painting: cosmic dragon by sherri ponzi I don't know about you but I don't like to cook in a dirty kitchen or create art in a messy studio. There's something about an environment of order and simplicity that elevates and invites in creative expression. I'm going to share with you how I invite my genius, muse, whisper of the Divine in for a rendezvous.
This morning I awoke with the voice again. My creative genius within. My genie. My muse. It had been quiet for awhile . . . Oprah describes them as whispers. It's true. It feels like that. It's like you're hearing a voice from a headset while you're on stage performing. A great deal of creative people like painters and musicians rely on drugs to tap in to this other world. It's not the only way to rendezvous with The Muse. Earth, Wind & Fire proved this by living a clean eating, holistic lifestyle. I often say if people breathed, did yoga and ate properly why on Earth would you need to do drugs to get that feeling of ascension? During the Winter Solstice I was rendezvousing with my creative genius throughout the day. The whispers were rampant. About a month ago or more, a knee injury kept me from moving my body and training for a dance competition that's been in the works for awhile. And for whatever reason, lately I've been eating junk food; granted mixed in with my high-vibe foods but eating garbage none-the-less. I've noticed the rendezvous with the whispers have been scarce ever since. I'm very sensitive so I can tell when a food is high vibe quality or toxic and insane. I feel it's effects in my body, in my head. Unfortunately, some of my favorite foods are not beneficial but toxic to my body, like an allergy. Depending on what's happening in my life I'll eat those "offensive-to-my-body" food, or shall I say "Lola Yum Yum" eats them anyway. That's why I have no judgment of alcoholics or any other substance abuser because if I eat a donut knowing what it's going to do to me what's the difference really? So Sunday evening I stopped this road to nowhere in its tracks. I got tired of feeling sluggish, emotional in ways that was unproductive and just not good in my body. It's been three days of clearing out while feeling bad, but this morning I could tell that my genie is back. Maybe it didn't go anywhere, perhaps the voice was just muffled by all the nonsense inhabiting space. Yup, The Voice was just drowned out by uncouth visitors. Everything is energy. Never created nor destroyed just transferred, transformed and transmuted. The spirit, intention and vibe that our food is created with accompanies it's flavor, texture, and nutrition. Ever wonder the essence of a Cheeto? Cheetos? I know, I know better but then what we eat isn't always logical is it? Sometimes in this big world the little girl who grew up without a daddy within feels vulnerable and foods from her childhood make her feel comforted. Turns out genies don't like dirty kitchens. If you desire that muse, genius, whisper of the Divine to speak clearly, concisely and with resonance to you: clean out, clear out, and vibe up! The New Moon is in a few days and Spring is coming this way within the month. I have an intimate community of women who are preparing for a Spring Beauty Detox & Cleaning kick-off this weekend. I'll be showing you how to discover your personal holy hour of creativity. Would you like to join us? CLICK TO EMAIL ME Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 26 of 1/12 Moons Waning Crescent |