow of traffic. I utilize the energy and magnetism of the Moon by syncing daily with its cycle. In fact, the movements of every planet effect "the all" as we effect "the all." THE MOON As women, similar to our own internal lunar cycle, we have thirteen 28-day (give or take) lunar cycles every year. Even the strictly scientific astronomers recognize that the magnetism of the Moon affects the tides of the waters on Earth. Human beings are mostly water, so the Full Moon effects the waters within us as well. Ever wonder why people behave in an especially amplified manner on the Full Moon? WHIRLING MAGIC On the Full Moon phase which last seven days, as it wanes, on the first day I:
SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES If all this Moon, crystal, astrology, priestess stuff isn't making any sense to you, I understand. I host a Facebook SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community and although the focus is to stay present to the tending of self before we tend to everyone else we stay in sync with the lunar cycle daily as well as other metaphysical matters. When you SHARE or TWEET this "note" CHOOSE one of my seven FULL MOON actions that you will perform today, tomorrow, or this weekend for the FULL MOON. Happy FULL Moon Beautiful One! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 16 of 9/13 Moons Full Moon |