I envision this post finds you and yours well. Here's something I'd like to share with you. From time-to-time I'm contacted by women who have or are experiencing (and on the run from) domestic violence. As someone who has dedicated my life to cultivating my sisters and daughters for being Mamas, Mrs. and Moguls (not necessarily in that order) through holistic beauty and wellness, I understand how easy it is to be fooled and get involved with someone who is not healthy and even dangerous. "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." - Matthew 10:16 No matter how awesome or awful our childhood was, I would venture to say that each one of us has healing and wounds to tend to. Hurt and wounds interacting with the hurt and wounds of others create more hurt and wounds for all of those that come in contact with you intimately so it's up to each one of us to be responsible for our own Healing, Discernment and Boundaries. If we don't make the proper self-love and care choices for ourselves and our family it carries generational implications. As a woman the more I mature, the more tools I have acquired to discern if the man that stands before me is a Protector, Provider, Adorer or a User, Abuser, Predator. It is a matter of life and death for our girls and sisters to learn the difference and choose properly. I'd like to offer a few resources and tools for you to explore. 1. There's a personal series that I did several years ago on YouTube called: Letting Go Of Insecurity: 21-Day Experience. If you are currently dealing with a domestic violence situation or are healing from having experienced such, I am happy to share this course with you for a donation instead of the $199.95 that we normally have it available for. 2. Is He Healthy? Chapter 5 of Man Leads . . . Woman Follows. Everyone Wins by Ro Elori Cutno. This chapter will give you a list of the fifteen things to look for in a male/man to see if he will be a suitable husband. For men it will give you a list of eight things to look for in a female/woman to see if she will be a suitable wife. 3. SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic Book by Akua Auset " Reading this book Superwomen & Goddesses is saving my life right now!" The following videos may be of great inspiration and support for you at this time. Love Myself? How The Hell Do I Do That? [no. 13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydu7PtI2rFA "Do You Really Want A Ring On It?" [Diary #1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ds_AotTVnU Master Lesson No. 1: "What Is Love?" [cue the video to 12 min.] https://youtu.be/VZCHKddOa_M Master Lesson No. 2: Part II: "What Is Love? How To Be It, Have It & Attract It" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3pVE8ZsZu0&t=71s H E A L D I S C E R N B O U N D A R I E S Congratulations on reading. If you're generous, SHARE. In the Spirit of Superwomen & Goddesses, ♡ ☆ ♀ Ms. Akua Auset Day 50 of 1/12 Moons
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