![]() What was your mother or father's greatest advice they ever gave you? Mine? "Just be yourself." I first heard, "People prefer the devil they know over the angel they don't." on the show "Touched By An Angel" a bunch of years ago. That quote is designed to speak of our resistance to change even if that change would represent something beneficial to us. This quote popped into my head this morning in regard to this topic - Just Be Yourself. We've seen clearly in our political climate that a great deal of people would rather deal with a "flawed" human being that was clear about who they are, plain and simple than the vague and untrustworthy. It was third grade and I was uncomfortable in my new class. My mother said: "Just be yourself." At such a young age, I didn't have a clue about what she meant or who I was. Decades later, it's the most brilliant advice I've ever received. If we desire RESPECT, LOVE, AFFINITY with others we must be TRUE to ourselves. There can be no respect, love or real affinity without us presenting our raw, unfiltered, true selves (over time, not in one sitting). After all, respect, love and affinity are developed from TRUTH. Without truth there is no integrity, nothing to stand on. Truth doesn't mean you have to be mean or unkind, it just means that you honor who you are, what you require and desire. Even if you experience kick-back from others, they will subconsciously admire, feel safe with and desire your presence in their lives because you feel SOLID - you have integrity. People pleasers feel warm and fuzzy serving a purpose in the hospitality industry but in real life, in real one-on-one connections TRUTH is the glue, TRUTH is the magnet, TRUTH is the flow, the rhythm, TRUTH is home. How can you FEEL someone or something if the truth of them/it isn't there? They are just saying and doing what they think you want to hear and do. Even though we may enjoy the experience, in the background, in our heart, something will just not resonate . . . because we sense something's not quite right, or true. If you're an *sshole, be an *sshole. If you don't like something, say so. If you don't want to do something, you don't have to do it. Speak with kindness, yet clear, concise and straightforward. We tend to feel secure when we know EXACTLY what is what, while ambiguity makes us feel uncertain and insecure. If you're playing nicey-nice, being a doormat, a people pleaser, a brown-noser, a politician, you're being an imposter, you're living a lie and no one is loyal, would die for or would knowingly dedicate their life to a liar. I had some tough times in third grade and I ultimately had to neutralize some bullies that teased and taunted me. When this nice, pretty little girl showed her other side in an after-school fight, it was all smiles and respect from that moment on. Take the time to get to know who you are, what you like and don't like, what you require and desire. Be unapologetically you, then and only then will you find your true tribe, your true fans and it will be worth all those that took offense because you honored your truth and self first. Yes, we may complain, protest, kick and scream all the way but we stick with the "devil" that we KNOW. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 4 of 1/13 Moons Waxing Crescent |