In this series I ask some of my most beautiful, creative, wealthy, entrepreneur "girl crushes" how they create a life where they are cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius in their respective areas of talent and mastery.
The #iAmHer360 series is an affirmation and celebration that the beauty, brilliance and benevolence in other women is also within us as well as having compassion for aspects of ourselves that give us the experience of various levels of pain, fear and isolation. At the end of the day, the health and consciousness of the planet lies in the health and consciousness of the si"star" hood, how we care for ourselves and each other. I'm committed to the idea that women set the standard to be cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their power and genius.
What You Deserve & Who You Are
T H E C H A T H I G H L I G H T S Little Girls & Women Embrace Your Insecurity 2:02 min. "Having a sense of self-worth is reliant on realizing that you're always going to have insecurities, so don't focus on eradicating them but acknowledge, accept and value yourself despite them. No need to gloss over them, sort them out or fix them. I would tell her to value herself for the right reasons and make peace with her insecurities and to not lead with them. Create a relationship with them that's healthy. When you build the right relationship with yourself, everything springs from that." "It is very, very important for women to be very, very clear about what they deserve and to be very clear about who they are." 6:10 min. Nourishing Rituals For Growing Self-Worth "I stay in clear communication with myself, I check-in and clear my mind clutter." On a practical level.... E A T I N G "There's a strong connection between the way that I feel and the way that I eat. Eating nutritious and listening to your own body instead of imposing some set rules on yourself based on some philosophy. Learn what you feel most nourished by, what makes you feel good, what doesn't. I'm focused on high-quality food that I also enjoy." H A V E A C R E A T I V E P R A C T I C E "...that's not necessarily tied to what you do or your work. Sometimes when you make your living that's tied to your creative outlet it's an amazing gift in life but it can change your relationship to it when it's tied up in commerce or business or the real world. It's nice to have a practice that's not necessarily about your work."
Thanks for reading and listening.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 1 of 12/13 Moons New Moon in Sagittarius |