photo: makeupbyshayla Normally I speak of possibility and maintain a worldview of "YES." My daily commitment is to focus on gratitude, appreciation, abundance and plenty of this life. Based on what I have observed in my time in this physical realm, I find a few things worrisome to the ultimate vision that this world works for "every One." I can't help but to perceive an agenda underneath the propaganda in which we are bombarded with. The last few days I have been turning the following questions over in my head:
What if . . . The resources on planet Earth were not enough to sustain the entire "consuming" population? What if . . . It was determined that the Earth's "consuming" population needed to be reduced so that its resources would not be depleted? What if . . . The dominating global superpower concocted a plan to reduce the "consuming" population of the Earth? How would that be determined? What would be the determining factors for one's annihilation or survival in this effort? Who would be the most favorable individuals to remain on Planet Earth? Who would be the least desirable individuals to remain on Planet Earth? Have you ever asked yourself: "Why am I valuable?" "Do I add value?" "What do I produce?" "Does my existence add or take away from the lives of others?" "Am I primarily a producer or a consumer?" "Am I primarily a giver or taker?" Yes, it's the era of all sort and form of slayage and fleekdom, but at the end of the day are you necessary? Thank you for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 9 of 2/12 Moons Waxing Gibbous "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 Apparently the richest and most influential people on the planet are in the business of war, drugs and sex trafficking using any means necessary. photo: Let Us Not Become Weary While Doing Good Somehow our gifts, talents, abilities, life's work, purpose and/or calling are the things that bring us alive, put us in the flow, the zone, vibes us up . . . If you're truly occupying your day with the things that invigorate, exhilarate, and refresh you then it's a wise deduction that you'll never tire of it. The goodness in you must be expressed, it cannot be denied. If you keep focusing on the LOVE for what you do then the results and rewards become a non-issue. For At The Proper Time We Will Reap A Harvest As one who is certified in Urban Sustainable Horticulture as well as coming from a family of farmers and gardeners, on a DNA level I'm clear that manifestation, birthing, and sowing a harvest has a natural rhythm and cycle. MAKE sure the seed is viable. ANALYZE the soil for suitability to seed. TILL the soil. PLANT the seed at the appropriate time and environment. WATER the seed and soil. FEED the seed and soil. EXPOSE the seed to light. PRUNE i.e. get rid of any weeds. REAP your harvest when the time is right. If We Do Not Give Up So as you see there are proper steps to the sowing of a harvest. There is also a proper cycle to this process. If you give up or quit before the process is complete, no matter how long it takes you will not bring to life the very thing you've been called to do. And if it was an IN-SPIRED (Spirit) action then it's your responsibility to see it through. I know it seems that the rich get richer, the bad people get away with murder and the good guy/girl never wins but . . . this isn't always true. Be encouraged that if you utilize the laws of the Universe to manifest, the Universe has no judgment. If you follow the recipe to a "T" you get what you set out to get. It's like baking a cake, if you follow a great recipe, you'll get a great cake. It doesn't matter if you're an evil "arsehole" or a holy saint. You must follow the directions. If we desire to cross the finish line and experience the desires of our hearts we must follow the rhythm and cycle of harvesting. It's time to get your hands "dirty" so get to it. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 5 of 2/12 Moons Waxing Crescent How many relationships have been destroyed or never initiated by the lack of communication?
Parents? Sisters? Brothers? Children? Girlfriends? Boyfriends? Mates? Mentors? Bosses? Employees? Business Partners? Communication is the gateway to all of the most beautiful things in life. We occupy our time on enhancing our looks, our homes, our education, our financial picture but if you don't know how to communicate with people one-on-one, all those things are pretty meaningless because nobody will want to be around ["yo' *ss"]. LOL. (I literally laughed out loud.) LOVE DORSEY Which brings me to my next statement: LOVE DORSEY. She's everything I never wanted to be: loud, hood, potty mouth. Well? I kinda love her because she speaks the truth and I respect that. Being someone who is from Kentucky, raised on the southside of Chicago as well as the suburbs and lived all over Los Angeles as an adult, I have a bit of a love affair with the "hood." Some of my favorite aunties have the heart of "Cookie," brotha friends that have the enterprising spirit of Jay-Z and then some are actual real-life superstars. The thing I love the most about the "hood" is the REALNESS: unrefined, unvarnished, RAW. Yup! I like a little hood with my boujee boho. I discovered this young woman on Facebook. Someone posted a video about leveling up your friendships which when I first watched it had about a 200K views and at the time of writing this it's over a million views. So apparently the si"star" resonates with many of us. Last night I listened to an hour-long "rant" about COMMUNICATION entitled "Majority of conflicts are caused by . . ." [I'm not able to link the original video so search for her on Facebook]. She has a Youtube channel but this one isn't there.] She goes on to talk about key elements in conflicts caused by poor communication with friends, mates, children and at work. Key Points:
A closed mouth doesn't get fed. Very few people can actually read your mind. Just learn yourself, speak your truth with your heart, seek to be understood while you seek to understand. My friend Nadia Khalil and one of our master teachers on the 2012: Love & Beauty Journey reminds us that Love is Truth. When you speak and live in truth love is present and possible. Yes that can be scary when you are attached to people, situations, etc. That brings us to another topic: VULNERABILITY. The freedom to be, express, live with "Zero Fs." Very much like the freedom of children. Communicating what's truth for you with vulnerability is what creates intimacy and connection. There's no way around it. It just resonates. So stop being fake. Stop ASSuming. Because assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME. Just Ask. Tell. Request. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 27 of 1/12 Moons Waning Crescent painting: cosmic dragon by sherri ponzi I don't know about you but I don't like to cook in a dirty kitchen or create art in a messy studio. There's something about an environment of order and simplicity that elevates and invites in creative expression. I'm going to share with you how I invite my genius, muse, whisper of the Divine in for a rendezvous.
This morning I awoke with the voice again. My creative genius within. My genie. My muse. It had been quiet for awhile . . . Oprah describes them as whispers. It's true. It feels like that. It's like you're hearing a voice from a headset while you're on stage performing. A great deal of creative people like painters and musicians rely on drugs to tap in to this other world. It's not the only way to rendezvous with The Muse. Earth, Wind & Fire proved this by living a clean eating, holistic lifestyle. I often say if people breathed, did yoga and ate properly why on Earth would you need to do drugs to get that feeling of ascension? During the Winter Solstice I was rendezvousing with my creative genius throughout the day. The whispers were rampant. About a month ago or more, a knee injury kept me from moving my body and training for a dance competition that's been in the works for awhile. And for whatever reason, lately I've been eating junk food; granted mixed in with my high-vibe foods but eating garbage none-the-less. I've noticed the rendezvous with the whispers have been scarce ever since. I'm very sensitive so I can tell when a food is high vibe quality or toxic and insane. I feel it's effects in my body, in my head. Unfortunately, some of my favorite foods are not beneficial but toxic to my body, like an allergy. Depending on what's happening in my life I'll eat those "offensive-to-my-body" food, or shall I say "Lola Yum Yum" eats them anyway. That's why I have no judgment of alcoholics or any other substance abuser because if I eat a donut knowing what it's going to do to me what's the difference really? So Sunday evening I stopped this road to nowhere in its tracks. I got tired of feeling sluggish, emotional in ways that was unproductive and just not good in my body. It's been three days of clearing out while feeling bad, but this morning I could tell that my genie is back. Maybe it didn't go anywhere, perhaps the voice was just muffled by all the nonsense inhabiting space. Yup, The Voice was just drowned out by uncouth visitors. Everything is energy. Never created nor destroyed just transferred, transformed and transmuted. The spirit, intention and vibe that our food is created with accompanies it's flavor, texture, and nutrition. Ever wonder the essence of a Cheeto? Cheetos? I know, I know better but then what we eat isn't always logical is it? Sometimes in this big world the little girl who grew up without a daddy within feels vulnerable and foods from her childhood make her feel comforted. Turns out genies don't like dirty kitchens. If you desire that muse, genius, whisper of the Divine to speak clearly, concisely and with resonance to you: clean out, clear out, and vibe up! The New Moon is in a few days and Spring is coming this way within the month. I have an intimate community of women who are preparing for a Spring Beauty Detox & Cleaning kick-off this weekend. I'll be showing you how to discover your personal holy hour of creativity. Would you like to join us? CLICK TO EMAIL ME Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 26 of 1/12 Moons Waning Crescent Eagle Woman artwork: susan seddon boulet "Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future. I want to fly like an eagle to the sea Fly like an eagle Let my spirit carry me I want to fly like an eagle Till I'm free Oh, Lord, through the revolution "Fly Like An Eagle" by The Steve Miller Band F R E E D O M • P E R S P E C T I V E • P O W E R • D E S T I N Y • M O V E M E N T Mother Of All Eagles artwork: susan seddon boulet Have you ever had a dream where you're trying to run but your legs felt so heavy you couldn't move? Have you been feeling sluggish lately? Do you feel disorganized, overwhelmed in confusion? Has discouragement replaced your passion and motivation for something you once were excited about? Are you feeling like you desire more but there's so much stuff preventing you from moving forward? Where to start? What if the plane you boarded had no weight restriction? Would you feel comfortable flying across the country at thirty thousand feet in the air? How can you soar like an eagle when you're weighed down with unnecessary stuff? If you're ready to soar and live, it's time to lighten your load. If it's not contributing to the quality of your flight, get rid of it. NOW. This is the most beneficial time to do a bit of releasing as we're in the Last Quarter of the Moon (18 Feb to 25 Feb.). Let go and cleanse what is no longer contributing quality to your life. In the midst of feeling sluggish, disorganized, overwhelmed . . . where to begin? Begin with the basics. Look at what is no longer contributing to you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically? Scour your life and look to release, let go and cleanse what is weighing you down unnecessarily. Look at every relationship, your body and it's organ systems (digestive, lymphatic, liver, blood, etc. ), your physical environment (home [bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.] , office, car), your clients, work projects, organizations, debts, etc. The second New Moon of 2017 will be 26 February and the perfect time to create anew. If it's not contributing quality to your life, give thanks for what it's provided in the past and let that "shite" go. NOW. How else will you get unstock, feel light as a feather and be able to soar at the speed of light? You've got to clean it up, clear it out, let that "shite" go! Thanks for reading.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 1/12 Moons Waning Crescent
After spending a refreshing and expansive weekend in DC with my family . . .
I was left with this question that I posted on my Facebook post yesterday. Are you fascinated by heist films like: The Italian Job, The Thomas Crown Affair, Flawless, Ocean's Eleven, Entrapment, Now You See Me, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, ? ORDER + PLANNING + STRATEGY What makes the thief successful is their excellence in organization, planning and strategy. Perhaps the faithless leave nothing to chance so organization, planning, and strategy insure success. Perhaps the faithful leave too much up to chance expecting it all to just work out. What if the "righteous" utilized this level of science in carrying out their visions instead of leaving much to faith, hope and their very best wishes? Ever wonder how the popularity of the mini-Cooper got it started in America? When The Italian Job film came out I started to see more people driving mini-Coopers. If you haven't watched The Italian Job (2003) check it and witness the level of flawless teamwork of talented thieves and technicians coming together to steal thirty million dollars in gold without a gun but using: precision timing (to the second), flawless planning and strategy. "The fall of nations and empires has always come about first by the disorganized spirit." Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. The TEAM CHARLIE Croker: the team's mastermind and thief since he was just a boy organized the crew seeing the whole picture to cover all the angles. JOHN Bridger: Old-school safe cracker STELLA Bridger: safe and vault "technician" Gilligan "LEFT-EYE": demolition and explosives expert HANDSOME ROB: a premier wheelman i.e. "driver" LYLE aka Napster: computer genius ONE CAVEAT
There's only one drawback in the lifestyle of a thief and that's when you steal from life, it steals from you. There are universal principles at work so keep it righteous in the unfolding of your great plans, enterprises and visions. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 28 of 13/13 Moons Waning Crescent Do you know what time it is?
There's a time to be still. There's a time to proceed. There's a time to retreat. Is your response at this time appropriate to what you desire in the depths of your heart? Love. Money. Family. Health. Legacy. What is the true motivation behind your lack of response at this time? Time for Reflection? Needed Rest? Paralyzing Fear? Pure Laziness? As one who's done a great deal of work on my Self as well as in the area of leadership, I really get that many of us can't fathom how powerful our presence is when we do choose to show up. We sign-up for courses, initiate projects, pay for coaches, receive invitations, etc. If you have raised your hand and said, "Yes. I am down. I'm in. I desire to do this. I'm ready." Then . . . you don't reply to the email, answer the call, respond to the text, show up to the appointment, etc. WTH? Ok crazy, you've prayed, you've pleaded and asked for the good life, the upgrade, the breakthrough, you get it and then you . . . Don't respond. You do nothing. I remember a very close friend once said to me, "It's easy to be successful in life because the average person just bumbles through life in mediocrity so those of us who just do the bare minimum, the basics, we tend to stand out." What he said has stuck with me through the years. And I've seen that there is some truth to this. Lack of response falls into one of three mindsets: 1. FEAR: you're afraid of saying "no," you're afraid you won't be able to . . . , etc. fear. 2. INVISIBILITY: feeling that your presence has no consequence, they won't miss me. 3. PASSIVE: the answer is really no, so "no response" is your response We both know that none of these behaviors REALLY work if you're playing the game of greatness. 1. FEAR: The best things in life occur with a bit of risk and moving beyond our comfort zone. 2. INVISIBLE: Do you know what it took for you to be conceived, survive pregnancy, child birth, your infancy, childhood, teen years and you're still standing here as an adult? You're the product of a million miracles and escaped death a billion times. There's is no one on this planet that is unnecessary or insignificant. You are a winner in the truest since of the word. You won the blessing of life, you have something profound to offer, if you would just respond and show up! 3. PASSIVE: Ok, you're just being a lazy coward. Rude. Inconsiderate. You'll get yours. Trust. Here's a bit of metaphysical truth: At the end of the day, your interaction isn't really with the individual you're having this experience with but Universal Law itself. Every action creates an equal or greater reaction. Your fear, your playing invisible and small, lack of clarity breeds more of the same in your life and most likely from people, experiences and areas of your life you don't want to have that show up. Be generous, Be clear, Be courageous. Why? Because wealth, abundance and prosperity is created through the dance of giving and receiving. Kind of like the act of sex, the friction of polarity creates life. Your response ignites possibility and opens up worlds and adventures to you that embody the desires of your heart. Tell me "Yes." Tell me "No." Tell me now. Isn't it time to stop BEing stingy, cowardly & vague. We're better than our lack of response. Commit less. Then respond. Today share this note and declare who, what you're going to respond to today. Yep, I'm talking to you. So . . . respond. I'm going to leave the comments open to see who is being generous, clear and courageous today. ;o) Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 19 of 13/13 Moons Waning Gibbous "Own your space. Our first job in life as women is to get to know ourselves and a lot of times we spend our time pleasing, satisfying and looking out into the world to define who we are." M I C H E L L E O B A M A First Lady of The United States of America 2009-2017 I'm taking a quick break from the #21insights4nights to insert another #iAmHer360 feature. The timing is right as the Obama's prepare to leave the White House after eight years of service as Commander-In-Chief and First Lady. # iAmHer360 speaks to seeing other women as yourself and the celebration of every way that any woman chooses to express herself. If you've missed any of them click this link for the playlist: #iAmHer360. The first time I ever heard Michelle Obama speak in an interview, something stuck with me; that she got up every morning at four am to workout and to see to HER needs first before it was time to take care of everyone else. Being someone who rises before the sunrise myself, I was impressed and sensed a next level solidity to her that I respected. She also happens to remind me of my own mother . . . so there's that too. In this feature, I share some my favorite of the first lady's many inspirational ideas over the years. Think, Feel & Act Like A First Lady M R S . O B A M A ' S G E M S To Young Girls About Boys: Cute, Interesting & Otherwise "There's no boy at this age that is cute enough or interesting enough to stop you from getting your education. If I had worried about who liked me and who was cute when I was your age I wouldn't be married to the President of The United States." . : . "Words matter." . : . On Enduring Insults & Slights "All of this used to really get to me. Eventually I realized that if I wanted to keep my sanity and not let others define me, there was only one thing I could do and that was to have faith in God's plan for me. I had to ignore all the noise and be true to myself and the rest would work itself out." . : . On Modeling What You Want "If we want maturity, we have to be mature. If we want a nation that's hopeful, we have to speak in hopeful terms. We have to show love and empathy, If we want smart leaders we have to be smart voters. We cannot vote from a place of fear, but from a place of openness. We have to model what we want." . : . On Your Challenges, Disadvantages & Disappointments "Never view your challenges as a disadvantage, this experience of overcoming is one of your biggest advantages. You'll be equipped to deal with further disappointments and discouragement. You'll have the maturity and wisdom to keep moving forward." . : . On Authenticity . . . "There are no surprises, no tricks up our sleeve. We are authentic, came in that way and will leave that way. The office amplifies who you are. It doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are. I follow my own moral compass. That's the only thing I have to live up to." . : . On Being Complacent "The work always continues. We're never done. Never be complacent thinking you've arrived. We've seen how quickly things can be taken away if we aren't vigilant, if you don't know your history. What are you gonna do? How are you going to be better? What are you going to change in your family dynamic? We can't afford to be ignorant or complacent. Continue to do the work. . : . On Balance & Having It All "Don't beat yourself up about not being able to have it all. No one gets everything. You don't always get your way all the time. You learn that when you're a child. It's about managing expectations. You're living your life through phases. You're compromising for certain phases, then later you may have more of what you thought you wanted. If you're not having it all right now, you're not failing. Take care of yourself so you'll live long enough to make it happen later. . : . On Mastering Your Schedule "If I'm going to leave my house and leave my girls I need to know how is this going to have an impact." . : . A Word To The Men "Be better. Be better at everything. Fathers, who love your daughters and are providing a solid example, that is the greatest gift the men in my life gave me. I've never experienced abuse by the hands of any man in my life. Be a better husband. Be part of your family's life. Don't babysit your children. Be engaged. Be a better employer. Diversify. . : . On Service & Happiness "I left the practice of law and went into public service for selfish reasons. It makes me happy and feel good every single day. I wanted to wake up and be inspired to do something greater than myself. That's what serving and giving means to so many. Get out of the isolation and looking down at your phones. That's not enough, you need people in your lives that you're connecting with and helping. There's nothing better than knowing you're helping to change people's lives. The haters and the doubters? None of that matters because you're getting so much out of the work you're doing. . : . On Bravery "Tips on bravery? I don't know if I ever view it as bravery. I just viewed it as I'm not going to be taken advantage of. I knew my value. And that goes back to knowing who you are. As women and young girls, we have to invest that time into getting to understanding and liking who we are. But you've gotta work to get to that place and if you're going out into the world as a professional not knowing who you are, don't know what you want and you don't know how much you're worth then you have to be brave. Then you have to count on the kindness and goodness of others to bestow it upon you." . : . On Living Without Apology "I"m going work so hard that my actions speak and I don't have to say anything. Let me live my life outloud so people can then see and judge for themselves. Don't dial it back, don't dilute it. Don't apologize for it, it speaks for itself." . : . On Knowing Yourself & Owning Your Space. "Stand inside yourself and own your space. Our first job in life as women is to get to know ourselves and a lot of times we spend our time pleasing, satisfying and looking out into the world to define who we are. It takes taking the time to know who you are to be able to deal with the negative onslaught of the messages you're bound to get. I came into this with a pretty clear sense of self. And some of this comes with age, experience, being fortunate enough to be raised by a loving strong, focused mother and father who loved me dearly. So I fortunately came into this situation with a really clear sense of who I was, It was easy to brush that stuff off because I know who I am." Thanks for reading.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 15 of 13/13 Moons Full Moon in Cancer
Insight #4 . . . Ever feel like that gold you be droppin' is going over their heads? No shade but . . . "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7 : 6 In Love, In Work, In Financial Matters, etc. Speaking of pearls, did you know the most expensive i.e. valuable piece of jewelry in the world is a 55 million dollar necklace by Mouawad Jewelry. It's an "internally flawless diamond."
SPARE SOME CHANGE? So you know that apparently homeless guy in the subway asking for change? What do you think would happen if you offered this necklace to him? Do you think he would appreciate the value of the diamond or find it useful in his predicament? Do you think he would have the knowledge to even understand how this piece of jewelry could completely alter his reality, as well as those whose lives he could touch? Most likely and sadly . . . not. Still hypothetically speaking, his considerations are most likely focused on survival and would question why on Earth you were offering him a necklace when all he was looking for was a sandwich, some whiskey or his next hit. INTERNALLY FLAWLESS So why is it, us who have done the work on ourselves, our craft, built our wealth to be flawless, extremely rare and beautiful, attempt to share our heart, work, money with individuals who have no frame of reference or appreciation for our value? Oftentimes, when asked "Who is your customer?" The aspiring entrepreneur will say, "women." As of 2014, there are 3.52 billion on Planet Earth, so WHICH women? Who are they, where are they, what are their challenges, what do they dream of, what do they read, etc.? If you're a business owner, freelance maker, man or woman in an intimate relationship, when are you going to get CLEAR on who that 1% is that can truly value, appreciate and cherish what you have to offer? 1000 TRUE FANS I love when Kevin Kelley came up with the concept of "1000 True Fans." He says, if you can develop 1000 true fans who will travel to see you, buy any project you launch, product you offer, you will do well in your work. In relationship, most of us only require ONE man or ONE woman out of billions so don't you think it's okay to be super picky and desire more than a pretty girl or a man with a job? Which investments are worthy of your cash and will bring in the highest return? Several notes ago I spoke about the Pareto Principle i.e. the 20/80 rule. Continuing with that perspective, doesn't it make sense to focus our energy, time and resources on the 1% who appreciate, value and are actually looking for what we have to offer them. extremely rare. beautiful. flawless. Only the 1% top earners in this world can afford to acquire one of the most expensive jewelry pieces in the world. With 11 to 55 million dollar price tags, these highly sought after and precious pieces by Cartier, Bulgari, Garrard, Chopard, Harry Winston, etc. are perceived value. What is extremely rare, beautiful and flawless is precious, sought after and valued; only appreciated by those who understand or perceive the value. If you're a Cartier-level woman or man/maker/entrepreneur, how could you expect a dollar-store level consumer to not only "afford," but appreciate the value of and maintain the Cartier? It makes sense to continue to cultivate a relationship with the 1% who are looking for and will be jubilant to actually find that extremely rare, beautiful and flawless gem that you are. In relationships, enterprise, you don't require or really want everybody's attention. Keep it clean and simple. Jill Scott said it best, "Everything ain't for everybody." focus on the 1% What 1% are you going to invest your focus, time, energy and resources on this year? More on this topic in this Sunday's Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 8 of 13/13 Moons First Quarter Moon Source :
21 Insights In 4 Nights
During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas.
There's a song from 1977 that says,
"If it don't fit, don't force it. Just relax and let it go. Just cause that's how you want it Doesn't mean it will be so." by Kellee Patterson "If It Don't Fit Don't Force It"
Insight #2 . . .
Abraham, Bruce and Maya were spot on. Abraham (Hicks) said "Go with the flow. No resistance. No struggle." Bruce (Lee) said: "Be Like Water My Friend." Maya (Angelou) said: "In everything give thanks." I take them all to mean FLOW without resistance. Because we live in an electromagnetic Universe, which is a feminine force of attraction, I, you, we get to practice working our power and magic through MAGNETISM. Any energy, vibe, action, attention, focus becomes a "Yes!" in this Universal law of Cause and Effect i.e. Attraction. So even your "No!" is becomes a "Yes." There is no read of what you do and don't want, do or don't like only that you are giving it energy. So giving thanks for it all, no matter what it looks like, feels like is again to be in the energy, vibe, action of allowing, no resistance, no struggle, but complete surrender and trust in the provision of the Universe, it's laws, our Spirit Allies and all of the good seeds we've planted for better. Giving thanks, being like water and going with the flow is an acknowledgment that regardless of appearances "All is well." It will turn out. It will benefit you in the long-run, even the short-run. Just flow and trust. go with the flow. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 5 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Crescent
S a v e T h e D a t e
Last night I had in mind to write about an entirely different topic,
but when I awoke this morning with a little feeling of overwhelm a voice said: "Go back to the basics." Did you have a health regimen that worked really well for you and it somehow dropped off? Ever discover an amazing beauty product and somehow stopped using it? Do you have a sea of unread books in your library and continue to buy new ones? A dish that you once loved to eat, but stopped eating? Have you ever bought something only to realize that you already have it? ...once so ecstatic about this magical new person in your life who you now take for granted? Why is it that we find something that works for us, love it and somehow we look up and it's/they've fallen to the wayside? I'll tell you why. We're dazzled by the shiny new sh*t (or perhaps even in some cases the old sh*t that never worked.) We haven't yet mastered or fully explored to the deepest levels the thing that we found that worked, that we loved, that we were ecstatic about and proselitized it like a new Christian. Any successful business man, champion athlete or artistic genius knows to maintain their winning formula with F O C U S & C O N S I S T E N C Y. So note what works for you, work it into your ethos, keep doing it with focus and consistency and try not to be so dazzled by all the shiny new sh*t. That's all. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent The Spirit of Order calls us to honor the rhythm of the cosmos and its enduring predictability. The Spirit of Chaos calls us to honor beingness and allowing of this moment. There's a time for order and there's a time for chaos. When we bring them together interdependently, there is a marriage which brings creation. In every spiritual school of thought we are invited to walk in the beauty of balance. The electromagnetic Universe (feminine) that we live in is governed by the universal law of Maat which brings order. Maat is an ancient goddess from the most ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) tradition. The Spirit of Maat represents order, truth, balance, harmony and justice. Maat has her laws (universal) and those laws have been interpreted by Tehuti, the god of wisdom mathematically (Maat). The most ancient Egyptians were guided by these laws in their daily 42 Declarations of Innocence. Apparently prior to foreign influences and invasion, the most ancient Egyptians maintained a Maatian civilization that lived in peace for thousands of years with no need for police. My friend Kajara NiaYaa NebtHet wrote a book called "Light As A Feather: 42 Laws of Maat For Children" on this topic for children. I digress. The bottom line is that being alarmed out of your sleep in the morning and popping out of bed to put out fires, meet deadlines and be pulled by someone else's train all day is not going to create a life that you deserve where you are cherished, appreciated and compensated on every level. Before Michael Jordan ever stepped out on the court to perform the superhuman feats that he was able to do time and time again, he had a pre-game ritual. I perceive every day of my life as stepping out on the court to play so I also have a pre-game ritual. My "pre-game" ritual is based on the things that I require to be prepared to play at my highest capability and to perform superhuman feats that I'm able to do time and time again. A couple of days ago, I hosted a LIVE Facebook event and the women on the call unanimously admitted to putting EVERYONE else's requirements and desires before their own requirements and desires. Some might see forsaking your own needs as being a saint or sweet. Being a martyr for others may give you saint status, but at the end of the day it doesn't work because it's unsustainable. At some point you will burnout and crash. And holistically speaking, in every case (wife, mother, employee, entrepreneur) we set the standard of how others will cherish, appreciate and compensate us as well as be influenced as to how they will conduct their own lives. How we care for ourselves and live our lives has a domino effect on our relationships, families, community and culture. Women are the enduring example and first teacher in every context we exist in. If you expect to live in an environment where each person is cherished and appreciated in their relationships, as well as be paid top dollar for their abilities then YOU'VE/WE'VE got to set the standard. On Sunday, 6th November, from 2 to 4 PM, I'll be hosting a FREE Workshop: "How To Create Your Daily Healing Beauty Ritual." If you would like to attend in-person or online, please send me an email ([email protected]) or text (312.566.7506) as soon as possible, NOW. Until then begin to GET CLEAR on what it is you require daily to really perform at your best everyday and get it in BEFORE heading out to save the world. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 10/13 Moons Waning Crescent "The biggest challenge we face is shifting human consciousness, not saving the planet. The planet doesn't need saving, we do." - Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, 14 year old Indigenous Environmental Activist (Earth Guardians) and Hiphop Artist Ever feel it's necessary to just stop everything and reclaim your peace of mind? When the riddles, noise and nonsense outside get too loud, it's time to get back to basics and seek the queendom/kingdom within. How does one stop, get off and clear the negative chatter in their mind? Sometimes our body will get sick so that we are FORCED to take that time out for ourselves; time to be still and cleanse the crap out of our bodies. Getting sick is unnecessary and preventable if you'll just be a good lover to her. So let's get mentally still and detox before nature dominates our situation. Here's what I do:
To Be Continued . . . SHARE or TWEET how you're going to begin your mind detox today. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 12 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Moon When you control a man's thinking,
you do not have to worry about his actions. - Dr. Carter G. Woodson, Author, Historian, Journalist
Two of my very dear friends celebrated their union in a cross-cultural Hindu/Celtic wedding and celebration this past Saturday. He arrived with a Celtic/Indian musical procession surrounded by a community of family and friends on a horse. The unfolding of their love story trumps even the beloved film "The Notebook." There was a moment in the ceremony where the minister read I Corinthians 13. Every time I this hear or read this scripture, it calls me further up and forth into the consciousness of love. Love, not true love because if it's not true it's not love. Not unconditional love because if there are conditions then it's not love. It's simply L.O.V.E. We water down the power of the word using this word for everything that we find temporarily pleasing to our senses. The priest said something my mother has said repeatedly when I was growing up, don't use the word love for inanimate objects, etc. She was committed that I didn't use the word without regard for its power. On this beautiful Moon ruled Monday, the following passage is a great way to tap into the heart of things and begin this week in the high consciousness of love. After all, love begets love and it is who we truly are. THE EXCELLENCE OF LOVE
13 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not [a]love [for others growing out of God’s love for me], then I have become only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal [just an annoying distraction]. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy [and speak a new message from God to the people], and understand all mysteries, and [possess] all knowledge; and if I have all [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but do not have love [reaching out to others], I am nothing. 3 If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body [b]to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good at all. 4 Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 5 It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. 7 Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. 8 Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. But as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for the gift of special knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part [for our knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete]. 10 But when that which is complete and perfect comes, that which is incomplete and partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].13 And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13: The Bible SHARE & TWEET what most inspired and touched your heart from I Corinthians 13. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 10 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Moon Less is more.
When you go deep you don't have to go wide. When you have quality you don't need quantity. We've all heard these statements and applies to so many areas of our lives. Currently we are in the last quarter of the ninth moon of 2016. The Last Quarter Moon phase is the best time to release the unnecessary and outdated. If soaring is the goal then making sure we are not overloaded with the unnecessary is key. POSSESSIONS I'll never forget preparing for a 205-day adventure on the road in "Lucy The LoveShip," my vintage Oasis motorhome. I planned all that I would require in such a compact space. It was revealing to review my daily rituals and activities while creating a list of each thing I would specifically require. Once I set out on my journey, everything had it's proper place and I could move about in a clean, organized environment and focus on whatever task was at hand. Simplicity sets us free to focus without distraction or burden of excess. FOOD When you have quality you don't need quantity. I find that if I consume protein in my first meal I don't get as hungry the rest of the day. When I skip that and I'm at home I will find myself snacking all day. You can eat fast food all day, even be obese but still be hungry and malnourished because you're eating quantity with no quality i.e. true nourishment. On the other hand, do you have a habit of buying too many fresh groceries and the food going bad before you had a chance to consume it? Going to the market as you need it is a great option if you have that option available to you. MEDIA I grew up at a time where if someone called and you weren't there, they would just have to call back to reach you. If you wanted to send a note to someone in another country or state you would need to write a letter, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it, walk to the mail box and WAIT. This process alone decreased the amount of communications that you would receive in your mailbox. In fact getting a hand-written letter was an event, something to sit down and enjoy. Now we have the blessing and curse of getting instant messages from every direction at all times of the day. FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPS When you go deep you don't have to go wide. Did you have a best friend or a small circle of friends you hung out with everyday when you were little? Do you have a mate, best friend or circle of friends now as an adult? Do you keep up with them? Do you know what they are excited about? What their concerns are? Is there intimacy? We have Facebook Friends, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube Followers, the people we know from our work place, the organizations we participate in, our church or spiritual communities . . . so many people so little time. We can attempt to stay in touch with people through a multitude of channels but at the end of the day, the only way to really create real connection and intimacy is to be present and involved in the lives of fewer people. TO DO LISTS Once upon a time people had to wash clothes, linens, etc. by hand and it took the whole day. Now we can pop a load in the washing machine and go on about our day. With so many time-saving devices in this modern-day culture, it's a wonder why we still feel we don't accomplish enough in the day, in the week, month, year. We all know that a plane has strict weight limitations that must be met prior to taking off to soar, it makes sense that we each take a moment to reflect on what weight limitations we have before taking off and letting go of the unnecessary, paring down, simplifying so that we can soar at heights never before experienced - so let that shite go beautiful! Review your possessions, your eating, the media you're consuming, your relationships and to do lists to get to the essence of what is truly of value and of quality. Tweet or Share what you plan to let go of during this last quarter moon. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 26 of 9/13 Moons Waning Crescent |