We run off . . .
We medicate . . . We do whatever it takes to cover it up and dull the sensation. We're suppose to feel. We're suppose to love and hate and hurt and grieve and break and be destroyed and rebuild ourselves to be destroyed again. That's humanity. That's being alive. That's the point. That's the entire point. Don't avoid it. Don't extinguish it. - Grey's Anatomy, Season 11 Episode 24 How do you escape pain, grief and avoid loss . . . boredom? Do you numb your pain? If so what's your drug of choice? . . . because if you're numb to the pain you're also numb to the passion, the joy, the happiness, the pleasure and all the other delicious feelings and experience of being a human being. When you put up a wall to block one thing it blocks EVERYTHING else too. If you can stand in the moment of discomfort knowing that the discomfort is temporary; that "this too shall pass," it becomes a holy reference point. If you take the discomfort on like a researcher or observer and use that information to dream and create what you would rather feel or experience, the contrast creates a new desire in you (Abraham Hicks). Yes, moments of pain can then become a tool for your growth, development and expansion. Put another way, it's pain and the things you don't desire that help you to get crystal clear on what you do desire. So my beautiful whirler of magic, FEEL IT ALL with gratitude knowing that the spectrum of feeling and experience is what it is to be human, if you can feel, it means you're ALIVE and you can create something beautiful from this "icky" moment. Avoiding, blocking and otherwise trying to escape pain is discarding one of the most valuable resources for creating what you desire. The KEY is to not stay in the "icky," in the pain because then you're just suffering (SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES p. 18). What if you took the blockers and blinders off . . . tore the wall down? What if you freestyled it today, opened your heart and mind? Today is a great day to feel all the PASSION in this life in all it forms and use it to dream, create and expand. You meant to hurt me, but God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people, which is being done. - Genesis 50:20 ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 20 of 9/13 Moons Waning Gibbous |