11.11 First thing, today is a particularly auspicious day for setting intentions and manifestation. The intentions we cast today will begin to unfold and manifest after the Winter Solstice throughout 2017. Soon I'll be inviting you to join our global community for our 2016 Winter Solstice Observance 11:11 AM 11:11 PM Now let's talk about the expression of your multi-genius. you. Here's what I KNOW about you: You've always kinda been the different one, the go-to person, the maverick. Now you're ready for something next level and although you've been paring down a bit, you're desiring even more simplicity in your life. You've been experiencing a great deal of a transition in your life that's been at work for years. In your Spirit, you're the heart-centered rebel that gives so much to everyone else that often you feel a bit depleted and off-track. You CAN play as hard as you work though. You were born to inspire and lead others by shining without apology; sharing and serving generously. No matter the station in life or work you've done, your presence has always been that of a lightworker. If you fully accept this charge, your purpose for being here at this particular time, you will be taken care of and rewarded if you keep your eye on contributing and serving others. We are at the threshold of a Golden Age, you've heard about the Aquarian Age? That! The last Golden Age was during the building of the Pyramids in Egypt. me. This is what you should KNOW about me: At eight years old I was cleaning - no ...actually TRANSFORMING my friend's bedroom from utter chaos to order. The same year I organized a surprise party my mother - and people showed up. Can you imagine? We had a good time. At thirteen I made a pair of jeans for a friend of mine and she paid me four dollars. CREATING, FACILITATING TRANSFORMATION & BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER is in my DNA. I was born to serve and create. It is my deepest urge. My name Akua means "the sweet messenger" and I've been given one specific job to do - a very sacred job: inspire women and girls to be magical and powerful. Our marriages, our children, every relationship in our community depends on it. As a seven-year old who was bullied and suffered painfully from a low self-image for most of my teens and early twenties, I never would have believed that I would grow up to work with the leaders, luminaries and lightworkers of this world. While painting over a 1000 faces as a makeup artist around the country for celebrity clients, writing SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic, I've organized holistic beauty-centered experiences like: 9 1/2 Weeks: The METAMOORPHOSE Project™, SoulSistah Fest™, and 2012: The Love & Beauty Journey™. I've been called a magician, a muse, a healer, a high priestess, an artist and that I turn people into rock stars. Those titles are all true. By the time people make their way to me they are ready for their moment, their moment to step up to their next level. My Mars in Sagittarius aspect can make me a bit spicy at times, but my intention has always been a heart-centered desire to serve, create, and transform. we. Even the greatest lightworker requires a community of lightworkers; and because we experience this reality in the physical, spiritual, emotional, ethereal, mental dimensions we have an opportunity to be multi-dimensional beings or multi-geniuses, literally BEING in different dimensions at the same time using both hemispheres (feminine & masculine: the ultimate marriage) of our brains as well as. It's not enough to just master law and finance, or just balance your chakras, or just focus on your love languages. You got the point, but we are multi-dimensional, multi-geniuses to be activated, cultivated and expressed. Activating, Cultivating multi-geniuses is my area of genius. When people acquire my services, follow me, engage in my experiences they get activated, cultivated and express it in the world beautifully, prosperously. Like a farmer, I'm in the ministry and enterprise of growing multi-geniuses i.e. superwomen & goddesses. An Invitation & Request. Most of the time, the"money" part of my work is an after-though when I'm creating products, experiences and serving people in the capacity with which they engage with me because my priority is Love, Beauty & Magic, kind of obsessed with it actually. On this particularly auspicious day I know that it will be beneficial to us both to extend this invitation and request to you. The Invitation is to allow me to pour my genius, wisdom, knowledge, creativity and love into you daily as a kind of personal godmother. I'll find out what your goals are monthly, give you a structure, a blueprint and support to fulfill on those goals to further cultivate your multi-genius Self. And of course, there are gorgeous holistic beauty products and tea ceremonies are definitely involved. If you've ever wished for someone who will keep you on-point, who won't sell-out on you when life gets crazy busy or you just get lazy, here I am! I'm happy to support you and was born just to do that. The Request is, partner with me by becoming one of my patrons. I've just set up a community page on Patreon, which is still being edited. I'm still getting the hang of using it and this arrangement will provide an opportunity to just give, give, give to you without any limits. Whether or not you accept the invitation or grant my request I will still do what I do: serve, create and facilitate transformation. Honestly though, it would just be a lot more fun if you were part of our community. You can commit to as little as 5.55/mo. or as much as 2222.22/mo. You can change it from month-to-month or cancel at anytime. We'll figure out how to do that together. Patreon is new to me but creators I respect have used it with success. I know when I give, I get and that we only get to keep what we give away. Whatever seed you plant in our garden it's going to be fun to witness the magic, miracles, prosperity, collaborations that will be born out of this circle, tribe, family. Love. Beauty. Retreat. If the monthly pledges are hearty enough as a community, I'm looking to host at no-cost (other than your airfare and lodging) to our monthly PATRONS a Love & Beauty Retreat in a balmy, paradise in 2017. I'm so excited about The Golden Age that we are at the threshold of. I'm honored to be in your midst. This is our time. Let's do this together! CLICK THE IMAGE TO JOIN US ♡ ☆ ♀
Akua Day 13 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous photo: wallpaperswide.com elation. anger. apathy. I'm glad I committed to a "mostly" daily notebook, because it's been a whirlwind week with unexpected travel, work and adventure. I've come back with so much to share with you and had other notes in mind to write today, but out of compassion for the people in America, our home - post-election, I feel I need to offer some light and comfort.
DIVIDED Apparently a quarter of our country is celebrating the result, a quarter of our country is in shock, grief and feeling angry, while half of the country is perhaps frustrated, apathetic or altogether disconnected from politics. No matter where you stand in any of those groups, it's time to, as Seth Godin writes in his blog today, "Roll Up Our Sleeves." Voting twice every few years isn't going to do the trick, nor is just balancing our chakras. This is a great time to really take ownership of our reality. What if each person treated this nation/planet and land as it were our own home? Like someone else isn't going to get the dishes and make the bed, we are. No matter where you stand, the activities that we've been witnessing on this planet of late have been a mighty catalyst for bringing the ugliness and beauty out of us all to the surface. No matter how it appears, it's can be a beneficial thing because now we can REALLY get honest, have compassion, really dig in to do the work of healing. FEELING ELATED? Be compassionate and respectful, honoring the feelings and processes of your fellow citizens. FEELING ANGRY? Be committed to not violating another's right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in your expression and process. Beneath anger there's always hurt, disappointment or even fear. Anger is completely valid and natural. Knowing that all illness and disease begin in the Spirit, the key is to express your anger, then move on. Like a child expresses his/her emotion and then pretty quickly moves on - we have an opportunity to express anger while taking note of the hurt/disappointment beneath it. The goal is to process the roots of your emotion and look for "the gift" in it, which could be an insight for change/transformation/renewal, added wisdom, etc. The goal is to use your anger a tool for growth and expansion then get back to having a light heart. There's a quote from Buddha that I quite appreciate: "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." FEELING FEARFUL or INSECURE? I can definitely empathize with a feeling of uncertainty. My last note was about "F*ck Fear! Say Yes." It's important to keep a proper perspective of our true power to create our own reality. Every choice we make is creating our future on the microcosm and the macrocosm. You've got the power. Just know that a fearful or insecure person is a vulnerable person. We don't always make the best choices when we feel afraid or insecure. And sometimes even, others set up people to feel fear and insecure to take advantage of their feeling of vulnerability. My Healing Prescription: BE. DO. HAVE. To soothe and empower yourself, here are a few things you can "do."
We're all feeling the winds of transformation and hopefully the dismantling of all that doesn't work on this planet. How we navigate this era will depend on our consciousness and mindset from moment-to-moment, day-to-day keeping our eye on the prize without distraction. The future will reward those who are productive, who contribute to the lives of others, that can pierce through the illusion, see and move in the Source of Our True Power. Speaking of the winds of transformation, the other day I was on a plane flying over Denver which is known to have choppy air. When the flight got uncomfortably turbulent, my si"star" friend held my hand and said "The plane is just dancing in the wind." ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 12 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous This note is dedicated to Stacye Branche, Fanta Celah, My Mother, My Ancestors, My Daughters and Yours. Having not read Shonda Rhimes' book "A Year of Yes," I was still inspired to deem 2016 my "Year of Yes." After watching "Yes Man" starring Jim Carrey, I was fascinated about how more beautiful and adventurous my life could be by simply receiving the opportunities presented to me.
Through saying "Yes." this year I've:
F*CK FEAR How do I, you, we trust life, ourselves, others and not be in fear? At the end of this note, I've got a challenge for you. When I think about the saying "Ignorance Is Bliss," it's a bit true. I did the most brazen things in my early twenties not because I was necessarily courageous but because I didn't know to have concerns, fears or hang ups. I walked into the offices of power players, laid out my vision and created enduring relationships. When I think about that girl, she's my muse, my rockstar. YOU KNOW TOO MUCH We get older, and consume way too much fear, lack and scarcity through the eyes of "grown-ups," media and our painful experiences. REALITY CHECK If I think about the fact that things ALWAYS work out, even when they don't, it reactivates that free-spirited adventurer within. Knowing that my highest good is always at hand, I can trust The Most High, the Universe, the Spirit Allies and my inner Oracle i.e. my Heart. Through being even more intentional about receiving and following-through with opportunities I've identified hidden layers of concerns, fears and hang ups that are just frankly out-dated and illogical. Those damn concerns, fears and hang ups of ours short circuit and block my/your/our ability to serve, share my/your/our gifts, wisdom and love with others. OFF WITH YOUR HEAD So . . . if we started or continued to ignore our monkey minds (survival-focused) and get into our hearts (not emotion, but our inspiration/passion) and be led by that - the magical and miraculous will continue/begin in our lives. In our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES culture, we believe (be + live): REAL superwomen think, feel and act with a mind that anything is possible and REAL goddesses inspire life in everything they touch. It's the only way if I/you/we are to really work the highest power and magic. So . . . RIGHT NOW IDENTIFY . . . at least one b*llshit concern, fear or hangup that you KNOW is illogical, challenge it and put it to eternal rest. It's our time to win, progress, and accomplish. Every accomplishment we make juices us up to create another and another and another. And not just accomplishment for accomplishment sake or our ego but the expression of our divinity, beauty and power within. DO THIS. I want you to:
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 8 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Crescent . . . read this.
Somehow, many of us are looking to gather the pieces of who we are, very much like Auset searched the Universe for the pieces of her husband Ausar's dismembered body after Set in an angry rage murdered and dismembered him. Eventually Auset did locate every piece of her beloved's body and the moment that she placed the final piece in it's proper place, Heru was born, the original Christ, the hero, the Enlightened One, the Awakened Soul. And like Ausar, once we are able to put all of our pieces together in alignment, the Christ, the Enlightened, the Awakened within is born. KNOW THYSELF Neophytes in their education to become Egyptian priests could study the ancient temples covered in inscriptions that included the command to "Know Thyself." This command is more popularly known to appear at the Temple of Delphi in Greece, and although not the author, Athenian philosopher Socrates is credited with this essential personal duty. For most of us, achieving this charge could take a lifetime, but it is the first order of business. Knowledge of Self brings peace, power, prosperity and provides a road map of continuity for our descendants to follow. THE LABYRINTH TO SELF There was a time when huemanity was not dominated by "white" supremacy and world domination, but peoples for the most part were left to express their perception of the universe, nature and the world around them. Although not the only part of the world where colonization has occurred, in the colonization of Africa specifically, the English and French organized that they colonize every other country so the people "next door" would be unable to communicate with the other and that is why there is a leap frog set-up of English and French speaking countries next to each other in the continent. Crazy right that people would go to such lengths to alienate people from each other? Even worse is the cultural loss of ancient texts, scrolls in the burning of the national library of Alexandria in Egypt by the historically accused army of Julius Caesar. Today, when you think about what American culture is, it's really just become the pop culture created from the corporate monolith that has been unfolding for centuries and most recently through the "spin" of corporate media whose reach is worldwide. Instead of daughters and sisters learning about who they are, traditions and rituals from their mothers, grandmothers and aunties, we follow the style and trends of corporate-financed celebrities who exist not only for the expression of their art but for the profit orchestrated by the corporate monolith. Enter the internet, which is open source, free and independent from the "Truman Show"-type social engineering. Although this truly democratic way of communicating, expressing, sharing is a beautiful thing in many ways, the damage of the agenda for world domination by the financiers of the world structure has been done. People think they have their own opinions but have actually been spoon fed ideology from a very young age through university and that ideology is seamlessly maintained in our daily news, TV shows and advertising. A call to critical thought of or opposition to these intimately held beliefs are met with a Stockholm Syndrome type response. We are all attempting to reconstruct organic and essential personal cultures that are sweet, healing and resonant with our Spirit and Soul. However, it can get a bit murky in lieu of the programming we've forgone and continue to be exposed to with the agenda of world domination of the financiers of this era who have constructed our churches and religions, schools/universities, advertising/entertainment embedded with ideology that favors a male anglo homosexual agenda for power. Language is so powerful because within language you'll find worldview. A great part of what some of us have lost is the power of our native tongues. Almost twenty years ago I desired to more closely align with the culture, traditions and language of my Ancestors (which is quite a mix) so I replaced what I could with the appropriate cultural expressions, traditions and rituals. I eventually went through medicine woman training and initiation as well various trainings in Ancient African spirituality as my nomadic Fulani bloodline originated in modern-day Sudan. What is still missing for me is to be fluent in my native tongues so it makes me appreciate my Hungarian si"star"-friend who still speaks her native language with her parents while they Skype or my former Ghanaian beloved who spoke his native tongue of "Twi" with his mother on the phone. THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND So something as simple as an "African-American" young woman reading a blog about awakening her witch, leads her into a query to find a word to express her desire to create her reality using her intention and rituals leads her to questioning if foreign cultural labels like "witch" and "spells" fit because somehow it just doesn't resonate on her soul level. Disconnected from her native tongue, traditions and culture it's awfully confusing. WITCH In my estimation, all girls and women have the ability to work power, magic and express the miraculous, when they learn to tap in and harness these powers. "Witch" is a Wiccan term for a female who possesses magical powers or can command supernatural forces. In my study decades ago of the English Wiccan religion I appreciated their pre-Christian connection and honoring of nature. It indicates a certain rhythm with Universal laws. If you haven't read the book "The Mists Of Avalon" or seen the film adapted from the book by author Marion Zimmer Bradley and interested in the time during King Arthur's Camelot when Christianity and honoring the Goddess co-existed, it's a fascinating read. With the agenda of the Catholic church and those behind it: the wise woman, healer and seer have had a very tragic history which includes a holocaust of women and healers. It's funny that John Lennon actually penned a song "Woman Is The Nigger Of The World." The word "witch" for many has a great deal of negative stigma attached to it, while it's lovingly and proudly embraced by others. Similar to the word "nigger" or "nigga," the conversation and debate opens up a can of worms. BEAUTIFUL JAMBALAYA The beauty of our world is that we have at our fingertips a jambalaya of culture, tradition and ritual through food, fashion, art, etc. Is it assimilation, appropriation, adoption or alliance? At the end of the day, it is context and meaning that determine the expression and the way that one experiences a thing. To keep it simple and inclusive for me I recognize that first and foremost we are all connected as embodiments of divinity. From there our inquiry into who we are can go as simply or as comprehensively as we choose : biologically, historically, culturally, astrologically, vocationally, etc. CHOICE It may be empowering to one's personal journey back to Self to become familiar with and align with how they express and communicate their uniqueness through ancestral culture, tradition and ritual. On the other hand, perhaps we've lived many lives and bring to this life several influences and experiences that color how we resonantly express ourselves. Every human being has the right and free will to call themselves whatever the hell they choose. Our hidden treasures are waiting to be discovered if we only clear away the fog of foreign ideology and create from our essential voice. Always keep in mind the very first command to the neophytes of the Egyptian priesthood: "Know Thyself." INjoy your adventure back to Self! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 11/13 Moons New Moon ![]() The Spirit of Order calls us to honor the rhythm of the cosmos and its enduring predictability. The Spirit of Chaos calls us to honor beingness and allowing of this moment. There's a time for order and there's a time for chaos. When we bring them together interdependently, there is a marriage which brings creation. In every spiritual school of thought we are invited to walk in the beauty of balance. The electromagnetic Universe (feminine) that we live in is governed by the universal law of Maat which brings order. Maat is an ancient goddess from the most ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) tradition. The Spirit of Maat represents order, truth, balance, harmony and justice. Maat has her laws (universal) and those laws have been interpreted by Tehuti, the god of wisdom mathematically (Maat). The most ancient Egyptians were guided by these laws in their daily 42 Declarations of Innocence. Apparently prior to foreign influences and invasion, the most ancient Egyptians maintained a Maatian civilization that lived in peace for thousands of years with no need for police. My friend Kajara NiaYaa NebtHet wrote a book called "Light As A Feather: 42 Laws of Maat For Children" on this topic for children. I digress. The bottom line is that being alarmed out of your sleep in the morning and popping out of bed to put out fires, meet deadlines and be pulled by someone else's train all day is not going to create a life that you deserve where you are cherished, appreciated and compensated on every level. Before Michael Jordan ever stepped out on the court to perform the superhuman feats that he was able to do time and time again, he had a pre-game ritual. I perceive every day of my life as stepping out on the court to play so I also have a pre-game ritual. My "pre-game" ritual is based on the things that I require to be prepared to play at my highest capability and to perform superhuman feats that I'm able to do time and time again. A couple of days ago, I hosted a LIVE Facebook event and the women on the call unanimously admitted to putting EVERYONE else's requirements and desires before their own requirements and desires. Some might see forsaking your own needs as being a saint or sweet. Being a martyr for others may give you saint status, but at the end of the day it doesn't work because it's unsustainable. At some point you will burnout and crash. And holistically speaking, in every case (wife, mother, employee, entrepreneur) we set the standard of how others will cherish, appreciate and compensate us as well as be influenced as to how they will conduct their own lives. How we care for ourselves and live our lives has a domino effect on our relationships, families, community and culture. Women are the enduring example and first teacher in every context we exist in. If you expect to live in an environment where each person is cherished and appreciated in their relationships, as well as be paid top dollar for their abilities then YOU'VE/WE'VE got to set the standard. On Sunday, 6th November, from 2 to 4 PM, I'll be hosting a FREE Workshop: "How To Create Your Daily Healing Beauty Ritual." If you would like to attend in-person or online, please send me an email ([email protected]) or text (312.566.7506) as soon as possible, NOW. Until then begin to GET CLEAR on what it is you require daily to really perform at your best everyday and get it in BEFORE heading out to save the world. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 10/13 Moons Waning Crescent
Me on the film set of a Chevy commercial in 1997 with Michael Jordan & Muhammad Ali.
Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?
Yes? No? Well either way, by the end of this note my goal is that you will identify where you fit in with this rule and where you want to be with this rule.
I've been surrounded by a beautiful diversity of people throughout my life; which includes people living in wealth (defined by mindset + finances) as well as people living in poverty (defined by mindset + finances). From a young age I've been surrounded by wealthy and successful examples. The first time I heard about the 80/20 rule was at a business conference and understood it to be that in no matter the circumstance, in a mass of people with evenly distributed wealth, that 20 % of the mass would end up with 80% of the wealth or that 20% of the people will do 80% of the work.
Throughout my life I have observed to see if this rule is actually true in real life circumstances. I must say in my experience that it is not only true, but it actually seems as the public is becoming more and more INFLUENCED by mass media, "group think" and the social engineering that has and is occurring, the disparity between the two numbers seem to be even larger. According to The Guardian in October of 2015: "Half of the world's wealth is in the hands of less than 1% of the population." According to Inequality.org in 2015: 71% of the world who have under 10K in assets only hold 3% of the wealth while 84.6% of the wealth is held by 8.1% of the global population. Well my focus in this note isn't only about wealth in regard to tangible and cash assets but in the the consciousness, mindset, worldview, habits and behavior that creates wealth. Wealth being defined for me as being able to choose to life how you spend your day, your life and that you get to live as you envisioned and dreamed it, fulfilling on the things you said that you'd like to do and experience. Even if it turns out differently than you planned, you feel happy and fulfilled in your life for the most part. That is wealth. So it's pretty clear that wealth, happiness and fulfillment is somehow connected to consciousness, mindset, worldview, daily habits and behavior? In the culture of this moment, we tend to celebrate the individuals that through tough odds were able to persevere, relent and break through the obstacles set in their path. In sports, entertainment, business, even health and longevity, we call those that have accomplished what most couldn't or wouldn't, heroic and lift them up as celebrity. I myself am incredibly attracted to and marvel at people who are bold, brave, and consistent in the expression of their gifts, talents and abilities or the pursuit of a goal or a vision. It's EXTREMELY attractive. If everyone chose to be bold, brave and consistent I suspect that the "wealth" gap would be even smaller; the gap between those that are winning in and loving their lives and those who as Les Brown calls it "living in quiet desperation." I've been involved in so many groups, courses, initiations, etc. where everyone begins excited, committed and on board (100%) and then after a week there are some that drop off and then as time goes on even more drop off leaving the few consistent ones to complete the envisioned task alone at the finish line and it's not even 20%, but more like 1%. Sometimes it's not even that the task was done particularly well, but the fact that they crossed the finish line and didn't give up or quit.
So my question to you is: Who are you?
Are you part of the 80 or 20? . . . the 99% or the 1%? Either way it's fine, but are you where you want to be? Whether it's how you take care of yourself by tending to your health, your relationships, fulfilling on your life's purpose, gaining a certain level of education, will you stay in the game until the end or will you just quit? This world celebrates and rewards the people who cross the finish line. Who will you be? The 80 or the 20? ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 10/13 Moons Waning Crescent
"You Must Set The Standard." PLEASE STOP AT :45 seconds then continue on to the note. ![]()
You can watch the rest of the video later, because today's note is all about the first :45 seconds of this video. "You Must Set The Standard" is about setting the standard for all relationships in our lives by doing one simple thing.
Here's the transcript of the first 45 seconds: Mind if I ask you a question? How did you end your day yesterday, then how did you begin this day? The reason I ask is that there are so many women who routinely roll out of bed every morning and look up and it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon to find they forgot to eat...but yet the children, the husband, the boss and the clients have all been taken care of. If that's you, you KNOW that's not going to work for long. If you expect to be cherished and appreciated in your relationships, paid top dollar for your abilities then YOU'VE got to set the standard. I'm Akua Auset of akua-auset.com. My name Akua means "the sweet messenger" and my zone of genius is facilitating transformation. I've been given one job to do, and it's a very sacred job and that's to inspire women and girls to be magical and powerful - because our marriages, our children, every relationship in our community depends on it. HOW DO YOU END AND BEGIN YOUR DAYS? In tomorrow's note, I'm going to go into more about this topic. THIS EVENING at 7 pm CST, I'm going to do a LIVE Facebook Event in our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community about how to you end and begin your days. I'd love to hear from you on this topic, so set your alerts and alarms to join us at 7 pm CST. CLICK THE IMAGE above to join our community and to attend the event this evening. This Last Quarter Moon week is a good time to let go of habits, behaviors and things in our lives that don't work for us. Let's begin that letting go process. SEE YOU TONIGHT! So . . . whether you followed directions and stopped the video at 45 seconds or not, I'll explain what this video is for. For the last month, I've been part of a Mindset Alchemy™for Female Entrepreneurs course facilitated by one of my favorite clients: Tracy Neely of TracyNeely.com. We met when I was hired to "d0" her face for her promotional photo shoot. Gorgeous right? She's wearing A U S E T : B E A U T Y cosmetics.
Are you being stingy with your goodies? Tell the truth.
After being homeless three times in my life, the greatest lesson that I learned from those experiences is that when I share I will always have. Every time poverty has visited me it was because I was being stingy with my gifts and goodies. Whether it was me feeling not good enough or that my ego wouldn't allow me to do certain work with my background and experience. No one likes to think of themselves as stingy. After all, if we witnessed an adorable baby animal or child in need we'd most definitely step up to take care of them to the best of our ability. Yes, we are all essentially compassionate beings. I'm convinced that when you wake up clear about what your gift is, your zone of genius, knowing what your life's work, purpose, mission is, life becomes a great adventure. The Sun seems brighter, music sounds more melodic, human beings are more delightful and food tastes better than ever. I shared in my book SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic Book One that my mentor years earlier proclaimed that there were basically two types of people in the world: pimps and hoes. What?! I still shudder at that idea because it's a judgment that violates the sacredness of who I know us to really be. The Pareto Principle states that when everything is leveled out equally 20% of the whole will do 80% of the work or acquire 80% of the wealth every time. It's also been said that 85% of the masses follow the 1% blindly. While I was at the farmer's market this weekend I ran into a couple of people who had mentioned one of my Facebook posts. "Facebook post? What Facebook post?" I forgot we were even Facebook friends because I never hear a peep from them but then somehow they knew all about what was going with me. It made me wonder why they didn't comment or send me any indication that they were watching, especially since they both got such a kick out of the post enough to mention it. Didn't it at least earn a response? Years and not a peep from either of these people. Weird. It's like going to a concert and you're enjoying the music but just sit in your seat without dancing, clapping or otherwise engaging. Artists feed off of the energy of the audience very much in the way our African ancestors engaged in a "call and response" interaction when someone was expressing their gifts, message, blessing to the community. For this particular topic, I see that there are two types of people:
The world will feel more balanced when everyone takes a turn to create, shine as well as champion others to continue to shine by participating in the beauty of their expression. Be generous will your goodies, shine, serve, give your time, share your wisdom and vision. As well, participate and connect to those that have warmth, beauty and wisdom to share. Leave a good tip for good service, give a standing ovation and applaud, click like or comment, attend the event people organize, support the enterprise and businesses of your community, tell someone "yes, they can do this!" Be generous Dearheart and make your presence known otherwise the heart-to-heart connections in our society dissolve. What does that look like? Robots and zombies? If you don't have (wealth, love, health, etc.), perhaps it's because you're being stingy with your Light. You wonder? What will they think of me? What if they think "Who does she think she is?" or "Who does he think he is?" "What if I look stupid, silly, needy, etc.? Who cares? Shine like the Sun on SUNday Beautiful because you are the Source and the Light. In every instance, let your presence bring the warmth, vitality and goodness. If your shine is too bright for "them" they can put on sunglasses. Starry nights are so magical. It's a wonder to behold . . . billions of stars, a supanova of light makes it clear to me that we can all be generous with our shine, our light, our goodness, our goodies and never fear running out of room to do so. Even with this being so, we must face the fact that even though the Sun sustains life itself on planet Earth, people will still complain about and hate on the Sun, the Light of the World. Ah well. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 17 of 10/13 Moons Waning Gibbous
Two of my very dear friends celebrated their union in a cross-cultural Hindu/Celtic wedding and celebration this past Saturday. He arrived with a Celtic/Indian musical procession surrounded by a community of family and friends on a horse. The unfolding of their love story trumps even the beloved film "The Notebook." There was a moment in the ceremony where the minister read I Corinthians 13. Every time I this hear or read this scripture, it calls me further up and forth into the consciousness of love. Love, not true love because if it's not true it's not love. Not unconditional love because if there are conditions then it's not love. It's simply L.O.V.E. We water down the power of the word using this word for everything that we find temporarily pleasing to our senses. The priest said something my mother has said repeatedly when I was growing up, don't use the word love for inanimate objects, etc. She was committed that I didn't use the word without regard for its power. On this beautiful Moon ruled Monday, the following passage is a great way to tap into the heart of things and begin this week in the high consciousness of love. After all, love begets love and it is who we truly are. THE EXCELLENCE OF LOVE
13 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not [a]love [for others growing out of God’s love for me], then I have become only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal [just an annoying distraction]. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy [and speak a new message from God to the people], and understand all mysteries, and [possess] all knowledge; and if I have all [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but do not have love [reaching out to others], I am nothing. 3 If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body [b]to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good at all. 4 Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 5 It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. 7 Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]. 8 Love never fails [it never fades nor ends]. But as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for the gift of special knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part [for our knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete]. 10 But when that which is complete and perfect comes, that which is incomplete and partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].13 And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13: The Bible SHARE & TWEET what most inspired and touched your heart from I Corinthians 13. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 10 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous Moon Feeling alone, unsupported, overwhelmed?
Is cash flow a bit stagnant? If you've been "stingy with your goodies" read on. In the book SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic, I shared that the times in my life that I was without, it was because I was "being stingy with my goodies." Being an artist who's a bit introspective I can just nestle up in my wonderful home nearing the verge of reclusion. Ever see that film "About Schmidt" with Jack Nicholson about a recently retired man who ponders if and how he's made a difference in his life and the transforming force that giving made in his life? It's a very touching film about the power of giving. While giving is indeed transformative, I must add a slight disclaimer, by reminding those who are already robust givers to make sure that you give to yourself FIRST. The goal is to give from your abundance and fullness. GIVE It's time to give. This may be an item, it may be a smile or a hug or a letter/email the list is endless, there is always something we can give to people. The more we allow ourselves to give more to others, the more love is shared. Remember the last time someone gave you something, how did you feel? Let us share more of this. Remember one of the best gifts you can ever give anyone is your time. ACTION TO TAKE: Give generously, be it your time, a gift, an item, the list is endles. POWERFUL AFFIRMATION: "I give with so much love, and in doing so, this lifts me even higher and also lifts those who are receiving too." This card is from the Divine Reminder Oracle Deck by Jolene Setterfield. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 3 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon
And still I rise.
- Maya Angelou This note is dedicated to all of the elders, teachers, ancestors, pioneers, mavericks, trailblazers who have come before and left clues, maps, sacred texts so that we may continue the work of the Light Ones. - - - - How does one harvest an apple? First, plant the seed. Furthermore, I know that when I plant an apple seed, it is impossible to harvest a watermelon. What I sow is what I reap, this is the universal law of cause and effect at work. Author, Comedian, Health Activist Dick Gregory reminds us that the greatest and most powerful law of our lives, this land, planet, universe is Universal Law. We've learned that when we violate the laws of nature there is a price to be paid; again cause and effect. Case and point, our bodies are made mostly of water, like 85 - 95%. When I don't drink water, I dehydrate my body then all sort and form of malfunction begins to occur: lack of energy, lack of concentration, inability to breathe, perhaps even death. As "hue"manity experiences its growing pains, what Charles Dickens said comes to mind, "this is the best of times, this is the worst of times." It's easy to get distracted and take on a Neptunian style of living when you look at your life, your community, our world and have no clue of where to begin with solving the human dilemmas - so you seek escape from it all. "It's so much, it's too much. Wonder what's on Netflix?" Consider that the solutions we seek have nothing to do with worldly things but in our ability to create - to be the metaphysicians we were born to be. We are multi-dimensional beings, with intellect and yet also creativity, literally the ability to CREATE. As the author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic almost ten years ago now, I suggested that "without knowing it, we have created a great deal of painful and pleasurable experiences not overstanding our power as goddesses and superwomen." It is only in feeling powerless that we disconnect from our innate power of being creators. The beauty of seeing, feeling and otherwise experiencing what we don't enjoy is that it creates a desire for something else, a dream or vision. From there we can begin to create differently, consciously - even otherworldly. My consciousness, thought, feeling and actions precede the manifestation of things and conditions. The Plutonian influence of Kali (death/rebirth) during this Autumn Equinox gives us an opportunity to leave behind outmoded consciousness and create anew in a clean kitchen. A new month, new moon, new beginning is just days away and possibility is abound. So what if we let go of this illusion of powerlessness? What would happen if we awoke from our "mean sleep" thinking that: Celebrity, Isolation, Illness, Poverty, Violence and Prejudice are normal facts of life? Aren't they just illusions i.e. nightmares that can be undone? Also there's so much more that can be said about each of these things I'm going to skip that inquiry and suggest that we get quiet, fast from the unnecessary, and tap into the voice of our inner oracle and activate the metaphysician that works universal law, the superwoman that powers in possibility and the goddess that inspires life in everything she touches. Imagine a world where the sleeping giants awoke and expressed every gift, talent and ability. A world where there was no concept of celebrity and that each citizen of this planet was an honored member of a harmonious and honorable community, health and vitality is the status quo, each person, family and community had access to anything they required so there is no need to hoard from others, peace and cooperation amongst a diversity of cultures, traditions and expressions of hueman being with option of a dual citizenship amongst the heavens. This vision is not so far-fetched as the standard was set before by the most ancient Kemetians (Egyptians) who famously lived in peace for thousands of years without the need for police because the goal of each citizen was to be an empowered and enlightened being. I have to agree with Carter G. Woodson, that said "When you control a man's thinking, you do not have to worry about his actions." Sheep are adorable in fact I was born the year of the sheep according to Chinese Astrology, however like the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly, it's the holy hour for the beloved sheep to become the metaphysician. Get quiet. Fast. Tap In. Dream. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 27 of 9/13 Moons Waning Crescent Less is more.
When you go deep you don't have to go wide. When you have quality you don't need quantity. We've all heard these statements and applies to so many areas of our lives. Currently we are in the last quarter of the ninth moon of 2016. The Last Quarter Moon phase is the best time to release the unnecessary and outdated. If soaring is the goal then making sure we are not overloaded with the unnecessary is key. POSSESSIONS I'll never forget preparing for a 205-day adventure on the road in "Lucy The LoveShip," my vintage Oasis motorhome. I planned all that I would require in such a compact space. It was revealing to review my daily rituals and activities while creating a list of each thing I would specifically require. Once I set out on my journey, everything had it's proper place and I could move about in a clean, organized environment and focus on whatever task was at hand. Simplicity sets us free to focus without distraction or burden of excess. FOOD When you have quality you don't need quantity. I find that if I consume protein in my first meal I don't get as hungry the rest of the day. When I skip that and I'm at home I will find myself snacking all day. You can eat fast food all day, even be obese but still be hungry and malnourished because you're eating quantity with no quality i.e. true nourishment. On the other hand, do you have a habit of buying too many fresh groceries and the food going bad before you had a chance to consume it? Going to the market as you need it is a great option if you have that option available to you. MEDIA I grew up at a time where if someone called and you weren't there, they would just have to call back to reach you. If you wanted to send a note to someone in another country or state you would need to write a letter, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it, walk to the mail box and WAIT. This process alone decreased the amount of communications that you would receive in your mailbox. In fact getting a hand-written letter was an event, something to sit down and enjoy. Now we have the blessing and curse of getting instant messages from every direction at all times of the day. FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPS When you go deep you don't have to go wide. Did you have a best friend or a small circle of friends you hung out with everyday when you were little? Do you have a mate, best friend or circle of friends now as an adult? Do you keep up with them? Do you know what they are excited about? What their concerns are? Is there intimacy? We have Facebook Friends, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube Followers, the people we know from our work place, the organizations we participate in, our church or spiritual communities . . . so many people so little time. We can attempt to stay in touch with people through a multitude of channels but at the end of the day, the only way to really create real connection and intimacy is to be present and involved in the lives of fewer people. TO DO LISTS Once upon a time people had to wash clothes, linens, etc. by hand and it took the whole day. Now we can pop a load in the washing machine and go on about our day. With so many time-saving devices in this modern-day culture, it's a wonder why we still feel we don't accomplish enough in the day, in the week, month, year. We all know that a plane has strict weight limitations that must be met prior to taking off to soar, it makes sense that we each take a moment to reflect on what weight limitations we have before taking off and letting go of the unnecessary, paring down, simplifying so that we can soar at heights never before experienced - so let that shite go beautiful! Review your possessions, your eating, the media you're consuming, your relationships and to do lists to get to the essence of what is truly of value and of quality. Tweet or Share what you plan to let go of during this last quarter moon. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 26 of 9/13 Moons Waning Crescent
Last night I was listening to an interview Tim Ferriss was doing with strategist, businessman, author and philanthropist Tony Robbins when he mentioned a documentary on him called "I Am Not Your Guru." I stopped listening to the interview then opened up my Netflix account, typed the name in the search box, watch the opening credits and within five minutes of viewing I was in tears - completely moved by the apparent love that Tony Robbins brings to his work. The morning after I'm still enchanted by the impact of his message because it so resonates with me. From a very young age. I never had any doubt that my life would be a life where my work would be creative and was something I loved. Although there have been a few detours, I always come back to the love, no matter how much or little financially its brought me. MOM AWAY FROM HOME This feeling of enchantment I'm feeling was similar three years ago, the night after my mother's retirement celebration. My mother Bea Harris, an educator for middle and high schoolers in the area of Life Skills which encompassed World Cuisine and Home Economics for forty-seven years. I'll never forget her saying that she wanted to be a "mom away from home teaching them skills that they will use for life." Her students impact the world and she left her fingerprints on them. LOVE & CONTRIBUTION In an interview with Charlie Rose, Robbins said "people need: certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution." It is clear that both Tony and my mother chose LOVE and CONTRIBUTION as their guiding force. As I wrote in honor of my mother's retirement tribute years ago: "We are all building legacies as we pass through each moment, day, week, season, year. The seemingly mundane becomes a body of work later to be reviewed and enjoyed. Bea Harris discovered what she was born to do and has shared it with love: from the White House, to Seventh Avenue and the islands of the Caribbean in the most profound way through a legion of students of national diversity in whom she planted her seed of Love. Her story is a beautiful love story that continues to unfold." DO YOU DO IT FOR LOVE? What would this world look like if every person who held a job was doing it for love and contribution? Your doctor, your auto mechanic, your teacher, your customer service rep, your pilot? Our policemen and women? Can you imagine it? What is the work, mission, purpose, calling that you could do for LOVE & CONTRIBUTION? This weekend really think about it. Below are two films that may get you inspired while you meditate on these questions. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 9/13 Moons Last Quarter Moon . : Double Feature : . |