And still I rise.
- Maya Angelou This note is dedicated to all of the elders, teachers, ancestors, pioneers, mavericks, trailblazers who have come before and left clues, maps, sacred texts so that we may continue the work of the Light Ones. - - - - How does one harvest an apple? First, plant the seed. Furthermore, I know that when I plant an apple seed, it is impossible to harvest a watermelon. What I sow is what I reap, this is the universal law of cause and effect at work. Author, Comedian, Health Activist Dick Gregory reminds us that the greatest and most powerful law of our lives, this land, planet, universe is Universal Law. We've learned that when we violate the laws of nature there is a price to be paid; again cause and effect. Case and point, our bodies are made mostly of water, like 85 - 95%. When I don't drink water, I dehydrate my body then all sort and form of malfunction begins to occur: lack of energy, lack of concentration, inability to breathe, perhaps even death. As "hue"manity experiences its growing pains, what Charles Dickens said comes to mind, "this is the best of times, this is the worst of times." It's easy to get distracted and take on a Neptunian style of living when you look at your life, your community, our world and have no clue of where to begin with solving the human dilemmas - so you seek escape from it all. "It's so much, it's too much. Wonder what's on Netflix?" Consider that the solutions we seek have nothing to do with worldly things but in our ability to create - to be the metaphysicians we were born to be. We are multi-dimensional beings, with intellect and yet also creativity, literally the ability to CREATE. As the author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic almost ten years ago now, I suggested that "without knowing it, we have created a great deal of painful and pleasurable experiences not overstanding our power as goddesses and superwomen." It is only in feeling powerless that we disconnect from our innate power of being creators. The beauty of seeing, feeling and otherwise experiencing what we don't enjoy is that it creates a desire for something else, a dream or vision. From there we can begin to create differently, consciously - even otherworldly. My consciousness, thought, feeling and actions precede the manifestation of things and conditions. The Plutonian influence of Kali (death/rebirth) during this Autumn Equinox gives us an opportunity to leave behind outmoded consciousness and create anew in a clean kitchen. A new month, new moon, new beginning is just days away and possibility is abound. So what if we let go of this illusion of powerlessness? What would happen if we awoke from our "mean sleep" thinking that: Celebrity, Isolation, Illness, Poverty, Violence and Prejudice are normal facts of life? Aren't they just illusions i.e. nightmares that can be undone? Also there's so much more that can be said about each of these things I'm going to skip that inquiry and suggest that we get quiet, fast from the unnecessary, and tap into the voice of our inner oracle and activate the metaphysician that works universal law, the superwoman that powers in possibility and the goddess that inspires life in everything she touches. Imagine a world where the sleeping giants awoke and expressed every gift, talent and ability. A world where there was no concept of celebrity and that each citizen of this planet was an honored member of a harmonious and honorable community, health and vitality is the status quo, each person, family and community had access to anything they required so there is no need to hoard from others, peace and cooperation amongst a diversity of cultures, traditions and expressions of hueman being with option of a dual citizenship amongst the heavens. This vision is not so far-fetched as the standard was set before by the most ancient Kemetians (Egyptians) who famously lived in peace for thousands of years without the need for police because the goal of each citizen was to be an empowered and enlightened being. I have to agree with Carter G. Woodson, that said "When you control a man's thinking, you do not have to worry about his actions." Sheep are adorable in fact I was born the year of the sheep according to Chinese Astrology, however like the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly, it's the holy hour for the beloved sheep to become the metaphysician. Get quiet. Fast. Tap In. Dream. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 27 of 9/13 Moons Waning Crescent
Last night I was listening to an interview Tim Ferriss was doing with strategist, businessman, author and philanthropist Tony Robbins when he mentioned a documentary on him called "I Am Not Your Guru." I stopped listening to the interview then opened up my Netflix account, typed the name in the search box, watch the opening credits and within five minutes of viewing I was in tears - completely moved by the apparent love that Tony Robbins brings to his work. The morning after I'm still enchanted by the impact of his message because it so resonates with me. From a very young age. I never had any doubt that my life would be a life where my work would be creative and was something I loved. Although there have been a few detours, I always come back to the love, no matter how much or little financially its brought me. MOM AWAY FROM HOME This feeling of enchantment I'm feeling was similar three years ago, the night after my mother's retirement celebration. My mother Bea Harris, an educator for middle and high schoolers in the area of Life Skills which encompassed World Cuisine and Home Economics for forty-seven years. I'll never forget her saying that she wanted to be a "mom away from home teaching them skills that they will use for life." Her students impact the world and she left her fingerprints on them. LOVE & CONTRIBUTION In an interview with Charlie Rose, Robbins said "people need: certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution." It is clear that both Tony and my mother chose LOVE and CONTRIBUTION as their guiding force. As I wrote in honor of my mother's retirement tribute years ago: "We are all building legacies as we pass through each moment, day, week, season, year. The seemingly mundane becomes a body of work later to be reviewed and enjoyed. Bea Harris discovered what she was born to do and has shared it with love: from the White House, to Seventh Avenue and the islands of the Caribbean in the most profound way through a legion of students of national diversity in whom she planted her seed of Love. Her story is a beautiful love story that continues to unfold." DO YOU DO IT FOR LOVE? What would this world look like if every person who held a job was doing it for love and contribution? Your doctor, your auto mechanic, your teacher, your customer service rep, your pilot? Our policemen and women? Can you imagine it? What is the work, mission, purpose, calling that you could do for LOVE & CONTRIBUTION? This weekend really think about it. Below are two films that may get you inspired while you meditate on these questions. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 9/13 Moons Last Quarter Moon . : Double Feature : .![]() Today is a Full Moon in Pisces Priestesses, Goddesses and Superwomen are in sync with their internal and external moon cycle. It's not as "woo woo" or esoteric as one might think. After all the most impressive engineers who built the pyramids in the most Ancient Egyptian culture were guided by star science. My si"star" friend and author Myeka even goes so far as to say the difference between a lunatic woman and a Luna Queen is all in the knowledge of her lunar cycle. CASE & POINT I remember when I was documenting my Organic Beauty Detox journey years ago, I had a really tough emotional day complete with a headache and an uncomfortable "growth" conversation with my Beloved at the time. I thought that these two occurrences were simply part of my detox symptoms - the next day my moontime (period) showed up. Feeling ridiculous that after all these years I wasn't in syne with my own lunar cycle, I committed to knowing daily where I was in my lunar cycle so that I could utilize that energy in the most beneficial way. Since that day I've been charting my internal lunar cycle and flow with the cosmic lunar cycle because we are all connected to it like every driver on the road effects the flow of traffic. I utilize the energy and magnetism of the Moon by syncing daily with its cycle. In fact, the movements of every planet effect "the all" as we effect "the all." THE MOON As women, similar to our own internal lunar cycle, we have thirteen 28-day (give or take) lunar cycles every year. Even the strictly scientific astronomers recognize that the magnetism of the Moon affects the tides of the waters on Earth. Human beings are mostly water, so the Full Moon effects the waters within us as well. Ever wonder why people behave in an especially amplified manner on the Full Moon? WHIRLING MAGIC On the Full Moon phase which last seven days, as it wanes, on the first day I:
SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES If all this Moon, crystal, astrology, priestess stuff isn't making any sense to you, I understand. I host a Facebook SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community and although the focus is to stay present to the tending of self before we tend to everyone else we stay in sync with the lunar cycle daily as well as other metaphysical matters. When you SHARE or TWEET this "note" CHOOSE one of my seven FULL MOON actions that you will perform today, tomorrow, or this weekend for the FULL MOON. Happy FULL Moon Beautiful One! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 16 of 9/13 Moons Full Moon ![]() I sing the body electric I glory in the glow of rebirth Creating my own tomorrow When I shall embody the Earth And I'll serenade Venus I'll serenade Mars And I'll burn with the fire Of ten million stars And in time and in time We will all be stars Lyrics by Irene Cara & Paul McCrane "AND I'LL BURN WITH THE FIRE OF TEN MILLION STARS" : Yaassss. I've had this song on my mind for a few days now and was one of my favorite growing up. We sang "I Sing The Body Electric" from the film "Fame" in junior high chorus and for some reason I'm vibing with this message today on my birthday. I just may christen this year with this theme of "SHINING WITH THE FIRE OF TEN MILLION STARS." I have two questions for you: 1. WHAT does "shining" mean to you? 2. HOW can I, you, we SHINE 1000 X brighter in the next 365 days? When you share this post on Facebook or Tweet include your answer. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 13 of 9/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous |