![]() Today is a Full Moon in Pisces Priestesses, Goddesses and Superwomen are in sync with their internal and external moon cycle. It's not as "woo woo" or esoteric as one might think. After all the most impressive engineers who built the pyramids in the most Ancient Egyptian culture were guided by star science. My si"star" friend and author Myeka even goes so far as to say the difference between a lunatic woman and a Luna Queen is all in the knowledge of her lunar cycle. CASE & POINT I remember when I was documenting my Organic Beauty Detox journey years ago, I had a really tough emotional day complete with a headache and an uncomfortable "growth" conversation with my Beloved at the time. I thought that these two occurrences were simply part of my detox symptoms - the next day my moontime (period) showed up. Feeling ridiculous that after all these years I wasn't in syne with my own lunar cycle, I committed to knowing daily where I was in my lunar cycle so that I could utilize that energy in the most beneficial way. Since that day I've been charting my internal lunar cycle and flow with the cosmic lunar cycle because we are all connected to it like every driver on the road effects the flow of traffic. I utilize the energy and magnetism of the Moon by syncing daily with its cycle. In fact, the movements of every planet effect "the all" as we effect "the all." THE MOON As women, similar to our own internal lunar cycle, we have thirteen 28-day (give or take) lunar cycles every year. Even the strictly scientific astronomers recognize that the magnetism of the Moon affects the tides of the waters on Earth. Human beings are mostly water, so the Full Moon effects the waters within us as well. Ever wonder why people behave in an especially amplified manner on the Full Moon? WHIRLING MAGIC On the Full Moon phase which last seven days, as it wanes, on the first day I:
SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES If all this Moon, crystal, astrology, priestess stuff isn't making any sense to you, I understand. I host a Facebook SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community and although the focus is to stay present to the tending of self before we tend to everyone else we stay in sync with the lunar cycle daily as well as other metaphysical matters. When you SHARE or TWEET this "note" CHOOSE one of my seven FULL MOON actions that you will perform today, tomorrow, or this weekend for the FULL MOON. Happy FULL Moon Beautiful One! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 16 of 9/13 Moons Full Moon |