Because we are metaphysicians who work universal law, superwomen that power in possibility and goddesses who inspire life in everything we touch, we are diverting our attention away from the focus on breast cancer and concentrating on loving our breasts with "Love Your Breasts" month. We know that what we focus on is what will will manifest so instead of a focus on cancer, breast or otherwise let us focus intently on loving our breasts and doing the things that contribute to the care and health of our breasts. I'm going to invite women, girls and men to do five things to love their breasts and the breasts of the women they love: 1. GIVE THANKS + DECLARE Women stand in the mirror with your bare breasts, hold them in your hands and give thanks for healthy, vital breasts that they have the ability to nourish children. Declare that you will appreciate and care for them by making sure to consume foods and products that will give life to your body temple. Men you can love your Beloved's breasts too by holding them in your hands, kissing them while giving thanks and declaring the health of her breasts as well. 2. INSPECT YOUR BEAUTY BAG Go through all of your cosmetics, beauty, body care products and inspect the ingredients to make sure you're not consuming toxic ingredients which get into your bloodstream even faster applied to the skin than eating food. If you've discarded the box with the ingredients listed you can most likely Google the ingredients. Visit to obtain a list of the most common toxic ingredients beginning with identifying parabens: methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, etc. in your products. 3. BREATH DEEPLY DAILY. Stress is the top health destroyer. The way to neutralize the effects of stress on our bodies is to engage in deep-controlled breathing at least three times a day: upon rising, before retiring for bed and during the day when you feel stressed. 4. ELIMINATE WHITE SUGAR + HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP If stress is the top health destroyer then consuming white refined sugar and all forms of refined or simple sugar is biting at its heels. Cancer and parasites love sugar so replace all forms of refined sweetener with raw, whole and complex forms of sugar: raw honey, raw agave, fruit, etc. 5. GREEN UP! Every single day get some living greens into you. Be it an avocado, salad, green juice, blue-green algae, liquid chlorophyll. Get. Your. Green. On. SHARE & TWEET IT UP While You Love Those Breasts Up Men & Women. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 6 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon
Did you know that the word "evil" is simply "live" backwards? The opposite of life and growth is death and destruction. I'm gonna ask that you stay with me, I may lose some of you here.
Being a metaphysician I can see the fingerprints of truth throughout all religions and holy books no matter the tampering or politics involved in the propaganda therein. There is a scripture (Romans 6:23) that reads "the wages of sin is death." The seven deadly sins according to the Christian church are: pride or vanity, envy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust. Sin is being defined essentially as "missing the mark" i.e. violating the laws of God in other words Good or Maat which is the goddess embodying justice, Divine order, cosmic harmony and balance. Still with me? Good. Stay with me. It'll be worth it. It goes on to say: "but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Knowing the background of this scripture I know that Christ is another way to address our "highest consciousness." Jesus refers to the Savior or the Hero (who before the Christians, the Greeks referred to as Horus and before the Greeks, the most Ancient Egyptians referred to as Heru, the original immaculately conceived "Anointed One.") and our Lord translated means "our Law." The scripture translated to me reads "but the free gift of God is eternal life in Highest Consciousness Heru our Law." Huh? Right. Ok. Just let that process for a bit. I was talking to my si"star" friend Aphrodite after she'd watched the film "Vampire of Brooklyn" starring Eddie Murphy and derived the message that if there is even just a small opening for evil, a person is easy prey. In the film "The Devil's Advocate" Al Pacino's character, who played John Milton who was actually the devil said: "I only set the stage, I don't do anything but I don't make it easy for you." Herein, the greatest power that we embody is our power of choice and freewill. Our greatest shield of protection from being overcome by evil is righteousness - not self-righteousness but living in Maat which means Divine order, cosmic harmony and balance. My immunity to evil becomes impenetrable through discipline. I'll be updating this as needed, but here is my working method for Construction Of My Spiritual Armor. 1. KNOW who you are. Remember that all things come from God or Good and you are an embodiment of this Divinity and benevolence made manifest. No matter how dark, malevolent and chaotic you feel or express yourself to be, you were created by Good/God and are destined to return to that. 2. DETOX, HEAL + BALANCE your Spirit, Body, Heart and Mind of its wounds and imbalances. Daily address any offenses to your Spirit, Body, Heart and Mind so as not to accumulate a high level of toxicity within. Our Ancestors knew that disease begins in the Spirit so allowing this load over time can create a compromised immune system and eventually manifest in your body. Ideas of not being good enough, pretty enough, rich enough, not popular or successful enough, feeling jealous, helpless, poor, etc. can give birth to the pursuit and/or addiction to celebrity, money, power, physical beauty, or sex. Those that are most victimized or conned are those that grew up having been abused, exploited or neglected from an early age. Emotional, mental and spiritual violations or voids that exist within can create a crack exposing an entryway for evil and destruction to enter. In this state the wonderful world of illusion and pleasure becomes an easy out. Any form of media can become a powerful vehicle for the seven deadly sins to run rampant. Pride and Vanity, like a natural opiate is the enemy's favorite sin. (The Devil's Advocate) There's a line in the Autobiography of Malcolm X that I never forgot. He said he found women to be vain based on the ability to soften up even the "hardest-looking, meanest-acting woman" by looking her in the eye and telling her "she's beautiful" daily. Be a woman who is so fulfilled and solid in her sense of self that a compliment doesn't have you handing over the keys to your queendom and strung out like a crack addict. 3. LISTEN to your highest consciousness . . . . . . your inner oracle, your own wisdom, your first mind, your gut, your heart. Most people don't realize that our heart is our most powerful brain. So when someone says to "follow your heart," people confuse that with following your feelings or emotions which are temporary. Because your emotions are temporary you most definitely don't want to give them the last word. When I say your heart I mean "the voice" of God or good, who speaks simply. You know those moments that you ignore "the voice" and in hindsight you say "I had a feeling." Put nothing above the voice of God/good within. 4. BE self-contained, whole and complete. This isn't to suggest that man or woman should be an island, however let the focus be on cultivating yourself to be a flame, a light that only becomes greater and brighter in concert with others. Be self-contained and fulfilled through simplicity and balance, never extremes. I'll never forget a line from the film "Hurricane," a story about Rubin Carter who was asked how he survived in his circumstances. He replied, "I've trained myself not to need anything." 5. RESTORE ORDER in your life. Put your life in order, top to bottom. Your health, your home, your relationships, your business, etc. 6. EAT life. Eat life by mouth, by eye, by ear. Keep in mind you're consuming at every moment. The food you eat, the propaganda and programming you watch on your TV, in the movie theatre, on social media and the radio, music, people you listen to. You are a sponge so be aware that your subconscious does not know the difference between real or Memorex (look up the popular commercial if you're too young to catch this reference) i.e. artificial, fact v. fiction. Keep your life force and your vibes high. Tune into the love i.e. life, light, good, God frequency to ward off pests, after all you can't get too close to the Sun. So eat life and shine bright. 7. SURROUND yourself with people of light. Birds of a feather flock together. It's been said and almost cliche that you are the sum total of the five people you surround yourself with. They are not only your greatest influencers but your greatest reflection. 8. KNOW, RESPECT & ABIDE by the laws of the universe and nature. When you violate universal or natural law it creates disorder, disease and destruction. Respect the "laws" and rules of your household, community, city, state, etc.. Learn, know and abide by them. There's even a law for freedom i.e. the freedom to will. Freewill is a law of nature and when you violate this law, your way will be shown back to freedom. Ever notice how when you say you will "never" do a thing that you are proven wrong? When you say what you will never do, that is a violation of your freewill very much like making vows forever. Making a vow for forever violates your own freewill. 9. UNDERSTAND your enemy and the evil within. Darkness, breakdowns and pain may look like a bad thing, but as it turns out are a wonderful catalyst for expansion, growth and clarity on what you do require and desire. Ask those who were laid off and started a successful enterprise or someone who divorced and ended up connecting with the greatest love of their life. What evil meant for bad, love meant for good. "For they intended evil against thee; they imagined a wicked device, but they did not prevail." - Psalm 21:11 At the end of the day, the story of Harry Potter was the fight between Good and Evil. He had to surrender to the death of the evil within himself. We are our own worst enemy and the people, places, things, experiences, politicians that show up in our lives are a reflection of our own insecurities, fears and attempts to con ourselves into taking shortcuts. The shortcut becomes the long way. The cheap becomes the expensive. There are no shortcuts, hacks, tricks to our ascension, there's just staying the course back home to yourSelf. SHARE & TWEET: I am Whole, Perfect & Complete because I AM whole, perfect and complete. If you don't feel like you're quite there, it's a great goal to have. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 5 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon If happy girls are the prettiest girls (Audrey Hepburn) and taking care of myself is the ultimate cosmetic (Akua Auset) then achieving a state of peace and wellness must be my foremost beauty regimen.
MALNOURISHED It's nothing new that people suffer silently with depression, anxiety and panic, addictions, anger, schizophrenia, all sort and form of mental illness. Since peace is our natural state that must become the standard for living if we are ever to be happy and well. When you violate the laws of nature and the laws of our biology things go awry. As a beauty naturopath I have studied, researched and personally found it to be true that often emotional, mental imbalances can occur when we are malnourished. Malnourished in America? Yes. But I am a thick girl. Yes and still you can be malnourished. People can eat, eat and eat while at the same time remaining malnourished. If the food you're consuming has no nutritional value, then the substances you're eating just becomes a form of your entertainment, not your sustenance, vitality or longevity. If we desire quality of life, we must eat life to live. Food with living enzymes, elemental and mineral value. MENTAL HEALTH I've eaten nutritional yeast for years and it began with my desire to get a vegan source of the B-complex which is a necessary component of our mental health and wellness. Every part of the coconut is basically God's gift to hueman being. A tablespoon of the once vilified coconut oil daily has been known to reverse symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease. Eating anti-depressing leafy greens daily provides complex carbs, fats, proteins, and minerals and I know for myself if I've got a yummy dressing in the wings, my desire to eat a salad goes way up! Here's such a recipe. INjoy! PP (Pretty + Peaceful) Dressing i.e. Mental Health Dressing 1/2 c. bragg's nutritional yeast 1/4 c. raw coconut oil 1/2 c. tamari, liquid aminos or *coconut liquid aminos (it will be less salty and a bit sweet) 1/2 c. organic apple cider vinegar 2 to 3 cloves of garlic (2 if large, 3 if small/medium) 1 1/4 c. cold-pressed sunflower or extra virgin olive oil (try both to see which taste you prefer) cayenne pepper to taste * 1/4 tsp. pink himalayan or sea salt PUT everything in the blender except the oil. BLEND and slowly add the oil. STORE in refrigerator. DOSAGE: 1 - 2 TBSP. daily on a big green salad. SHARE + TWEET "I'm having mental health dressing for dinner tonight!" far and wide for the mental health, peace and progress of ourselves, family, friends, community and world. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 4 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon Feeling alone, unsupported, overwhelmed?
Is cash flow a bit stagnant? If you've been "stingy with your goodies" read on. In the book SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic, I shared that the times in my life that I was without, it was because I was "being stingy with my goodies." Being an artist who's a bit introspective I can just nestle up in my wonderful home nearing the verge of reclusion. Ever see that film "About Schmidt" with Jack Nicholson about a recently retired man who ponders if and how he's made a difference in his life and the transforming force that giving made in his life? It's a very touching film about the power of giving. While giving is indeed transformative, I must add a slight disclaimer, by reminding those who are already robust givers to make sure that you give to yourself FIRST. The goal is to give from your abundance and fullness. GIVE It's time to give. This may be an item, it may be a smile or a hug or a letter/email the list is endless, there is always something we can give to people. The more we allow ourselves to give more to others, the more love is shared. Remember the last time someone gave you something, how did you feel? Let us share more of this. Remember one of the best gifts you can ever give anyone is your time. ACTION TO TAKE: Give generously, be it your time, a gift, an item, the list is endles. POWERFUL AFFIRMATION: "I give with so much love, and in doing so, this lifts me even higher and also lifts those who are receiving too." This card is from the Divine Reminder Oracle Deck by Jolene Setterfield. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 3 of 10/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Moon We come into the world eating and drinking from the body of our own mother. Sweet. Buttery. Salty. It's very difficult on a fundamental level to believe that something as natural as eating could lead us straight to the grave. How we eat can determine how we live and how long we live. We can't afford to get this wrong. What? How? When? It's not so much that the consumption of food that is dangerous but what we eat, how it's prepared, when we eat it and if we assimilate the nutrition and release the waste by-products. Before developing The Organic Beauty Detox, I complained "Why aren't we taught the 101 course on nutrition and how to take care of our bodies in school?" Fresh. Local. Eating has never been as complicated as it is today with the corporate interests. Once upon a time we ate fresh food from our farms and local grocers. Today if you live with a food allergy, diabetes, eating disorder and happen to be living in an average American city it could feel the way I'd imagine a thirsty alcoholic surrounded by liquor stores feels when he/she just wants a glass of fresh spring water. Gone Too Soon. Yesterday I attended the life celebration of a childhood friend who passed away from diabetes, leg amputated and all. I always feel a profound injustice for deaths that occur from preventable circumstances. What drives someone to continue to eat in a way that is threatening their very life? My masseuse shared with me that when he's missing his mother, he craves McDonald's cheeseburgers because it brings a sort of comfort. As someone who personally deals with food allergy activated illness from time-to-time, I know all too well the deeply emotional pull to certain foods regardless of the toll those foods may take my our health. Months ago after being in bed ill for a week, a clear voice spoke to me saying: "If you want to be immortal you can't eat like the mortals." There's a lot for each of us to consider to achieve this end: Emotional voids Food deserts. Lack of knowledge. Lack of cash. So what is the solution? Like preparing to go to war, it's going to take: 1. a tactical approach 2. daily preparation 3. a support team 4. mental + emotional strengthening I know personally, that you're not ready until you're ready. If you are ready to really go in on this, which of the four steps will you commit to this week? Me? #3. I'm going to call my friends Gabrielle Darvassy + Ron Brigel of B'Gab's Goodies to get my vegan/soy-free/gluten-free/peanut-free back-up goodies in position! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 28 of 9/13 Moons Waning Crescent
And still I rise.
- Maya Angelou This note is dedicated to all of the elders, teachers, ancestors, pioneers, mavericks, trailblazers who have come before and left clues, maps, sacred texts so that we may continue the work of the Light Ones. - - - - How does one harvest an apple? First, plant the seed. Furthermore, I know that when I plant an apple seed, it is impossible to harvest a watermelon. What I sow is what I reap, this is the universal law of cause and effect at work. Author, Comedian, Health Activist Dick Gregory reminds us that the greatest and most powerful law of our lives, this land, planet, universe is Universal Law. We've learned that when we violate the laws of nature there is a price to be paid; again cause and effect. Case and point, our bodies are made mostly of water, like 85 - 95%. When I don't drink water, I dehydrate my body then all sort and form of malfunction begins to occur: lack of energy, lack of concentration, inability to breathe, perhaps even death. As "hue"manity experiences its growing pains, what Charles Dickens said comes to mind, "this is the best of times, this is the worst of times." It's easy to get distracted and take on a Neptunian style of living when you look at your life, your community, our world and have no clue of where to begin with solving the human dilemmas - so you seek escape from it all. "It's so much, it's too much. Wonder what's on Netflix?" Consider that the solutions we seek have nothing to do with worldly things but in our ability to create - to be the metaphysicians we were born to be. We are multi-dimensional beings, with intellect and yet also creativity, literally the ability to CREATE. As the author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic almost ten years ago now, I suggested that "without knowing it, we have created a great deal of painful and pleasurable experiences not overstanding our power as goddesses and superwomen." It is only in feeling powerless that we disconnect from our innate power of being creators. The beauty of seeing, feeling and otherwise experiencing what we don't enjoy is that it creates a desire for something else, a dream or vision. From there we can begin to create differently, consciously - even otherworldly. My consciousness, thought, feeling and actions precede the manifestation of things and conditions. The Plutonian influence of Kali (death/rebirth) during this Autumn Equinox gives us an opportunity to leave behind outmoded consciousness and create anew in a clean kitchen. A new month, new moon, new beginning is just days away and possibility is abound. So what if we let go of this illusion of powerlessness? What would happen if we awoke from our "mean sleep" thinking that: Celebrity, Isolation, Illness, Poverty, Violence and Prejudice are normal facts of life? Aren't they just illusions i.e. nightmares that can be undone? Also there's so much more that can be said about each of these things I'm going to skip that inquiry and suggest that we get quiet, fast from the unnecessary, and tap into the voice of our inner oracle and activate the metaphysician that works universal law, the superwoman that powers in possibility and the goddess that inspires life in everything she touches. Imagine a world where the sleeping giants awoke and expressed every gift, talent and ability. A world where there was no concept of celebrity and that each citizen of this planet was an honored member of a harmonious and honorable community, health and vitality is the status quo, each person, family and community had access to anything they required so there is no need to hoard from others, peace and cooperation amongst a diversity of cultures, traditions and expressions of hueman being with option of a dual citizenship amongst the heavens. This vision is not so far-fetched as the standard was set before by the most ancient Kemetians (Egyptians) who famously lived in peace for thousands of years without the need for police because the goal of each citizen was to be an empowered and enlightened being. I have to agree with Carter G. Woodson, that said "When you control a man's thinking, you do not have to worry about his actions." Sheep are adorable in fact I was born the year of the sheep according to Chinese Astrology, however like the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly, it's the holy hour for the beloved sheep to become the metaphysician. Get quiet. Fast. Tap In. Dream. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 27 of 9/13 Moons Waning Crescent
Last night I was listening to an interview Tim Ferriss was doing with strategist, businessman, author and philanthropist Tony Robbins when he mentioned a documentary on him called "I Am Not Your Guru." I stopped listening to the interview then opened up my Netflix account, typed the name in the search box, watch the opening credits and within five minutes of viewing I was in tears - completely moved by the apparent love that Tony Robbins brings to his work. The morning after I'm still enchanted by the impact of his message because it so resonates with me. From a very young age. I never had any doubt that my life would be a life where my work would be creative and was something I loved. Although there have been a few detours, I always come back to the love, no matter how much or little financially its brought me. MOM AWAY FROM HOME This feeling of enchantment I'm feeling was similar three years ago, the night after my mother's retirement celebration. My mother Bea Harris, an educator for middle and high schoolers in the area of Life Skills which encompassed World Cuisine and Home Economics for forty-seven years. I'll never forget her saying that she wanted to be a "mom away from home teaching them skills that they will use for life." Her students impact the world and she left her fingerprints on them. LOVE & CONTRIBUTION In an interview with Charlie Rose, Robbins said "people need: certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution." It is clear that both Tony and my mother chose LOVE and CONTRIBUTION as their guiding force. As I wrote in honor of my mother's retirement tribute years ago: "We are all building legacies as we pass through each moment, day, week, season, year. The seemingly mundane becomes a body of work later to be reviewed and enjoyed. Bea Harris discovered what she was born to do and has shared it with love: from the White House, to Seventh Avenue and the islands of the Caribbean in the most profound way through a legion of students of national diversity in whom she planted her seed of Love. Her story is a beautiful love story that continues to unfold." DO YOU DO IT FOR LOVE? What would this world look like if every person who held a job was doing it for love and contribution? Your doctor, your auto mechanic, your teacher, your customer service rep, your pilot? Our policemen and women? Can you imagine it? What is the work, mission, purpose, calling that you could do for LOVE & CONTRIBUTION? This weekend really think about it. Below are two films that may get you inspired while you meditate on these questions. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 9/13 Moons Last Quarter Moon . : Double Feature : . LISTEN UP.
It's a good reminder for me and us all to NEVER eat when you feel stressed, upset or otherwise peaceful. WHY? When you are stressed your nervous system is in "fight or flight" mode, ready to handle a crisis or physical exertion. What this means is that all of the maintenance functions of your parasympathetic nervous system: like digestion of food has been paused. So if you eat while stressed the food will not be properly digested but sit, putrefy, and ferment in your digestive tract. Not sexy, in the truest sense of the word. Undigested food can lead to a host of beauty and health issues like including problem skin, indigestion, mental imbalances. NOURISHMENT RITUAL Prior to diving into your food:
Today be an example and REMIND your family and friends to EAT IN PEACE today and see how your eating experience transforms your life. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 22 of 9/13 Moons Waning Gibbous We run off . . .
We medicate . . . We do whatever it takes to cover it up and dull the sensation. We're suppose to feel. We're suppose to love and hate and hurt and grieve and break and be destroyed and rebuild ourselves to be destroyed again. That's humanity. That's being alive. That's the point. That's the entire point. Don't avoid it. Don't extinguish it. - Grey's Anatomy, Season 11 Episode 24 How do you escape pain, grief and avoid loss . . . boredom? Do you numb your pain? If so what's your drug of choice? . . . because if you're numb to the pain you're also numb to the passion, the joy, the happiness, the pleasure and all the other delicious feelings and experience of being a human being. When you put up a wall to block one thing it blocks EVERYTHING else too. If you can stand in the moment of discomfort knowing that the discomfort is temporary; that "this too shall pass," it becomes a holy reference point. If you take the discomfort on like a researcher or observer and use that information to dream and create what you would rather feel or experience, the contrast creates a new desire in you (Abraham Hicks). Yes, moments of pain can then become a tool for your growth, development and expansion. Put another way, it's pain and the things you don't desire that help you to get crystal clear on what you do desire. So my beautiful whirler of magic, FEEL IT ALL with gratitude knowing that the spectrum of feeling and experience is what it is to be human, if you can feel, it means you're ALIVE and you can create something beautiful from this "icky" moment. Avoiding, blocking and otherwise trying to escape pain is discarding one of the most valuable resources for creating what you desire. The KEY is to not stay in the "icky," in the pain because then you're just suffering (SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES p. 18). What if you took the blockers and blinders off . . . tore the wall down? What if you freestyled it today, opened your heart and mind? Today is a great day to feel all the PASSION in this life in all it forms and use it to dream, create and expand. You meant to hurt me, but God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people, which is being done. - Genesis 50:20 ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 20 of 9/13 Moons Waning Gibbous "Forgiveness is my beauty secret." - Liz, Pat Perkins' mama I ran into career advancement mentor Pat Perkins yesterday, one of my 9 1/2 Weeks: The METAMOORPHOSE Project alumni while having lunch with my beautiful mother. We were speaking of longevity, staying vivacious and beautiful. Pat stopped me in my tracks when she so eloquently spoke of her beautiful mother's ultimate beauty secret, forgiveness. Forgiveness is a tough feat for many people. As a practitioner of holistic beauty I can tell you that stress is the number one health and beauty destroyer. Your food doesn't even digest properly under stress i.e. fight or flight mode. PEACE & LOVE Peace is our natural state, so holding grudges, blame, pain, anger and all sort and form of anything that isn't peace is the worst thing you can do if you want to live a life of radiant health, natural beauty and financial prosperity. I really believe that each person is doing the very best that they can and that we all require and desire the same thing: LOVE! . . . in all its aspects of experience. This realization gives me a healthy helping of compassion when the actions of others are hurtful, bizarre and confusing. Optimistically I ponder, what if the people that have been the greatest villains and abusers in my life are actually my greatest teachers and blessing? SOWING & REAPING Although I feel transformation and growth are possible without pain and discomfort, the qualities I've developed making it to the other side of pain and disappointment have expanded my consciousness and wisdom on a level I wouldn't trade. We live in a universe governed by laws including the law of cause and effect. I am clear that we will reap a harvest of the things we sow every time, so I can go on and about my life not having to be concerned about the fairness of life, who did what to whom and will they pay for it. Life may not seem fair but it is just. THE LITTLE SOUL & THE SUN My spirit brother David recommended a wonderful book to me years ago that offers a beautiful perspective of the purpose of villains in our lives. Written by "Conversations With God" author, Neale Donald Walsch, the book is entitled "The Little Soul & The Sun." Someone on YouTube has read and recommended the book here: The Little Soul and The Sun BEAUTY RITUAL Pat's mother has a practice of never going to bed with unforgiveness in her heart. Tonight when you retire from the day think about who you can forgive today before your head hits the pillow? Once you have them in mind, use my forgiveness mantra: "God has sent me nothing but angels and teachers. So I forgive you because I know who you really are." YES! Powerful right? Let's create a ripple of peace, love and forgiveness together by tweeting and sharing this post with The Forgiveness Mantra: "God has sent me nothing but angels and teachers. So I forgive you because I know who you really are." ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 14 of 9/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous |