Because we are metaphysicians who work universal law, superwomen that power in possibility and goddesses who inspire life in everything we touch, we are diverting our attention away from the focus on breast cancer and concentrating on loving our breasts with "Love Your Breasts" month. We know that what we focus on is what will will manifest so instead of a focus on cancer, breast or otherwise let us focus intently on loving our breasts and doing the things that contribute to the care and health of our breasts. I'm going to invite women, girls and men to do five things to love their breasts and the breasts of the women they love: 1. GIVE THANKS + DECLARE Women stand in the mirror with your bare breasts, hold them in your hands and give thanks for healthy, vital breasts that they have the ability to nourish children. Declare that you will appreciate and care for them by making sure to consume foods and products that will give life to your body temple. Men you can love your Beloved's breasts too by holding them in your hands, kissing them while giving thanks and declaring the health of her breasts as well. 2. INSPECT YOUR BEAUTY BAG Go through all of your cosmetics, beauty, body care products and inspect the ingredients to make sure you're not consuming toxic ingredients which get into your bloodstream even faster applied to the skin than eating food. If you've discarded the box with the ingredients listed you can most likely Google the ingredients. Visit to obtain a list of the most common toxic ingredients beginning with identifying parabens: methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, etc. in your products. 3. BREATH DEEPLY DAILY. Stress is the top health destroyer. The way to neutralize the effects of stress on our bodies is to engage in deep-controlled breathing at least three times a day: upon rising, before retiring for bed and during the day when you feel stressed. 4. ELIMINATE WHITE SUGAR + HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP If stress is the top health destroyer then consuming white refined sugar and all forms of refined or simple sugar is biting at its heels. Cancer and parasites love sugar so replace all forms of refined sweetener with raw, whole and complex forms of sugar: raw honey, raw agave, fruit, etc. 5. GREEN UP! Every single day get some living greens into you. Be it an avocado, salad, green juice, blue-green algae, liquid chlorophyll. Get. Your. Green. On. SHARE & TWEET IT UP While You Love Those Breasts Up Men & Women. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 6 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon |