photo: If a nation can rise no higher than it's woman, how does a woman ascend to her highest consciousness? LUNATIC TO LUNAQUEEN I remember years ago happening upon a book that changed my life while shopping at Camilla Alfred's Heal Thyself Deli/Colonic Center in Chicago about ten years ago. It was called "The Journey From Lunatic to Lunaqueen" by Myeka. Up and until that time I never really kept track of my internal moon cycle. I'd have a REALLY emotional day and realize the next day when my flow began that it was just my pre-moon time symptoms. I always thought to myself, I should plan ahead next time. PEACEMAKER OR HELL-RAISER The message that most echoed to me from Myeka's book, was that a woman's knowledge of her body and lunar cycle or lack thereof could possibly dictate whether you gave birth to peacemakers or violent beings i.e. hell raisers (my word, not hers). It's almost like the equivalent of having a magic wand and not knowing how to use it properly. You can do beautiful things with it, destructive things with it or have no power at all. Ever notice when you or a woman you know is ovulating she's more magnetic, more feminine, feels more sexually charged and when she's going through what is known as PMS she doesn't mince words and is feeling more sensitive emotionally. By the way, a woman's pre-moon time energy and expression is NOT a "syndrome." She's not crazy, to say that is disrespectful and ignorant to say (insert a middle finger up emoji.). The wise know that a woman's changing lunar phases is a superpower not a disease; that if understood and honored, could immensely benefit her life and those in her orbit. Women and the Moon have a special relationship, we're twins. As above, so below. The Moon's magnetic force affects bodies of water and every hueman being on the planet (even possibly the Universe). Hueman beings are 45% to 85% water so through the perpetual movement of the Earth in relation to the Moon each phase affects us. FOUR PHASES There are four key moon phases: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter. The New Moon is an auspicious time to begin, start again, declare a vision, create an intention. The First Quarter Moon is the phase when the Universe is working with you to manifest your new moon intention. The Full Moon is the time to celebrate your harvest, manifestation, fruits, results in gratitude . The Last Quarter Moon is the perfect time to release, let go, cleanse, engage in completion. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20 NIV PICK UP YOUR WAND Profound levels of manifestation can occur when you partner with your twin, Si"star" Moon. Observing the moon phases within and without (in the sky and in your womb) is utilizing a super power of manifestation. Doing this incorporates at least two universal laws: The Law of Correspondence (above and below) and The Law of Rhythm (cycles). It's like an heir not cashing the check, forfeiting their inheritance. Females have been given a great gift for creating and manifesting in the world. Cash the check sis! JOIN US Here's my Last Quarter Moon Ritual I'm facilitating with my SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES Facebook Community today at 11:11 am and/or pm (your time zone). Set your phone alert for 10:59 and rendezvous with your si"stars." CLEANSE + FLOURISH A Last Quarter Moon Ritual Version 1 Open the windows. Burn sage or Dragon's Blood. 11:00 Tune in through your breath. Relax every part of your body. 11:02 Vibe up your body vortices (chakras) by chanting: Amen, Om, Hu or any other sound that resonates. 11:05 Pray Up In Gratitude: 111 thank yous if you really desire to be amped Grab your mala beads or gratitude beads 11:06 Tune in to what is not working in your life, review the toxicities, the energetic vampires, people, places and things that get you down and anything that zaps your joy. 11:08 Review the benefit it has brought even if it is simple as creating a contrast by which you desire better or more. 11:10 Give thanks for the benefits and lessons. 11:11 Take a deep breath and blow each one out. 11:12 Shimmy in celebration. Drink plenty of water. Shower or bathe. At bedtime Begin to fantasize and envision the desires of your heart. Thank you for reading. If you feel generous, SHARE.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 3/12 Moons Last Quarter Moon
Whew! Sharing daily notes on my personal culture of beauty "mostly daily" has been a challenge lately. Mama's been busy, productive and whirling all sort and form of power and magic offline.
NEW MOON The third New Moon of 2017 is tonight at 9:57 PM Central Standard Time in the sign of Aries and we're still in a Venus Retrograde. This is the "purrr"fect time to get clear on who we are and how we express love and beauty in our lives and in the world. This is an auspicious time to tap into your Divine Voice and declare your intention for manifestation for the next twenty-eight moon cycle. ARIES = "I AM" Aries energy is all about the expression of ''I AM" energy so beautifully exemplified by Diana Ross, Chaka Khan, Aretha Franklin. The freedom of being, doing, and having whatever the *%*# you desire and giving zero flips about what others think about it. On Planet Aries "Everything is possible." The true superwoman energy. INVITATION: TONIGHT WITH ME Take advantage of this profound opportunity to manifest M & Ms (magic and miracles) with a New Moon Ritual. This evening our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES Facebook Community will engage in a "Manifesting Magic & Miracles" SHIMMY CIRCLE at 9 PM Central. In preparation for our session I'm going to give you a bit of a hook-up. "NO BURDEN IS HEAVY WHEN EVERYONE LIFTS." Since the beginning of 2017, I guide a secret community of women who are the rebels, mavericks, creators, and humanitarians of our society to manifest their goals and visions in the area of beauty, health . . . LIFE! Ever wish someone would ask you about that goal you made to make sure you got it done? Well, we do that with a lot of other goodies, like impromptu oracle readings, monthly beauty dossiers, etc. So, we're on the tail-end of a month-long "Loving My Beautiful Bodacious Body" series in which members have gotten twelve out of sixteen tutorials about how to integrate beauty movement rituals in their day-to-day. Moving your body takes energy and produces energy. Energy begets energy. If you've had stagnation in your cash, love and creativity flow then perhaps it's time to "Shake Your Honey Pot" beautiful. From your pocketbook (both of them) to your magnetism (Ms. Honey Pot drawin' in those bees) this tutorial, if done as intended will attract cash your way and lubricate your ability to manifest the desires of your heart. 100% Guarantee. Let's put it to the test. This North African dance move commonly referred to as "Belly Dance" is beneficial for your "lady parts," "yoniverse," "celestial garden" and every term that refers to your female reproductive system. With regular (a day or two a week) belly dancing you'll not only ease discomfort and the length of days on your menstrual "moon" time, but also amplify your magnetism. How do you say "bees to honey?" Yup! You'll be stirring up that feminine sweetness within. Make sure to hydrate after your session because if you do it right, you will break a bit of a sweat. This is a private video. The password is: shimmy IN joy! LMBBB Part Twelve: Shimmy from * Akua Auset * on Vimeo. So come on and work that power and magic like the Child of Possibility, Aries. Don't be stingy with the SHINE. The Universe and Heavens are ours. What are you manifesting in this moon cycle? Thank you for reading. If you feel generous, SHARE. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 30 of 2/12 Moons Waning Crescent photo: It's been a very busy and productive week over here at the A U S E T headquarters but I had to stop to address a question that was posted in our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES Facebook Community. It is as follows . . . How are women successful in living their softer side while still maintaining their fierceness? My men have only acknowledged my ability to do anything, which is true if the effort is ordained by God. But at times I, too, get overwhelmed and just want him to take me in his arms and say, "Baby, it's gonna be alright." How do I get that? LYNN, Chicago BRENDA: Ask. AKUA: I'm not sure I've reached mastery, but I do know it's a dance. Tango dancing is a great illustration of this concept. Having the Spirit of vulnerability and surrender = femininity. Femininity calls forth the masculine in a masculine man, which is more rare than you would think. SAMANTHA: I really don't understand what this means. What exactly is the spirit of vulnerability? I have a feeling that Lynn and Samantha's questions are questions that many, many, many women have. They are great questions, important questions. The world and our culture doesn't seem to be a safe place for the Spirit of vulnerability to be expressed. Just months from the largest women's march in history, we're in a climate where the passing patriarchal era of consciousness is bumping heads with a more feminine and integrated era of consciousness. Our grandmothers, mothers, and daughters have very different experiences in the dance of the feminine/masculine dynamic; within themselves first, let alone interaction with their male counterparts. With slogans like, "The Future Is Female." we've got to be careful not to just replace male-expressed supremacy with a semblance of the same supremacy by females, because it still doesn't represent integration or balance. That's a whole 'nother topic so let's continue with this one. "Baby, it's gonna be alright." The topic at hand is a woman asking how does she "live her softer side while still maintaining fierceness," for someone to have your back and provide reassurance when you feel overwhelmed. Well first of all, everyone has moments - girls and boys, men and women all may need to be reassured that "it's gonna be alright" from time-to-time when what's seen and experienced is questionable. Somehow being in need or desiring reassurance is not an admirable trait in women to other women in our culture. There seems to be a celebration and aspiration to be independent and having it all together without a single crack of need. After all, a fierce, bad b*tch definitely wouldn't seem to require, need, want or desire support, assistance, or rescuing. If you ever watched the Cosby Show back in the 90s, remember when Cliff Huxtable got in trouble at an all-women's book club he attended with his wife Clair when he suggested that women have an innate need to be rescued by their man? Me and my male counterparts grew up with the powerful, sassy and dynamo feminist hero Clair Huxtable who never seemed to ever break a sweat in all her "I am woman, hear me roar."- perfection. Isn't it time to rethink the idea that you can't be fierce and soft at the same time? V U L N E R A B I L I T Y When I think of vulnerability I think of the most magnetic and endearing beings on the planet: babies. Baby mammals of all kinds. My mother's heart-warming and beloved furry baby i.e. dog Lola for instance has no shame in how she expresses her desire for attention, affection, or any need she may have. She will roll over on her back with legs WIDE open, belly exposed and look you dead in your eye waiting to be rubbed. There's not one bit of coyness or passive-aggressiveness. She is clear about what she wants from you. It makes sense that people create deep connection, intimacy and loyalty with their pets. Southern California, home of the oh-so-isolating Hollywood, a not so vulnerable-friendly town is also a big dog town. When I lived in Venice Beach, California, I'm pretty certain one out of every three people had a furry baby. When I think of vulnerability, I think of children who are quick to display their feelings, ask for what they desire up front and to quickly move on from hurt once the moment is over. Could it be that those who are the most "susceptible to harm" are the most endearing? Small, delicate, fragile, open. Look at the puppy and kitten sleeping above. Anything could happen to them and yet they sleep so peacefully. Vulnerable is defined as: "susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm." When we interface with another in relationship we are susceptible to physical, emotional, financial, etc. attack, harm, rejection and ruin. Scary stuff for most of us. C O N T R O L There once was this woman who was in a relationship with a Leo man who gave, gave, gave, gave, gave. He did everything for her. She loved it, in fact she was in heaven - for awhile. He made her feel like such a queen until she realized that he maintained control through his giving. She began to notice that he would not accept nor allow her to do for him; like cooking or reciprocate in any way. It occurred to her the more she got to know him, that it felt very one-sided and it wasn't so much that he was treating her like a queen but his way of maintaining control, ALL THE TIME. Because there was no dance of mutual giving and receiving between them they never developed a deep connection or true intimacy because he just wasn't receptive. It began to feel very unnatural and out of balance to her so she ended the relationship and remained friends with him. Of course, all Leo women and men are not the same. Human beings are complex, it goes way beyond one's sun sign. At the same time, there do seem to be over-arching characteristics in people that share the same sun sign and even more so in quadruplicities. Quadruplicity? Yes. Quadruplicity. Q U A D R U P L I C I T I E S I recently took an IQ test and noticed that a great deal of the questions had to do with seeing patterns. I've recognized a bit of a pattern with how easy it is for certain sun/moon signs to be vulnerable while others have a very difficult time with it. photo: LEO • SCORPIO • AQUARIUS • TAURUS ARIES • CANCER • LIBRA • CAPRICORN GEMINI • VIRGO • SAGITTARIUS • PISCES Quadraplicities are groups of four by mode of zodiac influence when one feels stimuli or somehow put under tension. It's how they get their elemental (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual) needs satisfied. Those groups are as follows:
Fixed Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus resistant, unchanging, steadfast, determined, self-reliant, stubborn, passive-aggressive. Cardinal Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn initiator, enterprise, active, quick, ambitious, driven, domineering, sets the tone, dynamic Mutable Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces adaptable, assimilating, go with the flow, chameleon, flexibility, resourceful, diplomatic ---- Each characteristic can be beneficial as well as self-defeating depending upon how the mode is implemented or expressed. It would take a professor of social work born under the sign of Scorpio to teach on the topic "The POWER of Vulnerability," in her famous TED talk. Born 18 November, Brene Brown became a household name through her alliance with Oprah on the subject of vulnerability. Scorpio, the most unlikely to be vulnerable. It's funny how we teach what we seek to master, as the way of the fixed Scorpio is not that of being vulnerable but of being in control, unreceptive and resistant. So, what is the answer to Lynn's question of "how to be soft while fierce at the same time?" First things first, any and everyone doesn't deserve your vulnerability. It's a casting pearls before swine type of thing. We wouldn't leave our precious children or puppies around anyone who's questionable. Once you've determined that it's a safe environment, open yourself up to the dance of giving and receiving. A dance that ignites a spark, connection and intimacy that creates something electric. Give yourself over to an openness and honesty that is bigger than your learned political, manipulative agenda - be unrefined, like a child before it learns to alter his/her essential Self to get a predetermined outcome. Open your heart, expose your belly, be wide open and willing to be susceptible to the thing that you fear. Be vulnerable. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO BE VULNERABLE TODAY? Thank you for reading. If you feel generous, SHARE. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 20 of 2/12 Moons Waning Gibbous The House of Beatrice: Me and my sister, daughters and mother photo: Rashid Zakat Someone said that there are Seven Wonders Of The World, well me and Stevie (Wonder that is who sang "Ebony Eyes") don't agree. Every single baby girl is born a "Wonder Of The World" . . . until the world tells her otherwise.
Today International Women's Day is observed around the world. Over a hundred years ago, it began as an outcry for women being treated like second-class citizens. The mission of this observance is defined as "the struggle for women's rights." I believe that my mouth speaks things into existence so perhaps it's time to let go of "The Struggle" for anything. We see a hundred years later from the inception, struggling for anything leads to more struggle. It just doesn't work metaphysically speaking. I say that we speak of and into the Victory that this world works for EVERYone. And that work begins in our hearts, our consciousness and then shows up in our own relationships and households. My feeling is that babies, girls or boys, aren't born with a drive to oppress, exploit and abuse. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation." Mothers have a responsibility to raise sons that honor, protect and provide for women and children. The day will come that women under, over and "inner"stand that allowing your sons to take on oppressive, exploitive, abusive and supremacist ideologies based on differences, that those same sons will grow to oppress, exploit, abuse and stand over in superiority to you and your daughters. It's time for women once and for all to be concerned not only with the "me" but with the "we"; no matter how different your sister looks, prays and expresses her feminine power. It's always been about the "we." When can take clues from nature in that when we share energetic space our menstrual rhythm syncs with each other. The boys and men are watching us. We teach our men and sons how to treat us as they are watching how our relationships with each other women express and unfold. So: Mothers (that includes Aunties because they're all our daughters) cultivate and encourage the beauty, magic, power and majesty of your daughters. Daughters (and nieces because they're all our mothers) honor, respect and give tribute to your mothers, for without her you wouldn't BE. Sisters, desire more for your sister than you would desire for yourself because one day you may need her to pull you up or along. So I'll say again, it's up to us to tap into our divine and feminine power because after all we birthed those that oppress us. We see that when we teach our sons to oppress, exploit and abuse others based on differences, we cultivate a world in which you yourself are oppressed, exploited and abused. Your zenophobic seeds will harvest and that chicken will come home to roost. If we desire first-class treatment, it begins with how we treat ourselves, our si"stars" and all those souls who come to this planet that happen to be different from us. I'm very optimistic we are upon a Golden Age of Consciousnes and the circle of huemanity will again become complete. It's simple. The solution is at hand. We struggle no more. We now flow. Happy International Women's Day to my fellow Wonders of The World. Please SHARE this message. Please LIVE this message. Thank you for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 11 of 2/12 Moons Waxing Gibbous photo: makeupbyshayla Normally I speak of possibility and maintain a worldview of "YES." My daily commitment is to focus on gratitude, appreciation, abundance and plenty of this life. Based on what I have observed in my time in this physical realm, I find a few things worrisome to the ultimate vision that this world works for "every One." I can't help but to perceive an agenda underneath the propaganda in which we are bombarded with. The last few days I have been turning the following questions over in my head:
What if . . . The resources on planet Earth were not enough to sustain the entire "consuming" population? What if . . . It was determined that the Earth's "consuming" population needed to be reduced so that its resources would not be depleted? What if . . . The dominating global superpower concocted a plan to reduce the "consuming" population of the Earth? How would that be determined? What would be the determining factors for one's annihilation or survival in this effort? Who would be the most favorable individuals to remain on Planet Earth? Who would be the least desirable individuals to remain on Planet Earth? Have you ever asked yourself: "Why am I valuable?" "Do I add value?" "What do I produce?" "Does my existence add or take away from the lives of others?" "Am I primarily a producer or a consumer?" "Am I primarily a giver or taker?" Yes, it's the era of all sort and form of slayage and fleekdom, but at the end of the day are you necessary? Thank you for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 9 of 2/12 Moons Waxing Gibbous
"Oshun. Bey. I got my life."
• "Everyone can go home now because Beyoncé just slayed the 2017 Grammys." • "Divine Beyoncé performing while expecting twins, beautiful tribute to women/mothers!" • "WTF? Although I didn't expect anything less from the high priestess of the illuminati!" • "Beyoncé is a woman in touch with her African ancestry. I love how she channeled the orishas Osun and Ibeji in her performance. There is nothing satanic, demonic or illuminati about this." • "As if she couldn't be more annoying . . . making profit out of her pregnancy. Next a video with her umbilical cord?" • " I the only Lucumi/Ifa practitioner that is not impressed by Beyoncé's recent Oshun representations? I feel that her displays support the simplification of Oshun and disregard her many beautiful and complex layers." •
We are emotional beings. Even with being presented rock-solid facts, clear-cut logic, our emotions will often be the final word on a choice to be made. So what touches our emotions? Images, Music, Words, Scents, Touch, Taste. Experiences through our senses activate our emotions. I spoke about messages and programming being slipped in through our trance state in SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic Book One. That's why it's important that we always stand guard of our minds and the things we consume. In 2002, when I began production of the yet-released documentary film "Searchin' For M'Sistahz" there was no mantra or hashtag of #blackgirlmagic. When I set pen to paper to write SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic Book One in 2005 beginning with the piece "Can A Sista Get At Least 50 Cent?" the talk about goddess or superwoman anything was so underground that I couldn't even find the word in my dictionary at the time. Fifteen years later, #magic, #goddess, #superwomen and all things #feminine, #powerful and #magical are bristling with a resurrected effervescence. It's like the Spirit of our grandmothers have returned to get this thing right for us. Enter Beyoncé's Lemonade album.
I don't own a TV, so I missed the Grammy's last night but thank goodness to Mr. Zuckerberg and friends, with social media we won't skip a beat. So within moments of opening up my Facebook feed I see a picture of Tina Beyincé-Lawson, Beyoncé and Blue Ivy that read: "Oshun. Bey. I got my life."
Ok. So I typed in the Facebook search box: Beyonce Grammys 2017 and found a nine-minute video entitled "Snatched." [VIDEO BELOW] and watched it. Deep breath. As a woman of color, strongly aligned with my West African and Indigenous American heritage folded into a consciousness that I am/you are/we are embodiments of divinity, the pre-show images of the trio: daughter, mother and grandmother then the performance left me . . . Inspired. Proud. Moved. Relieved.
In fact, inspired and tingling. With the name of the most ancient goddess in recorded history [AUSET] and a Venus in Leo, love, beauty and magic are full-time preoccupations for me and Beyoncé's Grammy performance was dripping with divine beauty and symbolism that I my consciousness effortlessly decoded. Looking like an Ethiopian painting, every woman in this on-stage drama wore a halo indicating illuminated consciousness (Heru = hero). The imagery was ÜBER-feminine and deliciously maternal as Bey moved her pregnant with twins body in a tribe of diaphanous sistren. What a breath of fresh air. Behind closed doors I've mentioned to my family members (because I don't believe in disparaging another's creative work. When you create, you "under"stand what it takes to materialize your visions so there's a level of respect I don't violate.) an element I found lacking in the Black Girl's Rock awards from year-to-year. Although we look soooo beautiful and put together, the celebration is mainly of women achieving in their masculine energy outside of the home with very little emphasis on the maternal aspect (nurturer/protector and not completely in the feminine domain but a balance of the both like the hemispheres of our brain working together) of who we are. The very essence of femininity expresses itself inside, within, the hidden. This was something I really respected and appreciate Martha Stewart for and that was bringing a spotlight and encouraging the art of creating home. If you are a female you embody three hundred and sixty degrees of femininity (#superwomenandgoddesses) so why be limited? We are at a time in history where we're finding our footing within a shifting patriarchal to matriarchal reality in America. Growing pains if you will. So finding our balance and footing may take awhile but we WILL get there. It's the Age of Aquarius after all. Sometimes it takes a moment to balance and find a happy medium while at the same time there should be no question about the CIVIL RIGHT to choose our experiences and destiny in this life while being compensated equally. Proud. First aware of Beyoncé through Destiny's Child in '98, it's been interesting to witness Beyoncé's very human-in-front-of-the-world growth and evolution as an artist, woman, daughter and mother. Those close to me know that although I was jammin' to Destiny's Child like everyone else ("Bills, Bills, Bills", "Bugaboo," "Say My Name"). I began to wince a bit at Destiny's Child's proclamation of being "independent women" with a "F you, I don't need you because I got my own." message because by this time (2001) my commitment to the partnership, alliance and union of men and women was taking a deep root within. In the meantime, I saw a rise in the conversation of "black" women not able to find mates of their same culture, while many men were opting to couple with women outside of their own culture (which is fine but then leaves a bit of a void for the women who desire men of their same culture). Union of man and woman as interdependent and complementary was a concept I was cultivating in myself in my own process of chipping away at the adverse American European/Christian mindset I was raised in for an exploration of who I was indigenously. I had an Ifa priest who taught me about the orishas and a Sioux shaman that provided an authentic Native American sweat lodge experience complete with making tobacco ties. War and division of the sexes is not part of most of our pre-colonial heritage. Our most ancient African i.e. pre-colonized mindset was always matriarchal (the Jews/Hyksos/Shepherd Kings adopted this part of ancient African culture in their occupation of Egypt), which to be clear was not the opposite of patriarchy but the idea that where there is a god there is also a goddess. Matriarchy is the recognition of balance, yin and yang, male and female, masculine and feminine, husband and wife, heaven and earth, etc. Patriarchy and matriarchy were never in competition. I go more into this in the book. So at that time I didn't feel preaching about independence (a European concept of "rugged individualism" or "me") was the answer but interdependence (which is about "we" which is distinctly pre-colonial African worldview, as well as many cultures who live close to the earth and in sync with Nature.) We never know what's happening in someone's household but to hear Beyoncé's message of letting the circle be unbroken between, daughters and mothers, grandmothers and grand-daughters, sisters, husband and wife is refreshing and inspiring. Moved. In 2002, I declared that BET was one of the banes of my existence. As the law of attraction would have it, I later became friends with the head of programming and his wife at the time. I hated BET's misogynistic music videos back in the 90s because I felt it was ruining our already delicate relationship with our men as well as how "black" women we're viewed globally. My passion for the elevation of the divine black feminine was deepened after working alongside Madonna's makeup artist on a string of 50 Cent music videos. I was inspired to DO something because I personally didn't feel represented in this media, nor any of the magical women I knew. My daughters were watching this culture unfold so I set out to change the perception of "black women" in America so began production of "Searchin' For M'Sistahz" a documentary highlighting the beauty, power and magic of "black" women. Pretty much, my own PR campaign for us, to save our families. I realized this weekend that the images, music and media that I dreamt of creating and viewing for myself and daughters I was now watching, I now see in social media, in TV commercials, in films, yes there's still a great deal of nonsense and insanity offered on the buffet, but all I ever desired was to have a choice. Ghandi has been quoted often to "Be The Change You Wish To See In The World." I have begun to see that writing, publishing and creating a life's work around superwomen, goddesses, who work power, magic, holistic beauty has manifested in the culture that I live, participate and can now consume. I feel fed and represented somewhere out there. Relieved. My chant has been that I'd like to see women: all of us, of all hues, cultures, etc. get back in touch with the most powerful aspect of ourselves and that is the mysterious, internal, still, magnetic aspect of the multi-faceted spectrum of what it is to be female. If Queen Bey, the biggest entertainer in the world at this time is at the 2017 Grammy's inspiring and moving people with images of family, lineage, motherhood, sisterhood, femininity, love, beauty and magic I don't care of she's illuminati (LOL.), or if it's all a marketing gimmick or anything else. The mission is accomplished. The images have been embedded, the culture, the girls, the boys have been elevated and the possibility of the balance of masculine/feminine within/without manifest in our families is alive. I saw the film "Daughters of the Dust" decades ago and it changed my life. Media IS POWERFUL. So similar to what I feel about President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, if they did NOTHING in eight years politically: quite simply the image of them as an elegant, intelligent, bonded family is an image that taps into our emotion/aspiration that is more powerful than any speech will ever have. Although I don't see myself as joining your beehive anytime soon because I have my own, thank you Mrs. Beyonce Knowles Carter for properly representing the three hundred and sixty degrees of what it is to be female for all the superwomen and goddesses before, here and after who work power and whirl magic. As Marimba Ani has written: Let the circle be unbroken. Respect from your Virgo si"star": Daughter of Obatala and Priestess of Auset. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 17 of 1/12 Moons Waxing Gibbous in Virgo
For years I've said that I'm the safest woman for your husband to be around because if I know that a man is in a relationship or married I'm NOT interested. Mainly, because I need to be the priority and I'm clear that I have no desire to share a mate. I know many are involved in polygamous, open, polyamorous relationships and such but at the end of the day . . . not interested.
True story . . . When a man who finds you on Facebook says: Man: "Akua you may remember me from last night. This world is so small as it appears we are connected by associations and friends. I hope you and your mom made it home safely." Akua: "Yes. I remember you. You found me. Thank you for that . We did. Thank you for taking care of my mom." After a bit of casual back and forth . . . Man: xxx-xxx-xxxx best between 7-4 There are so many things I take issue with this in addition to meanwhile I've expressed no interest in him. "best between 7 to 4?" Is that pm to am, or am to pm? Those are odd hours. My intuition tells me it's fishy. So I Google him to find that he's been married for 19 years. Meanwhile, I'm friends with his daughter on Facebook. So I respond . . . Akua: "Not sure why I am calling. Aren't you married? 7 am to 4 pm? or 7 pm to 4 am? tisk tisk shame on you." . . . BUT HE'S A SUPERSTAR Years ago one of my dear divorced friends was being heavily pursued by a very married A-list celebrity. She was having a bit of a dilemma because this man is a very desirable superstar. I encouraged her saying: "If you ever want to be happily married to YOUR guy, don't even think about this. There will be a price to pay." As far as I know she didn't and she has been happily married to her best friend for years now. Do until others as you would have them do unto you. WHAT IS FOR YOU, IS FOR YOU New-thought author and founder of Hay House, Louise Hay has a bit to say about being dishonest as well as stealing. "Whatever you give out in life comes back to you, always. And if you take from life, it will take from you. It is that simple." She says it's like saying to the Universe: "I don't really deserve the good in my life, I have to sneak around and take it." CLEAR, CLEAN, FEARLESS Sometimes we attract these experiences to give us an opportunity to exhibit integrity and clear, fearless communication. Social media and the internet can be a beautiful place for connection as well as a place where serial creeps lurk to find a way into your life. Listen to your intuition, be fearless and clear in your communication. At the end of the day, it's our responsibility to keep things clean, honest and honorable. Sure it doesn't seem fair because it "takes two to tango" but if women will be the Maatian compass of their queendoms, then there will be integrity, order and balance in our relationships, community. And we will attract what is ours by divine consciousness. Be clear, honest and honorable and you will attract what is for you and only for you. OPEN, POLYGAMOUS, POLYAMOROUS, ETC. I'm aware that many people intentionally participate in open relationships, polygamy, polyamory, etc. Yet there are still honorable modes of connecting with potential mates. In everything there must be order or there will be chaos. Most men in relationships are honest and honorable and not lurking around on social media to engage with you. More often than not, men will do the right thing even if they feel an attraction to someone other than their beloved/beloveds. It's natural and normal to feel attraction to more than one person in your lifetime. Human beings are not naturally monogamous (mating once in a lifetime), so there's that. Women are the guides of society. Being magnetic, where we go, men follow. Let's not abuse our power. If we will be a stand for keeping things clean, honest and honorable in interactions with men who are in committed relationships, there's less of an opportunity for things get to the point-of-no-return. So today, contemplate the question: "Are you husband/boyfriend safe?" ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 13/13 Moons Waning Crescent "Own your space. Our first job in life as women is to get to know ourselves and a lot of times we spend our time pleasing, satisfying and looking out into the world to define who we are." M I C H E L L E O B A M A First Lady of The United States of America 2009-2017 I'm taking a quick break from the #21insights4nights to insert another #iAmHer360 feature. The timing is right as the Obama's prepare to leave the White House after eight years of service as Commander-In-Chief and First Lady. # iAmHer360 speaks to seeing other women as yourself and the celebration of every way that any woman chooses to express herself. If you've missed any of them click this link for the playlist: #iAmHer360. The first time I ever heard Michelle Obama speak in an interview, something stuck with me; that she got up every morning at four am to workout and to see to HER needs first before it was time to take care of everyone else. Being someone who rises before the sunrise myself, I was impressed and sensed a next level solidity to her that I respected. She also happens to remind me of my own mother . . . so there's that too. In this feature, I share some my favorite of the first lady's many inspirational ideas over the years. Think, Feel & Act Like A First Lady M R S . O B A M A ' S G E M S To Young Girls About Boys: Cute, Interesting & Otherwise "There's no boy at this age that is cute enough or interesting enough to stop you from getting your education. If I had worried about who liked me and who was cute when I was your age I wouldn't be married to the President of The United States." . : . "Words matter." . : . On Enduring Insults & Slights "All of this used to really get to me. Eventually I realized that if I wanted to keep my sanity and not let others define me, there was only one thing I could do and that was to have faith in God's plan for me. I had to ignore all the noise and be true to myself and the rest would work itself out." . : . On Modeling What You Want "If we want maturity, we have to be mature. If we want a nation that's hopeful, we have to speak in hopeful terms. We have to show love and empathy, If we want smart leaders we have to be smart voters. We cannot vote from a place of fear, but from a place of openness. We have to model what we want." . : . On Your Challenges, Disadvantages & Disappointments "Never view your challenges as a disadvantage, this experience of overcoming is one of your biggest advantages. You'll be equipped to deal with further disappointments and discouragement. You'll have the maturity and wisdom to keep moving forward." . : . On Authenticity . . . "There are no surprises, no tricks up our sleeve. We are authentic, came in that way and will leave that way. The office amplifies who you are. It doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are. I follow my own moral compass. That's the only thing I have to live up to." . : . On Being Complacent "The work always continues. We're never done. Never be complacent thinking you've arrived. We've seen how quickly things can be taken away if we aren't vigilant, if you don't know your history. What are you gonna do? How are you going to be better? What are you going to change in your family dynamic? We can't afford to be ignorant or complacent. Continue to do the work. . : . On Balance & Having It All "Don't beat yourself up about not being able to have it all. No one gets everything. You don't always get your way all the time. You learn that when you're a child. It's about managing expectations. You're living your life through phases. You're compromising for certain phases, then later you may have more of what you thought you wanted. If you're not having it all right now, you're not failing. Take care of yourself so you'll live long enough to make it happen later. . : . On Mastering Your Schedule "If I'm going to leave my house and leave my girls I need to know how is this going to have an impact." . : . A Word To The Men "Be better. Be better at everything. Fathers, who love your daughters and are providing a solid example, that is the greatest gift the men in my life gave me. I've never experienced abuse by the hands of any man in my life. Be a better husband. Be part of your family's life. Don't babysit your children. Be engaged. Be a better employer. Diversify. . : . On Service & Happiness "I left the practice of law and went into public service for selfish reasons. It makes me happy and feel good every single day. I wanted to wake up and be inspired to do something greater than myself. That's what serving and giving means to so many. Get out of the isolation and looking down at your phones. That's not enough, you need people in your lives that you're connecting with and helping. There's nothing better than knowing you're helping to change people's lives. The haters and the doubters? None of that matters because you're getting so much out of the work you're doing. . : . On Bravery "Tips on bravery? I don't know if I ever view it as bravery. I just viewed it as I'm not going to be taken advantage of. I knew my value. And that goes back to knowing who you are. As women and young girls, we have to invest that time into getting to understanding and liking who we are. But you've gotta work to get to that place and if you're going out into the world as a professional not knowing who you are, don't know what you want and you don't know how much you're worth then you have to be brave. Then you have to count on the kindness and goodness of others to bestow it upon you." . : . On Living Without Apology "I"m going work so hard that my actions speak and I don't have to say anything. Let me live my life outloud so people can then see and judge for themselves. Don't dial it back, don't dilute it. Don't apologize for it, it speaks for itself." . : . On Knowing Yourself & Owning Your Space. "Stand inside yourself and own your space. Our first job in life as women is to get to know ourselves and a lot of times we spend our time pleasing, satisfying and looking out into the world to define who we are. It takes taking the time to know who you are to be able to deal with the negative onslaught of the messages you're bound to get. I came into this with a pretty clear sense of self. And some of this comes with age, experience, being fortunate enough to be raised by a loving strong, focused mother and father who loved me dearly. So I fortunately came into this situation with a really clear sense of who I was, It was easy to brush that stuff off because I know who I am." Thanks for reading.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 15 of 13/13 Moons Full Moon in Cancer 21 Insights In 4 Nights
During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas. Insight #6 . . . It's been ten years since I received about ten boxes containing the first edition of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic. I was enchanted by a vision after spending a day with porn stars, strippers, video vixens and 50 cent on a music video over a decade ago. I was crystal clear that when transformed little girls become women who choose suitable mates they will raise children in healthy, loving households and we'll experience transformation in our communities, world, planet. This book project was my love letter to my daughters and yours. My protective stand for the children of the post-gangsta rap generation, seeing the misogyny as a red flag of more degeneration to come. WHAT IS YOUR PASSIONATE CAUSE THAT YOU WOULD FIGHT FOR? Although, I never had a sense of urgency to hurry and get this book out, I figured I would be promoting and sharing it with people for the rest of my life, while at the same time felt that somehow one day the concepts in this book would become irrelevant. It felt like with the interest in natural hair and natural beauty becoming more and more mainstream especially in the "African-American" community I'd be singing to the choir. I really felt the day would come that women and girls would get the memo that as "The Golden Goose Of The Universe," our innate power and magic supercedes the colonized, misogynized, superficial and exploited fragments of female we had become on display for all to see. I, you, we're not quite there yet, we're getting there though. DID YOU KNOW YOU ARE THE GOLDEN GOOSE SIS? Although many would repeat Dicken's mantra that this is the BEST of times and the WORST of times, there are planetary influences, that will trump a great deal of the degeneration and nonsense we've witnessed in this last era. So this book is even MORE RELEVANT now than ever, but I'm not at all worried because I can see a beautiful victory ahead. DON'T BE STINGY WITH YOUR GOODIES. In this book, I talk about being "stingy with your goodies." Well, my blood sister teases me that I haven't really done all I can to make sure that people can easily get this book into their hands by virtue of the fact I've seen a remixed boot-leg copy in Atlanta while doing makeup on a music video with Usher and R. Kelly (Yes, I know. Dont' judge. The work of healers are needed everywhere. Jesus taught us that.) and that I've seen it sold on Amazon for over $258. She had to make me see that it wasn't as much a compliment but that there was a feeling of scarcity for the book. There are only fifteen-hundred copies on the planet. Not a good thing. This is a message, not a piece of artwork. As an artist, I had to shift my mindset and go for the masses because this is about the generations to come. So the scarcity of the book is going to change. We've been chanting #blackgirlmagic and that #blackgirlsrock for a while now so . . . in honor of the ten-year anniversary:
I'm really looking forward to connecting with some of our readers as well as introducing this work to new readers. DO YOU HAVE THIS BOOK? CLICK this link to connect with me. DO YOU DESIRE TO HAVE THIS BOOK? CLICK this link to grab one or two or three . . . What have you created, accomplished and built that needs to be commemorated and celebrated? commemorate. Thanks for reading. Looking forward to meet you soon during this year of celebrating ten years of S & G! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 13 of 13/13 Moon Waxing Gibbous
Insight #4 . . . Ever feel like that gold you be droppin' is going over their heads? No shade but . . . "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7 : 6 In Love, In Work, In Financial Matters, etc. Speaking of pearls, did you know the most expensive i.e. valuable piece of jewelry in the world is a 55 million dollar necklace by Mouawad Jewelry. It's an "internally flawless diamond."
SPARE SOME CHANGE? So you know that apparently homeless guy in the subway asking for change? What do you think would happen if you offered this necklace to him? Do you think he would appreciate the value of the diamond or find it useful in his predicament? Do you think he would have the knowledge to even understand how this piece of jewelry could completely alter his reality, as well as those whose lives he could touch? Most likely and sadly . . . not. Still hypothetically speaking, his considerations are most likely focused on survival and would question why on Earth you were offering him a necklace when all he was looking for was a sandwich, some whiskey or his next hit. INTERNALLY FLAWLESS So why is it, us who have done the work on ourselves, our craft, built our wealth to be flawless, extremely rare and beautiful, attempt to share our heart, work, money with individuals who have no frame of reference or appreciation for our value? Oftentimes, when asked "Who is your customer?" The aspiring entrepreneur will say, "women." As of 2014, there are 3.52 billion on Planet Earth, so WHICH women? Who are they, where are they, what are their challenges, what do they dream of, what do they read, etc.? If you're a business owner, freelance maker, man or woman in an intimate relationship, when are you going to get CLEAR on who that 1% is that can truly value, appreciate and cherish what you have to offer? 1000 TRUE FANS I love when Kevin Kelley came up with the concept of "1000 True Fans." He says, if you can develop 1000 true fans who will travel to see you, buy any project you launch, product you offer, you will do well in your work. In relationship, most of us only require ONE man or ONE woman out of billions so don't you think it's okay to be super picky and desire more than a pretty girl or a man with a job? Which investments are worthy of your cash and will bring in the highest return? Several notes ago I spoke about the Pareto Principle i.e. the 20/80 rule. Continuing with that perspective, doesn't it make sense to focus our energy, time and resources on the 1% who appreciate, value and are actually looking for what we have to offer them. extremely rare. beautiful. flawless. Only the 1% top earners in this world can afford to acquire one of the most expensive jewelry pieces in the world. With 11 to 55 million dollar price tags, these highly sought after and precious pieces by Cartier, Bulgari, Garrard, Chopard, Harry Winston, etc. are perceived value. What is extremely rare, beautiful and flawless is precious, sought after and valued; only appreciated by those who understand or perceive the value. If you're a Cartier-level woman or man/maker/entrepreneur, how could you expect a dollar-store level consumer to not only "afford," but appreciate the value of and maintain the Cartier? It makes sense to continue to cultivate a relationship with the 1% who are looking for and will be jubilant to actually find that extremely rare, beautiful and flawless gem that you are. In relationships, enterprise, you don't require or really want everybody's attention. Keep it clean and simple. Jill Scott said it best, "Everything ain't for everybody." focus on the 1% What 1% are you going to invest your focus, time, energy and resources on this year? More on this topic in this Sunday's Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 8 of 13/13 Moons First Quarter Moon Source : Insight #3 . . . Years ago me and my eldest daughter attended T. Harv Eker's paradigm shifting weekend experience "The Millionaire Mind" where he introduced what he called "the world's easiest and most effective money management system." It's a system my girls still use to this day and they are really good with money. The system was to have six or seven jars in which you by percentage distributed or allocated your money. The first and MOST important jar was 10% in the FFA (Financial Freedom Account). The money in this jar was NEVER to be spent. OK, back then when I first heard this, it messed with my head. When I was a pre-teen and would get money my mother would kind of clown me about how "my money was just burnin' my pocket." I liked the experience of buying things and bringing them home. "DON'T KILL THE GOOSE!" So hearing that there was money, 10% of everything you received that you put away and NEVER SPENT was something I was really uncomfortable with. He reasoned that this money was to create a "golden goose." You were to live from the eggs that this "golden goose" created in profit, dividends, interest from placing it in an interest-bearing account. He further instructed to leave your golden goose in trust to charity, church, children, legacy as the "golden goose" that they can't spend because after all you "DON'T KILL THE GOOSE!" He explained that this money acts as a magnet for attracting more wealth. MAGNET FOR ATTRACTING WEALTH When I think of women who are in their full unapologetic expression, we are magnetic and highly valuable to anyone who's life we touch. Guided by a Source greater than ourselves, it's no mistake that the most powerful men in the world have an enigmatic woman by their side. Wise men know that having a good woman in their corner, creating home (psychologically and physically), and guiding their children is his greatest asset and power that brings eternal dividends to their legacy. I deeply believe that every masculine man is looking for a queendom or a muse to serve, protect and cultivate. This is the quality that I most appreciate about masculine men that they look to be of use and affirmed by the feminine and not quite balanced unless he is needed by his muse. You'll NEVER hear me declare that crazy mantra: "I don't need a man." Never! Yesterday as I watched two very intelligent and strong men strategize how to get a huge armoire up to my second floor, I said to them, "What on Earth would women do without men? We definitely need you." CULTIVATE YOUR GOOSE BABY Because of our value as women on this planet, in the home, wherever we are really is legendary, it's good to recognize that we are "his" golden goose. Even if you're not in a partnership, we are the "golden goose" of our home or wherever we have others that depend on us. As feminine women, our #1 priority needs to be in the cultivation of ourselves as "the golden goose" who produces golden eggs (empowered mates, our children, our creative works, etc. ). When we place cultivating ourselves our ability to magnetize all of things in this life that make it yummy, magic, miracles and grace in our lives will be consistent and flowing. More on this topic in this Sunday's Workshop "Love. Beauty. Wealth. You Set The Standard." Details below. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 6 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Crescent S a v e T h e D a t e U P C O M I N G E V E N T S J A N U A R Y
21 Insights In 4 Nights
During the Winter Solstice I got quiet for four days and four nights and emerged with twenty-one insights; some were reminders, some were epiphanies, others were ideas.
There's a song from 1977 that says,
"If it don't fit, don't force it. Just relax and let it go. Just cause that's how you want it Doesn't mean it will be so." by Kellee Patterson "If It Don't Fit Don't Force It"
Insight #2 . . .
Abraham, Bruce and Maya were spot on. Abraham (Hicks) said "Go with the flow. No resistance. No struggle." Bruce (Lee) said: "Be Like Water My Friend." Maya (Angelou) said: "In everything give thanks." I take them all to mean FLOW without resistance. Because we live in an electromagnetic Universe, which is a feminine force of attraction, I, you, we get to practice working our power and magic through MAGNETISM. Any energy, vibe, action, attention, focus becomes a "Yes!" in this Universal law of Cause and Effect i.e. Attraction. So even your "No!" is becomes a "Yes." There is no read of what you do and don't want, do or don't like only that you are giving it energy. So giving thanks for it all, no matter what it looks like, feels like is again to be in the energy, vibe, action of allowing, no resistance, no struggle, but complete surrender and trust in the provision of the Universe, it's laws, our Spirit Allies and all of the good seeds we've planted for better. Giving thanks, being like water and going with the flow is an acknowledgment that regardless of appearances "All is well." It will turn out. It will benefit you in the long-run, even the short-run. Just flow and trust. go with the flow. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 5 of 13/13 Moons Waxing Crescent
S a v e T h e D a t e
In this series I ask some of my most beautiful, creative, wealthy, entrepreneur "girl crushes" how they create a life where they are cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius in their respective areas of talent and mastery. The #iAmHer360 series is an affirmation and celebration that the beauty, brilliance and benevolence in other women is also within us as well as having compassion for aspects of ourselves that give us the experience of various levels of pain, fear and isolation. At the end of the day, the health and consciousness of the planet lies in the health and consciousness of the si"star" hood, how we care for ourselves and each other. I'm committed to the idea that women set the standard to be cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their power and genius.
Diana Ross, Aunties & Haters
T H E C H A T H I G H L I G H T S 4:05 min. Working With Ms. Ross "Larger-than-life figure who is down-to-earth, fabulous, patient and regular. At the end of the day, people are people, it's the way others treat them that makes them seem like their different, unapproachable and untouchable." 7:24 min. Wisdom For My Daughter "I'd tell my daughter to be a thinker, be your own unique person, don't subscribe to what everyone else is doing. Be confident. Be educated. Be fierce. Don't be like the rest." "People judge you by the way that you look. Always carry yourself in a way understanding that others are always going to be looking at you and they're going form a perception of you." "Always dress for the job you want, not for the job you have. Perception . . . persona is everything . . . it's all about what you project." 8:31 min. Daily Declarations "Make positive declarations over your life everyday. Make a list of what you want to see change and improve in your life. Everyday recite these declarations and soon it'll start manifesting itself." 10:00 min. Who Everyone Needs In Their Life "Everyone needs someone in their life that's going to tell them the truth. Align yourself with someone who's going to be authentically real with you." ON Haters "Everyone has an opinion and everybody's not going to like you and everybody's not going to hate you. It's just how life is." "If you're down and out, first of all you've got to believe that you are not what people say you are. You've got to believe in yourself. You have to know that. When somebody tells you something that makes you feel a certain way, "consider the source." 15:50 min. Girl Stop Lookin' Like An Auntie "In this day and age there's no reason for anyone to be fat and ugly. You can look like a celebrity, on a budget. When you look better you feel better." "I see a whole lot of women out here lookin' like aunties. You don't have to look like an auntie, I mean look at Diana Ross, Diahann Carroll, Tina Turner, Sophia Loren, Sheryl Lee Ralph." "You don't have to look like an auntie but you have to be willing to be uncomfortable to get the change . . . most people that are mediocre, that are average, that are not disciplined will not endure that part that it takes, that separates you from the rest."
Thanks for reading and listening.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 27 of 11/13 Moons Waning Crescent Ever wonder why people consistently fail at their New Year's resolutions? It's the wrong timing.
Whatever you are focused on during the Winter Solstice will be amplified during the next 365 days. For any goal, vision, desire you have, there is not a better time than the Winter Solstice, the longest nights of the year to cultivate your genius within by being still and listening. The most Ancient Egyptians were legendarily advanced because they discovered the secret of cultivating the genius within. In the cocoon of darkness, dreams, visions and insight come forth like none other. Although the Winter Solstice is over one month away, we know that the seeds for manifestation began yesterday on 11.11.16. Dec. 19 to Dec. 25: Is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the four days and four nights when the sun stops its progression are the shortest days (9 hr. and 8 min.) and longest nights (14 hr. 51 min.) of the year. Winter Solstice: Wednesday, 21 December, 2016 at 5:44 AM EST I've personally observed the Winter Solstice since 2012 and host an annual observance community on Facebook. A great deal of my observance practices were inspired by the work of Ra Un Nefer Amen of Ausar Auset Society. Not on Facebook? Shoot me an email and I'll find a way to include you in the goings-on. This year's observance will include key events: 1. Pre-Winter Solstice Cleanse/Detox beginning on Sunday, Nov. 27th 2. Global Conference Call 3. Celebration & Gathering at Metamoorphose Wellness Temple on Friday, Dec. 30th. The basic protocol during these four days (Dec. 19 to Dec. 25) are the following: 1. Eat lightly. 2. When the Sun sets don't use any artificial light. 3. Quiet your environment. 4. Refrain from speaking. and 5. L I S T E N Be ready to write down what you hear and see. When the Sun returns you will be the newborn Queen/King ready to serve, receive and shine. This is the ULTIMATE preparation for a 2017 filled with Health, Love, Unity & Prosperity. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 14 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous . . . read this.
Somehow, many of us are looking to gather the pieces of who we are, very much like Auset searched the Universe for the pieces of her husband Ausar's dismembered body after Set in an angry rage murdered and dismembered him. Eventually Auset did locate every piece of her beloved's body and the moment that she placed the final piece in it's proper place, Heru was born, the original Christ, the hero, the Enlightened One, the Awakened Soul. And like Ausar, once we are able to put all of our pieces together in alignment, the Christ, the Enlightened, the Awakened within is born. KNOW THYSELF Neophytes in their education to become Egyptian priests could study the ancient temples covered in inscriptions that included the command to "Know Thyself." This command is more popularly known to appear at the Temple of Delphi in Greece, and although not the author, Athenian philosopher Socrates is credited with this essential personal duty. For most of us, achieving this charge could take a lifetime, but it is the first order of business. Knowledge of Self brings peace, power, prosperity and provides a road map of continuity for our descendants to follow. THE LABYRINTH TO SELF There was a time when huemanity was not dominated by "white" supremacy and world domination, but peoples for the most part were left to express their perception of the universe, nature and the world around them. Although not the only part of the world where colonization has occurred, in the colonization of Africa specifically, the English and French organized that they colonize every other country so the people "next door" would be unable to communicate with the other and that is why there is a leap frog set-up of English and French speaking countries next to each other in the continent. Crazy right that people would go to such lengths to alienate people from each other? Even worse is the cultural loss of ancient texts, scrolls in the burning of the national library of Alexandria in Egypt by the historically accused army of Julius Caesar. Today, when you think about what American culture is, it's really just become the pop culture created from the corporate monolith that has been unfolding for centuries and most recently through the "spin" of corporate media whose reach is worldwide. Instead of daughters and sisters learning about who they are, traditions and rituals from their mothers, grandmothers and aunties, we follow the style and trends of corporate-financed celebrities who exist not only for the expression of their art but for the profit orchestrated by the corporate monolith. Enter the internet, which is open source, free and independent from the "Truman Show"-type social engineering. Although this truly democratic way of communicating, expressing, sharing is a beautiful thing in many ways, the damage of the agenda for world domination by the financiers of the world structure has been done. People think they have their own opinions but have actually been spoon fed ideology from a very young age through university and that ideology is seamlessly maintained in our daily news, TV shows and advertising. A call to critical thought of or opposition to these intimately held beliefs are met with a Stockholm Syndrome type response. We are all attempting to reconstruct organic and essential personal cultures that are sweet, healing and resonant with our Spirit and Soul. However, it can get a bit murky in lieu of the programming we've forgone and continue to be exposed to with the agenda of world domination of the financiers of this era who have constructed our churches and religions, schools/universities, advertising/entertainment embedded with ideology that favors a male anglo homosexual agenda for power. Language is so powerful because within language you'll find worldview. A great part of what some of us have lost is the power of our native tongues. Almost twenty years ago I desired to more closely align with the culture, traditions and language of my Ancestors (which is quite a mix) so I replaced what I could with the appropriate cultural expressions, traditions and rituals. I eventually went through medicine woman training and initiation as well various trainings in Ancient African spirituality as my nomadic Fulani bloodline originated in modern-day Sudan. What is still missing for me is to be fluent in my native tongues so it makes me appreciate my Hungarian si"star"-friend who still speaks her native language with her parents while they Skype or my former Ghanaian beloved who spoke his native tongue of "Twi" with his mother on the phone. THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND So something as simple as an "African-American" young woman reading a blog about awakening her witch, leads her into a query to find a word to express her desire to create her reality using her intention and rituals leads her to questioning if foreign cultural labels like "witch" and "spells" fit because somehow it just doesn't resonate on her soul level. Disconnected from her native tongue, traditions and culture it's awfully confusing. WITCH In my estimation, all girls and women have the ability to work power, magic and express the miraculous, when they learn to tap in and harness these powers. "Witch" is a Wiccan term for a female who possesses magical powers or can command supernatural forces. In my study decades ago of the English Wiccan religion I appreciated their pre-Christian connection and honoring of nature. It indicates a certain rhythm with Universal laws. If you haven't read the book "The Mists Of Avalon" or seen the film adapted from the book by author Marion Zimmer Bradley and interested in the time during King Arthur's Camelot when Christianity and honoring the Goddess co-existed, it's a fascinating read. With the agenda of the Catholic church and those behind it: the wise woman, healer and seer have had a very tragic history which includes a holocaust of women and healers. It's funny that John Lennon actually penned a song "Woman Is The Nigger Of The World." The word "witch" for many has a great deal of negative stigma attached to it, while it's lovingly and proudly embraced by others. Similar to the word "nigger" or "nigga," the conversation and debate opens up a can of worms. BEAUTIFUL JAMBALAYA The beauty of our world is that we have at our fingertips a jambalaya of culture, tradition and ritual through food, fashion, art, etc. Is it assimilation, appropriation, adoption or alliance? At the end of the day, it is context and meaning that determine the expression and the way that one experiences a thing. To keep it simple and inclusive for me I recognize that first and foremost we are all connected as embodiments of divinity. From there our inquiry into who we are can go as simply or as comprehensively as we choose : biologically, historically, culturally, astrologically, vocationally, etc. CHOICE It may be empowering to one's personal journey back to Self to become familiar with and align with how they express and communicate their uniqueness through ancestral culture, tradition and ritual. On the other hand, perhaps we've lived many lives and bring to this life several influences and experiences that color how we resonantly express ourselves. Every human being has the right and free will to call themselves whatever the hell they choose. Our hidden treasures are waiting to be discovered if we only clear away the fog of foreign ideology and create from our essential voice. Always keep in mind the very first command to the neophytes of the Egyptian priesthood: "Know Thyself." INjoy your adventure back to Self! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 11/13 Moons New Moon ![]() The Spirit of Order calls us to honor the rhythm of the cosmos and its enduring predictability. The Spirit of Chaos calls us to honor beingness and allowing of this moment. There's a time for order and there's a time for chaos. When we bring them together interdependently, there is a marriage which brings creation. In every spiritual school of thought we are invited to walk in the beauty of balance. The electromagnetic Universe (feminine) that we live in is governed by the universal law of Maat which brings order. Maat is an ancient goddess from the most ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) tradition. The Spirit of Maat represents order, truth, balance, harmony and justice. Maat has her laws (universal) and those laws have been interpreted by Tehuti, the god of wisdom mathematically (Maat). The most ancient Egyptians were guided by these laws in their daily 42 Declarations of Innocence. Apparently prior to foreign influences and invasion, the most ancient Egyptians maintained a Maatian civilization that lived in peace for thousands of years with no need for police. My friend Kajara NiaYaa NebtHet wrote a book called "Light As A Feather: 42 Laws of Maat For Children" on this topic for children. I digress. The bottom line is that being alarmed out of your sleep in the morning and popping out of bed to put out fires, meet deadlines and be pulled by someone else's train all day is not going to create a life that you deserve where you are cherished, appreciated and compensated on every level. Before Michael Jordan ever stepped out on the court to perform the superhuman feats that he was able to do time and time again, he had a pre-game ritual. I perceive every day of my life as stepping out on the court to play so I also have a pre-game ritual. My "pre-game" ritual is based on the things that I require to be prepared to play at my highest capability and to perform superhuman feats that I'm able to do time and time again. A couple of days ago, I hosted a LIVE Facebook event and the women on the call unanimously admitted to putting EVERYONE else's requirements and desires before their own requirements and desires. Some might see forsaking your own needs as being a saint or sweet. Being a martyr for others may give you saint status, but at the end of the day it doesn't work because it's unsustainable. At some point you will burnout and crash. And holistically speaking, in every case (wife, mother, employee, entrepreneur) we set the standard of how others will cherish, appreciate and compensate us as well as be influenced as to how they will conduct their own lives. How we care for ourselves and live our lives has a domino effect on our relationships, families, community and culture. Women are the enduring example and first teacher in every context we exist in. If you expect to live in an environment where each person is cherished and appreciated in their relationships, as well as be paid top dollar for their abilities then YOU'VE/WE'VE got to set the standard. On Sunday, 6th November, from 2 to 4 PM, I'll be hosting a FREE Workshop: "How To Create Your Daily Healing Beauty Ritual." If you would like to attend in-person or online, please send me an email ([email protected]) or text (312.566.7506) as soon as possible, NOW. Until then begin to GET CLEAR on what it is you require daily to really perform at your best everyday and get it in BEFORE heading out to save the world. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 10/13 Moons Waning Crescent
"You Must Set The Standard." PLEASE STOP AT :45 seconds then continue on to the note. ![]()
You can watch the rest of the video later, because today's note is all about the first :45 seconds of this video. "You Must Set The Standard" is about setting the standard for all relationships in our lives by doing one simple thing.
Here's the transcript of the first 45 seconds: Mind if I ask you a question? How did you end your day yesterday, then how did you begin this day? The reason I ask is that there are so many women who routinely roll out of bed every morning and look up and it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon to find they forgot to eat...but yet the children, the husband, the boss and the clients have all been taken care of. If that's you, you KNOW that's not going to work for long. If you expect to be cherished and appreciated in your relationships, paid top dollar for your abilities then YOU'VE got to set the standard. I'm Akua Auset of My name Akua means "the sweet messenger" and my zone of genius is facilitating transformation. I've been given one job to do, and it's a very sacred job and that's to inspire women and girls to be magical and powerful - because our marriages, our children, every relationship in our community depends on it. HOW DO YOU END AND BEGIN YOUR DAYS? In tomorrow's note, I'm going to go into more about this topic. THIS EVENING at 7 pm CST, I'm going to do a LIVE Facebook Event in our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community about how to you end and begin your days. I'd love to hear from you on this topic, so set your alerts and alarms to join us at 7 pm CST. CLICK THE IMAGE above to join our community and to attend the event this evening. This Last Quarter Moon week is a good time to let go of habits, behaviors and things in our lives that don't work for us. Let's begin that letting go process. SEE YOU TONIGHT! So . . . whether you followed directions and stopped the video at 45 seconds or not, I'll explain what this video is for. For the last month, I've been part of a Mindset Alchemy™for Female Entrepreneurs course facilitated by one of my favorite clients: Tracy Neely of We met when I was hired to "d0" her face for her promotional photo shoot. Gorgeous right? She's wearing A U S E T : B E A U T Y cosmetics.
. . . ever see "The Matrix?" If you're in MY tribe and orbit I'm sure you have: Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, The Oracle, Agent Smith. When I first saw the film I found it fascinating that The Oracle, "THE prophet who helps free the humans with her foresight and wisdom" was located deep in "the hood." The Black Divine Feminine leading people back to themselves, their source of power is nothing new, but is in Maat (order). It's like going home to Mama to restore yourself. The caterpillar was never the destiny of the butterfly. All things come from God (good), all things are destined to return to God (good), and there are many paths to God (good). In the METAMOORPHOSE community, we utilize the healing beauty arts as a gateway for those who seek personal transformation. The caterpillar was never the destiny of the butterfly. As human being is not our destiny, but the Hero within us. We are the restoration of the Beloved Community.
HEALING WISDOM OF AFRICA What I learned from Malidoma Some in his book "The Healing Wisdom of Africa," is that people in the West suffer because they don't have four things: 1) who they are 2) why they are here 3) a community to affirm those gifts and 4) a community with with to share those gifts. If every human being had those four things in place, as well as nourishment from high vibe food, we would experience a whole different kind of reality. I know because it's been done before and it exists even today. GIVE On the last New Moon I received an oracle to "GIVE," and so I am going to obey Spirit and have begun to follow that direction by opening up my private beauty bungalow and wellness temple to the community with regular hours. I've been looking at properties to purchase with land but I felt let's just get started where we are and just build from there. After years of serving our community through various programs and courses, we now have a physical location where METAMOORPHOSE community and invited guests are welcome to restore, heal and amp up with our next level practitioners, artists and mystics. Sip tea and take beauty shots while shopping to restock your beauty and medicine bag. Yesterday was the first day open to the community. Most of you reading ARE outside of Chicago, so we'll be hosting LIVE streaming courses and events so don't feel left out. CONNECT WITH US To check the hours, the activities and receive notification FOLLOW our Facebook page and stop by: CLICK TO GET UPDATES Not on Facebook? Neither is my mom and a whole bunch of my elder aunties so just text 312.566.7506 or email: [email protected] for updates. The caterpillar was never the destiny of the butterfly. As human being is not our destiny, but the Hero within us. We are the restoration of the Beloved Community. Come home to the hood and get restored Beautiful. We are waiting for you. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 20 of 10/13 Moons Waning Gibbous SISTAR: If you are free, may I ask you a quick question?
AKUA: Sure. Can you type it? SISTAR: Thank you . . . yes. I have your book "Super women and Goddesses." In addition to it, can you suggest one or two good books that I can read and study? I have several already and although my journey has been long, I realize that I have a long way to go... AKUA: What are you seeking now in your life? SISTAR: Consistent authenticity . . . to walk in my goddess-hood . . . Hope that makes sense. AKUA: I have three books that I feel are required reading.
SISTAR: Yes! I have that one... I remember you mentioning it on your YouTube channel. I don't have The Spirit of Intimacy. AKUA:
AKUA: There are more but those are a great place to continue. Thanks for the question. SISTAR: Thanks so much. I will order the spirit of intimacy and start reading it. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 11 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Moon
Two of my very dear friends celebrated their union in a cross-cultural Hindu/Celtic wedding and celebration this past Saturday. He arrived with a Celtic/Indian musical procession surrounded by a community of family and friends on a horse. The unfolding of their love story trumps even the beloved film "The Notebook." There was a moment in the ceremony where the minister read I Corinthians 13. Every time I this hear or read this scripture, it calls me further up and forth into the consciousness of love. Love, not true love because if it's not true it's not love. Not unconditional love because if there are conditions then it's not love. It's simply L.O.V.E. We water down the power of the word using this word for everything that we find temporarily pleasing to our senses. The priest said something my mother has said repeatedly when I was growing up, don't use the word love for inanimate objects, etc. She was committed that I didn't use the word without regard for its power. On this beautiful Moon ruled Monday, the following passage is a great way to tap into the heart of things and begin this week in the high consciousness of love. After all, love begets love and it is who we truly are. THE EXCELLENCE OF LOVE
13 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not [a]love [for others growing out of God’s love for me], then I have become only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal [just an annoying distraction]. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy [and speak a new message from God to the people], and understand all mysteries, and [possess] all knowledge; and if I have all [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but do not have love [reaching out to others], I am nothing. 3 If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body [b]to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good at all. 4 Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 5 It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. 7 Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. 8 Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. But as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for the gift of special knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part [for our knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete]. 10 But when that which is complete and perfect comes, that which is incomplete and partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].13 And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13: The Bible SHARE & TWEET what most inspired and touched your heart from I Corinthians 13. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 10 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Moon ![]()
Just over a week ago, I was really ill. My Spirit ached for my mother - not necessary my own mother but mama energy: soul-caressing, spirit-calming, heart-restoring softness and healing. A nurturing femininity that feels like the melody of a Minnie Riperton album, like sipping warm cinnamon sassafras tea with almond milk, like the poetry of India Ame'ye, like the warmth of the Sun on your breasts, like the enchanting beauty of peonies, like the fragrance of Egyptian geranium, like a moist kiss on the forehead while being rocked, like forgiveness when you've erred. . .
FREE TO EXPRESS, DEVELOP, EXPLORE When I was a teenager, my mother said "these are the best years of your life." What I now gather from her wisdom was that at that age I was free to express, develop, explore life and the world without concern for paying bills, children depending on me, navigating relationship with injured adults or any of the nonsense and minutiae of the world's domesticated human illusion. A gentle response diverts anger . . . On this Venus-ruled Friday, I'm vibing on the sweetness and softness of life. I'm honored to be able to contribute my monetary harvest to the enterprise of my landlord, watch my children grow and witness their expression of beauty in world fighting its way out of weariness, heal the traumatized and inspire the lost with the warmth of love, beauty and wisdom. Life is sweet, magical, miraculous and full of wonder which if one is not careful can be obscured by the race of the rat. I awoke with this scripture in my heart. It is a scripture most likely inspired by a more ancient text. The author of Proverbs 15:1 has a wise insight that "a gentle response diverts anger, but a harsh statement incites fury." A harsh tongue is all too easy to express, a harsh response for harshness. Gentleness in the face of the disrespectful, brutal, and fearful is masterful because we are ever alchemists, magicians and magi. Anger is resistant and what you resist persists. So remember above anyone else, be first gentle with yourself dearheart. As there is a time and place for everything, today gentleness . . . softness . . . sweetness will be my meditation . . . stay soft, stay free Beauty. Written while listening to Minnie Riperton's album "Perfect Angel." ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 7 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon
Because we are metaphysicians who work universal law, superwomen that power in possibility and goddesses who inspire life in everything we touch, we are diverting our attention away from the focus on breast cancer and concentrating on loving our breasts with "Love Your Breasts" month. We know that what we focus on is what will will manifest so instead of a focus on cancer, breast or otherwise let us focus intently on loving our breasts and doing the things that contribute to the care and health of our breasts. I'm going to invite women, girls and men to do five things to love their breasts and the breasts of the women they love: 1. GIVE THANKS + DECLARE Women stand in the mirror with your bare breasts, hold them in your hands and give thanks for healthy, vital breasts that they have the ability to nourish children. Declare that you will appreciate and care for them by making sure to consume foods and products that will give life to your body temple. Men you can love your Beloved's breasts too by holding them in your hands, kissing them while giving thanks and declaring the health of her breasts as well. 2. INSPECT YOUR BEAUTY BAG Go through all of your cosmetics, beauty, body care products and inspect the ingredients to make sure you're not consuming toxic ingredients which get into your bloodstream even faster applied to the skin than eating food. If you've discarded the box with the ingredients listed you can most likely Google the ingredients. Visit to obtain a list of the most common toxic ingredients beginning with identifying parabens: methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, etc. in your products. 3. BREATH DEEPLY DAILY. Stress is the top health destroyer. The way to neutralize the effects of stress on our bodies is to engage in deep-controlled breathing at least three times a day: upon rising, before retiring for bed and during the day when you feel stressed. 4. ELIMINATE WHITE SUGAR + HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP If stress is the top health destroyer then consuming white refined sugar and all forms of refined or simple sugar is biting at its heels. Cancer and parasites love sugar so replace all forms of refined sweetener with raw, whole and complex forms of sugar: raw honey, raw agave, fruit, etc. 5. GREEN UP! Every single day get some living greens into you. Be it an avocado, salad, green juice, blue-green algae, liquid chlorophyll. Get. Your. Green. On. SHARE & TWEET IT UP While You Love Those Breasts Up Men & Women. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 6 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon |