Last night I had in mind to write about an entirely different topic,
but when I awoke this morning with a little feeling of overwhelm a voice said: "Go back to the basics." Did you have a health regimen that worked really well for you and it somehow dropped off? Ever discover an amazing beauty product and somehow stopped using it? Do you have a sea of unread books in your library and continue to buy new ones? A dish that you once loved to eat, but stopped eating? Have you ever bought something only to realize that you already have it? ...once so ecstatic about this magical new person in your life who you now take for granted? Why is it that we find something that works for us, love it and somehow we look up and it's/they've fallen to the wayside? I'll tell you why. We're dazzled by the shiny new sh*t (or perhaps even in some cases the old sh*t that never worked.) We haven't yet mastered or fully explored to the deepest levels the thing that we found that worked, that we loved, that we were ecstatic about and proselitized it like a new Christian. Any successful business man, champion athlete or artistic genius knows to maintain their winning formula with F O C U S & C O N S I S T E N C Y. So note what works for you, work it into your ethos, keep doing it with focus and consistency and try not to be so dazzled by all the shiny new sh*t. That's all. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent |