photo: makeupbyshayla Normally I speak of possibility and maintain a worldview of "YES." My daily commitment is to focus on gratitude, appreciation, abundance and plenty of this life. Based on what I have observed in my time in this physical realm, I find a few things worrisome to the ultimate vision that this world works for "every One." I can't help but to perceive an agenda underneath the propaganda in which we are bombarded with. The last few days I have been turning the following questions over in my head:
What if . . . The resources on planet Earth were not enough to sustain the entire "consuming" population? What if . . . It was determined that the Earth's "consuming" population needed to be reduced so that its resources would not be depleted? What if . . . The dominating global superpower concocted a plan to reduce the "consuming" population of the Earth? How would that be determined? What would be the determining factors for one's annihilation or survival in this effort? Who would be the most favorable individuals to remain on Planet Earth? Who would be the least desirable individuals to remain on Planet Earth? Have you ever asked yourself: "Why am I valuable?" "Do I add value?" "What do I produce?" "Does my existence add or take away from the lives of others?" "Am I primarily a producer or a consumer?" "Am I primarily a giver or taker?" Yes, it's the era of all sort and form of slayage and fleekdom, but at the end of the day are you necessary? Thank you for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 9 of 2/12 Moons Waxing Gibbous |