Two Designers + An Energy Healer + A Biz Coach + A Celebrity Makeup Artist + A Perfumier
I hope you had a chance to delve into the precious gems and gold of these women featured in my #iAmHer360 series. If you've missed any of them click this link for the playlist: #iAmHer360.
"I take life as it's given to me and I think that
has made me a really happy person." S H A R M I L A V A R A D A R A J A N
#iAmHer360 speaks to seeing other women as yourself and the celebration of every way that any woman chooses to express herself. Today we continue with another chat in the #iAmHer360: SuperWomen & Goddesses Series with Indian-born Sharmila Varadarajan. Across the seas from Chicago to India while she's on holiday.
After an arranged marriage by her parents in her homeland, Sharmila came to America twenty years ago with an education in Cardiac Rehabilitation & Exercise Science. Although she looks twenty-five, she's actually been happily married to her perfect man for twenty-five years. I'm suspecting she may be a vampire. ;o) We met at a mutual friend's women's luncheon where pretty much all the women in attendance were married . . . happily for decades. I was inspired and excited that this was even possible in this day and age. Like-minded women who come together on a regular basis to bond.
Love . . . Indian Style
T H E C H A T H I G H L I G H T S On Life's Rough Patches "Life is just beautiful. It's taken such a nice path... it's given me a lot of mental strength, even though certain patches were rough I think that gave strength. So I took the strength instead of the negativity from that." No Children but . . . "I accept that this is how my life is so I'm going to take it as it's given to me and I think that has made me a really happy person." On Getting Outside Your Circle "I try to read, try to listen to people, see the world and their outlook. This has changed me quite a bit. I see if you only stay in a circle you only know that, but if you move outside or travel and see the world, the people out there, you learn so much. There's so much out there which we hardly know. We just know a bit of it." Her Motto On Caring For Self First "I take care of myself first. The "inner me" is what I think the beauty for every woman is and we need to take care of that part. If that's taken care of I think the outside beauty comes automatically and I truly believe in that. It's inside first. Working in cardiac rehabilitation, I believe in prevention. Whatever is in store for us, that will be there, whatever God has given us. But our duty is to take care of this body. We need to cherish that first and everything else will just follow. Her Advice For Women To Be In Relationships Where They Feel Cherished & Appreciated "First of all any marriage at the beginning needs a lot of work, understanding, love, care - all that has to be done. "You just have to stand up for each other's likings or give respect, space. I truly, truly believe in that. If my husband wants to do something I don't discourage him, I say "Please go for it!" That way, he has his space and I have my space. I believe that's truly the success of the marriage. I have not stopped him and then we have our time. There's his time, my time and our time. It can't just be our time, all the time. It's just not possible. I think everybody needs a space where you have to think how do you evolve as a person all along and not be there in the person's face all the time. I think that's one of the best things I've found in our relationship which has worked just magically. I tell my husband to "go enjoy and then you can come back and we'll be together. Whatever you want to do, go for it!" He gives me my space and I give him his space and then we do a lot of things together. We travel a lot, we talk about everything pretty much, our day-today things. That's probably what has kept our marriage going from my end, but if you ask my husband he would probably say a different thing." On Resolving Conflicts, Confrontations, Confusion "If there is anything that bothers us, we would talk and settle it right then and there that night and not carry it over and spoil the next day because today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow. If in this moment it didn't work, clarify it and get it over with, like today, not carry it over tomorrow and feel bad for it, argue about it, fight about it, nag about it. I just can't do that." On The Benefits Of Arranged Marriage "The difference about our gathering of friends is that it is a group of culturally like-minded women coming together. The roots of it are important, that's where we all come from, where the roots are much more stronger. That's probably where we're all coming from. We're all educated. It was an arranged marriage for us, as it was with my parents and grandparents. You kind of accept the person completely, there's no choice after all. You have to adjust, forgive...that's what we've been taught. It goes both ways. We all have good men in our life and that is a blessing. It's all give and take, that's what they taught us. We are happy with what we have and we try to make what we have better all the time." On Respect, Support & Hardship "There's a lot of closeness because we are away from home and we like to hang onto each other because it's the only family you've got. When you're away from home you kind of understand the person more because you've gone through hardship a lot more without anybody's support. Because you're away from home the only support you have is your husband, or your wife. So you start building respect for each other over a period of time is what I've found. We've encouraged each other during hardships. We've seen in and out of each other without anybody else being there so I think that creates a very strong bond." Thanks for reading and listening. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 8 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous s m e l l .
What do you love to smell? Of all of our senses, smell is the most profound of them all. A scent can instantly take us back to a moment in time with all of the feelings and sensations of the experience. Scent can arouse hunger, sensuality, happiness, disdain . . . I have a vision of planting a jasmine and lily garden around my house so that when the wind blows my house will be engulfed in the scent of jasmine and lilies. As a woman with earthy astrology, scent is that much more profound for me, so the very first aspect of my morning ritual involves scent. I even named one of my daughters after a flower I've been enchanted by from the first moment I smelled it - Jasmine. MY LUXURIOUS DAILY MORNING RITUAL I have an oil diffuser scheduled to turn on in the morning just before I normally awake to diffuse my fragrant, uplifting plant-based oil into the air where I sleep. When I awake smelling such a delicious scent in my bedroom I feel bliss and gratitude for the beauty of the moment. Want to integrate this ritual into your daily routine? 1. CHOOSE how you want to feel. Here are some ideas for you: Citrus notes - uplifting Floral notes- heart opening Woodsy notes - rejuvenating Resinous notes - sensual 2. PURCHASE essential oils above fragrance oils. The difference is that the fragrance oils are synthetic and man-made chemicals (which I don't want to breathe in.) Even when the essential oils are "pure" and "natural" the processes and quality of the essential plant-based oil is far-ranging. Because I'm breathing in the molecules I will most definitely be mindful of the fact that it's natural v. synthetic but this is where I feel it's ok to use a less expensive quality oil, as long as it is plant-based. 3. PURCHASE an oil diffuser. They come electric or the ceramic tea lite powered version. PLAN to integrate this ritual into your morning and/or evening. Over the years, I've created compositions depending on how I feel or desire to feel. Need a morning diffuse kit, LET ME KNOW. I'll put one together for you. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 7 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent I was just thinking about Kanye West yesterday morning hoping that whatever he's going through that he gets better. Although I've never met the brotha, he IS my HOMEboy because he was raised in "the Chi" by an educator/teacher just like me.
America, a culture which is highly influenced by the all-powerful British monarchy carries a bit of a self-deprecating way of interacting with others. People seem to be really turned off by unapologetic braggards, so when West publicly AFFIRMS himSelf, the public is taken aback and even loathe the audacity of his expression. Not to psychoanalyze the brother, but for those of us who grew up with an engaged/involved father, we most likely received the message that as a girl "you are delightful" and for boys "you have what it takes." In the documentary "Absent," Justin Hunt explores the effects of the "The Father Wound" which are so profound, it's effected global culture itself. So if your daddy wasn't around to affirm that you indeed have what it takes, then who else will or should other than us? I actually ADMIRE and am entertained by Kanye's bravado, perceived arrogance and freedom to BE his innovative, creative, artistic self. The key here is "the freedom to BE." Kanye's personality reminds me of Aries-born Jack Johson (1878-1946), an American boxer during the height of the Jim Crow-era in America who was the first African-American world heavyweight champion. A celebrity athelete, audacious, brazen and unapologetic, Johnson lived life on HIS terms without concern for other people's ideas about how he should live his life. "Johnson constantly flouted conventions regarding the social and economic "place" of blacks in American society"...while breaking taboos in his relationships with white women, sometimes on the young side. Traveling in one of the most expensive cars of the time (early 1900s), Johnson is famously known for being "pulled over for a $50 speeding ticket, he gave the officer a $100 bill; when the officer protested that he couldn't make change for that much, Johnson told him to keep the change, as he was going to make his return trip at the same speed." Yes. During the Jim Crow era. Capricorn-born Muhammad Ali chanted "I am the greatest!" with plenty of the world rolling of their eyes, until now we refer to him as the G.O.A.T. Ali's former wife Veronica Porsche said: "He took control of his destiny by making himself accountable with things like this predictions. Where he would say what round and then pretty much live into his future and be more pressured or accountable to do what he said he would do. So he pretty much, I think mastered life in that way." If we were each to speak of ourselves through the eyes of the Creator that gave us life, how would we speak of our Beloved Selves then? In our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES Facebook community, I think I'm going to create a Jack/Ali/Kanye day or even hour of the day (High Noon) called #ShineLikeJackMoment, #ShineLikeAliMoment, #ShineLikeKanyeMoment. Hahahaha! There's humility and then there's just playing small to make others feel comfortable or because you're afraid of being rejected. Lying about who we REALLY are and living a life other than the one where we feel free to be doesn't serve ANY. BODY. Not a one person. So SHINE my loves like it's SUNday and if the light's too bright they can put on sunglasses. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 6 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Jack Johnson Historical Reference: Wikipedia and the documentary "Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise & Fall of Jack Johnson" You meet your Beloved. They are supportive, wealthy, adventurous and you feel as if all in the world is possible in their midst. Prior to them entering your life, you'd been solo for awhile, but started to just settle in to what was and simply appreciate everything in your life. You became quite content with the abundant blessings in your life. And then THEY showed up!
YOUR HONEY In this new chapter of your life, your time together is simply...magic! Your new mate is generous, attentive, and you're oh so appreciative... until over time, you become accustomed to the magic as your new normal. So as hueman beings tend to do, we begin to take for granted not only the grand but even the simple blessings that show up in our lives. What you once experienced as magical, miraculous and amazing is now just another day in the life. You stop saying "Thank you, I appreciate you." and over time the support, generosity and adventure that once existed from your Beloved wanes. You both get wrapped up in your separate lives, drift apart and now you've got your eye on someone else, looking for some magic. What changed it all? Nothing changed about this person other than your feeling of appreciation, gratitude and thanksgiving for the presence of this person in your life. YOUR MONEY I've found that prosperity, wealth and cash flow can be like the Beloved you got bored with. Although, there is so much prosperity in our lives, sometimes we tend to overlook that abundance and begin to think, feel and speak poverty, limitation and scarcity. It is only through the neglect and care of our blessings and improper perception that our wealth wanes and poverty is on our heels like a virus. It's been said, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." There's a reason for that. THE RITUAL OF GRATITUDE Being in the Spirit of gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving is being in the Spirit of the Divine. Being in appreciation is instantly being in the vibration, frequency or energy of God (good), the omnipotent, omnipowerful, omniscient. The first thing that I do when I open my eyes every (ok, most) morning is to give thanks for waking up and a litany of things I am grateful for...from my beating heart to my healthy mother to the cash in my purse. As a metaphysician, I am clear that what I appreciate literally appreciates. The dictionary defines the verb "appreciate" a few ways: 1. recognize the full worth of, 2. understand fully and 3. rise in value or price. So in essence "when we recognize the full worth of something it rises in value." CELEBRATE your blessings and blissings. Everything big and small. Mama Maya [Angelou] said: "In EVERYTHING give thanks." So at the top of a new week, a new day, a new hour, "What are you loving in your life? What is beautiful in your life? What are you saying "THANK YOU. More Please." for? Acknowledge it and watch it multiply. SHARE this note and what you're thankful, grateful or appreciative of and watch the magic, adventure, miracles return to your life like a Beloved that has returned home. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 5 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Ever experience such flow, beauty and benevolence in your life that you begin to get nervous and feel cautious, even anxious in your heart? you stole something...looking over your shoulder, ready to run for cover in the moment you realize that it was all too good to be true. After all, you've been done so wrong in the past, right?
YOU TUNED OUT THO... To be fair, your inner voice said "nah, not this one." The red flags were waving but you ignored them because in the moment it felt soooo good. So sometimes yes, that is indeed the case, "it's TOO good to be true." . . . but you were warned. REAPING & SOWING But then there IS a point where you're rewarded for all of the good you've ever done. Like the moon becoming full, like the seeds you planted finally blossoming, like an enterprise that finally turns a profit. Of course, yes, we've all done our dirt and been unkind, but if ESSENTIALLY you've only meant good, intended love then the only thing keeping you from your ultimate reward is YOU. Your THINKING, MINDSET & CONSCIOUSNESS that you don't somehow deserve the good that shows up at your door will stop the flow of blessings to you. WHAT WILL YOU BE HAVING? After all the Universe is an obedient waiter/waitress, standing awaiting your directive, "order"...listening to your consciousness, heart and declarations. The laws YOU create for yourself by simply declaring your view of the world and your life. If you say it's too good to be true when it really wasn't then purely by universal law it has to morph into your directive. Conversely if you've done your dirt but on some level still feel you deserve goodness and the beauty of life, the Universe is also listening to that "order" [directive]. That's why sometimes the most dastardly of folks seem to get away with murder. Man may create his court rooms, statutes and ordinances but the ULTIMATE COURT ROOM is Universal Law, the true law which is insoluble. When you violate the laws of nature...of the Universe, you WILL pay a price. Life may not be fair, but it is just. When you follow the laws of the Universe and nature you are rendered the spoils of that also. HELL YEAH! I DESERVE IT So I say YES, I DESERVE THE GOOD IN MY LIFE and it's NOT TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE because I'm listening to my inner oracle, I've planted innumerable good cosmic seeds and have handed my life over to the expression of love, power and beauty in the world and those things render only more love, power, beauty and all sort and form of miraculous magic in my life. If you're having a tough time feeling like you deserve the good that has shown up at your door, grab some paper and pen, then muse on the beauty you've contributed to the world. Give yourself some credit. Remember George Bailey's ephiphany in the film "It's A Wonderful Life?" Imagine that if you'd never been born, how many lives and things in our world would be ENTIRELY different? Every choice each of us makes changes, molds, transforms the ALL. Yes you ARE that powerful. You never know if your friendly greeting to a stranger passing by gave them the will to go on another day and then perhaps their existence created something in the world that also altered the paths of many others in a profound way. Just like that. One smile. THE GOODNESS ACCOUNT In every moment you're building up an account of goodness in the world. Fix your mind and be clear about the good and beauty you contribute to the world. Universal law says that if you are receptive and in alignment with that goodness you will be in awe of the blessings that are waiting to overwhelm you. Yes it is good and it IS true. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 3 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Last night I had in mind to write about an entirely different topic,
but when I awoke this morning with a little feeling of overwhelm a voice said: "Go back to the basics." Did you have a health regimen that worked really well for you and it somehow dropped off? Ever discover an amazing beauty product and somehow stopped using it? Do you have a sea of unread books in your library and continue to buy new ones? A dish that you once loved to eat, but stopped eating? Have you ever bought something only to realize that you already have it? ...once so ecstatic about this magical new person in your life who you now take for granted? Why is it that we find something that works for us, love it and somehow we look up and it's/they've fallen to the wayside? I'll tell you why. We're dazzled by the shiny new sh*t (or perhaps even in some cases the old sh*t that never worked.) We haven't yet mastered or fully explored to the deepest levels the thing that we found that worked, that we loved, that we were ecstatic about and proselitized it like a new Christian. Any successful business man, champion athlete or artistic genius knows to maintain their winning formula with F O C U S & C O N S I S T E N C Y. So note what works for you, work it into your ethos, keep doing it with focus and consistency and try not to be so dazzled by all the shiny new sh*t. That's all. Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 12/13 Moons Waxing Crescent
In this series I ask some of my most beautiful, creative, wealthy, entrepreneur "girl crushes" how they create a life where they are cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius in their respective areas of talent and mastery.
The #iAmHer360 series is an affirmation and celebration that the beauty, brilliance and benevolence in other women is also within us as well as having compassion for aspects of ourselves that give us the experience of various levels of pain, fear and isolation. At the end of the day, the health and consciousness of the planet lies in the health and consciousness of the si"star" hood, how we care for ourselves and each other. I'm committed to the idea that women set the standard to be cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their power and genius.
What You Deserve & Who You Are
T H E C H A T H I G H L I G H T S Little Girls & Women Embrace Your Insecurity 2:02 min. "Having a sense of self-worth is reliant on realizing that you're always going to have insecurities, so don't focus on eradicating them but acknowledge, accept and value yourself despite them. No need to gloss over them, sort them out or fix them. I would tell her to value herself for the right reasons and make peace with her insecurities and to not lead with them. Create a relationship with them that's healthy. When you build the right relationship with yourself, everything springs from that." "It is very, very important for women to be very, very clear about what they deserve and to be very clear about who they are." 6:10 min. Nourishing Rituals For Growing Self-Worth "I stay in clear communication with myself, I check-in and clear my mind clutter." On a practical level.... E A T I N G "There's a strong connection between the way that I feel and the way that I eat. Eating nutritious and listening to your own body instead of imposing some set rules on yourself based on some philosophy. Learn what you feel most nourished by, what makes you feel good, what doesn't. I'm focused on high-quality food that I also enjoy." H A V E A C R E A T I V E P R A C T I C E "...that's not necessarily tied to what you do or your work. Sometimes when you make your living that's tied to your creative outlet it's an amazing gift in life but it can change your relationship to it when it's tied up in commerce or business or the real world. It's nice to have a practice that's not necessarily about your work."
Thanks for reading and listening.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 1 of 12/13 Moons New Moon in Sagittarius
In this series I ask some of my most beautiful, creative, wealthy, entrepreneur "girl crushes" how they create a life where they are cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius in their respective areas of talent and mastery. The #iAmHer360 series is an affirmation and celebration that the beauty, brilliance and benevolence in other women is also within us as well as having compassion for aspects of ourselves that give us the experience of various levels of pain, fear and isolation. At the end of the day, the health and consciousness of the planet lies in the health and consciousness of the si"star" hood, how we care for ourselves and each other. I'm committed to the idea that women set the standard to be cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their power and genius.
Diana Ross, Aunties & Haters
T H E C H A T H I G H L I G H T S 4:05 min. Working With Ms. Ross "Larger-than-life figure who is down-to-earth, fabulous, patient and regular. At the end of the day, people are people, it's the way others treat them that makes them seem like their different, unapproachable and untouchable." 7:24 min. Wisdom For My Daughter "I'd tell my daughter to be a thinker, be your own unique person, don't subscribe to what everyone else is doing. Be confident. Be educated. Be fierce. Don't be like the rest." "People judge you by the way that you look. Always carry yourself in a way understanding that others are always going to be looking at you and they're going form a perception of you." "Always dress for the job you want, not for the job you have. Perception . . . persona is everything . . . it's all about what you project." 8:31 min. Daily Declarations "Make positive declarations over your life everyday. Make a list of what you want to see change and improve in your life. Everyday recite these declarations and soon it'll start manifesting itself." 10:00 min. Who Everyone Needs In Their Life "Everyone needs someone in their life that's going to tell them the truth. Align yourself with someone who's going to be authentically real with you." ON Haters "Everyone has an opinion and everybody's not going to like you and everybody's not going to hate you. It's just how life is." "If you're down and out, first of all you've got to believe that you are not what people say you are. You've got to believe in yourself. You have to know that. When somebody tells you something that makes you feel a certain way, "consider the source." 15:50 min. Girl Stop Lookin' Like An Auntie "In this day and age there's no reason for anyone to be fat and ugly. You can look like a celebrity, on a budget. When you look better you feel better." "I see a whole lot of women out here lookin' like aunties. You don't have to look like an auntie, I mean look at Diana Ross, Diahann Carroll, Tina Turner, Sophia Loren, Sheryl Lee Ralph." "You don't have to look like an auntie but you have to be willing to be uncomfortable to get the change . . . most people that are mediocre, that are average, that are not disciplined will not endure that part that it takes, that separates you from the rest."
Thanks for reading and listening.
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 27 of 11/13 Moons Waning Crescent ![]()
I hope you had a chance to listen to and read my chat On Abundance, Worthiness & Poverty Mindset with Tracy Neely in yesterday's note.
Today continuing on with another chat in the #iAmHer360: SuperWomen & Goddesses Series. #iAmHer360 speaks to seeing other women as yourself and the celebration of every way that any woman chooses to express herself. In this series I ask some of my most beautiful, creative, wealthy, entrepreneur "girl crushes" how they create a life where they are cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius in their respective areas of talent and mastery. The #iAmHer360 series is an affirmation and celebration that the beauty, brilliance and benevolence in other women is also within us as well as having compassion for aspects of ourselves that give us the experience of various levels of pain, fear and isolation. At the end of the day, the health and consciousness of the planet lies in the health and consciousness of the si"star" hood, how we care for ourselves and each other. I'm committed to the idea that women set the standard to be cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their power and genius.
Get Michelle's iiT Factor Guide to A Haute Brand & Happy Life:
Spontaneity, The Enlightened "No"
& Growing YourSelf
:05 sec. On SPONTANEITY "That's what the soul wants. What can we do that makes us feel most alive? How can I surprise myself with what my soul wants." 4:12 min. "The ENLIGHTENED "No" " saying and sharing my enlightened "yes" and "no" unapologetically with love and elegance. What do I really want to be doing in this situation? I take care of myself when I share those "nos.." it always comes out in an amazing way." 12:00 min. On HAVING MORE & GROWING YOURSELF In order to find and grow that amazing relationship, to get clear on what that business is and grow that, you must grow yourself. Get excited and be a life/soul scientist about working on yourself." 15:01 min. On SOULFUL TRAVEL "...a wonderful way to grow yourself, a tool to get to know yourself deeper and a great way to also move energy. Ask yourself questions. Observe your life and be curious. Who are you really?" 18:28 min. On HAVING TOUGH CONVOS "Closure conversations to stop, clean, clear energy leaks and blocks." 23:45 min. On SACRED ACTIVISM "Expressing more of our humanitarianism is the new thought leadership. Grow your business while growing your consciousness, nurturing generosity and being of service." Thanks for reading and listening. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 23 of 11/13 Moons Waning Crescent ![]()
Today I'd like to introduce the #iAmHer360: SuperWomen & Goddesses Series.
#iAmHer360 speaks to seeing other women as yourself and the celebration of every way that any woman chooses to express herself. In this series I ask some of my most beautiful, creative, wealthy, entrepreneur "girl crushes" how they create a life where they are cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius in their respective areas of talent and mastery. The #iAmHer360 series is an affirmation and celebration that the beauty, brilliance and benevolence in other women is also within us as well as having compassion for aspects of ourselves that experience various levels of pain, fear and isolation. At the end of the day, the health and consciousness of the planet lies in the health and consciousness of the si"star" hood, how we care for ourselves and each other. I'm committed to the idea that women set the standard to be cherished, appreciated and paid top dollar for their genius.
Abundance, Worthiness & Poverty Mindset
1:10 min. Her Ritual To Release Money Blocks You'll need: Money Manifest Mist Sweetgrass Palo Santo 2:05 min. ON ABUNDANCE "Abundance flows to and through us because it goes out. Money isn't something you hold on to in the scarcity mindset because you don't know when you'e gonna get it again. It brings more of that lack mentality, that lack vibration into your being." 3:33 min. ON BEING WORTHY "You Are A Light Unto This World And You Are More Than Enough By Just Being You Never Make Less Of Who You Are So That People Feel Good About Themselves" 4:50 min. YOUR FOUNDATION "Find something that you're passionate about and connect with something greater than yourself." "People will not value what we do and pay us top dollar for what we do unless we value ourselves." 6:29 min. HOW TO TRANSFORM A POVERTY MINDSET "Nothing is going to change or transform until we are aware of that thing. Writing down what's going, your story, your beliefs about money is the beginning of your awakening which then leads to your transformation." Thanks for reading and listening. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 22 of 11/13 Moons Waning Crescent I remember when I was a little girl and people constantly would say to my mother and to me, "Oh what a pretty girl." As a very young child, I began to recognize that it must be true because so many people said it.
The day that I again heard, "Oh you're such a pretty little girl." and responded: "I know.", I was quickly corrected by my mother that I shouldn't say that. As a pure Spirit, I didn't understand why not. She then explained: "It's not nice to say "I know." when someone gives you a compliment." At a very young age, I interpreted that it was not good to tell the truth sometimes because it wasn't polite. In that moment I learned the politics of relationships. 40 years later, it would take being in a relationship with a very deceptive person that would bring me to ask the questions: "How did I attract someone who lies to and deceives me as well as others? What does that say about me? Do I lie to and deceive myself? Do I lie to and deceive others? How do I not honor my truth? All the things that I couldn't live with and didn't like about him, I had to inquire if those qualities were within me as well. Life is created in the details and even something as small as responding "I'm fine." when I'm not feeling fine to someone who asks as they greet me: "How are you?" is a violation of truth and my integrity. Freedom is the reward of truth. Love cannot exist without Truth. Without truth, there is no freedom to BE. Love cannot exist because without truth there is illusion, something missing. There's no inherent integrity, it's not whole, neither perfect, nor complete. There is only one kind of love and that is love that is true because love is truth. And there can only be trust when there is truth. Trust is at the foundation of enduring relationships. Without trust there is no real chance of intimacy. On this Venus-ruled Friday before a week where we celebrate THANKSGIVING, let's consider how we can create, construct and manifest relationships abound and robust with intimacy, trust, truth and love. Today when people tell me how pretty I am, I say "thank you" and that is the Ultimate Truth. [EXERCISE] What have you been LYING to yourself about? Who can you share The Truth with? Thanks for reading. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 19 of 11/13 Moons Waning Gibbous
It looks like Rahyma capturing attention with her "drool inducing fashion marvels" may lead her to fulfilling her ultimate vision. Here's what was revealed in my chat with Rahyma about her secret for success . . . RAHYMA: Everybody would say hard work, but it depends on your level of hard work. Your hard work may not be the same as my hard work. I don't know if it would work for everybody, it's probably telling on me as you can see but I work hard too much. To the point that when I have an idea I cannot sleep. That's how bad it is. AKUA: It's like a Spirit. RAHYMA: Yeah because I'll be thinking, "Wow this much opportunity? How am I gonna get it? This person is getting it? That means that I can get it. What am I not doing? What do I have to do. It doesn't make me sleep. I need to know how I can get to that level. AKUA: So is it curiosity? RAHYMA: No it's just, it inspires me to get to the next level because I see somebody's doing it so I know I can do it. If you see everybody failing around you it just makes you feel maybe also...ok everybody's failing anyway. You know what I mean? Like ok... AKUA: It's contagious. RAHYMA: I'm getting one dollar and everybody's getting one dollar so it's ok. It's just like you sitting her now and you saying I'm happy I can hear these people talk, I can see what they're doing, I can actually see... Really, they're getting something out of what they're doing. It's making you feel like you I have to now execute. That's how it is for every, that's how it should be for everybody. So that's really my big drive. I look at a lot of things that are bigger than me and work hard to get to that big place. AKUA: That's brilliant. Love it. RAHYMA: ...and I'm very calculated. I can see...and think, think, think just so that I don't make a mistake. However at the back of mind I still leave room for mistakes. Because I know it can never be all perfect. But would I just leave myself to fail? No! I always don't won't to feel guilty when something goes wrong. And that's why I work so hard. So I know, ok I work so hard, but I don't feel guilty because I didn't do my best. So what is next? Just like yesterday, even before I came to the pop-up, I'm already thinking here: "What's next?" Because this is gone. AKUA: Yea. It's a new day. Clean slate. RAHYMA: I have to start thinking of what is next? What am I going to do? I'm going back home, what is the next project, what am I putting together? There's always a drive. AKUA: When did you start your business? RAHYMA: I'm gonna say 2010 because that's when I finished school, fashion school. So I went straight into...I wanted to wait but I just went straight into business because I had the demand and since then I've not stopped. My goal is to be in the big malls. AKUA: I can totally see that. So I was going to ask you what your big picture is, what's your big goal? So it's to be in the malls. RAHYMA: To be in the big malls, not just the small malls. AKUA: Like Neiman-Marcus, Barney's New York? . . . RAHYMA: Thank you. So if I'm not working hard, I'm not gonna get there. So everything that I'm doing right now, is to get me to that place where I wanna go. AKUA: And what do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far that you're very proud of? RAHYMA: The amount of growth of the business in a very short period of time because I'm gonna say that everything really started this year. AKUA: So you put in six years before it really . . . RAHYMA: I put in a lot of years and the's really nothing. So I could say I started five or six years ago, but nothing was really happening in the first years. Nothing was really coming out of it. It was just here and there. People loving the stuff, just to validate what I was doing. People saying "Oh my God!" but nothing really coming out of it. But really that's how you know that if you continue things forward, it's going to be something big. AKUA: Just keep going. RAHYMA: ...cuz those same people that are validating your stuff in the long run if you work hard, you play your game well it will turn around into...(she's make a gesture with her hand) AKUA: Moolah! RAHYMA: You just have to continue pushing forward. Never give up. Never let know your downtime, never let it really bring you down. Let it be something...your ingredient to go up! AKUA: Right! Look for an adjustment. RAHYMA: Yes. Always, always, when you fall down, just always think of: "How do I get up?" Immediately! Don't give yourself time to sulk, cry and say "oh God...."Even when you lose because I've lost before. I went for a show and that show cost me...I spent about five thousand dollars and it was scanty. There were no people there. I said to another jewelry designer who was so mad, "Don't be mad, you're meeting a lot of people, sometimes if you don't take the chance you wouldn't know, you may have missed out on something." He was very upset but I was over it. The first day I didn't see anything happening I was like "What next? What next? What next? AKUA: You just gotta keep it movin'. RAHYMA: Yea. You gotta keep it movin'. W O R K H A R D & K E E P I T M O V I N ' . . . a little bit about RAHYMA Company: RAHYMA pronounced "RA-HEE-MA" Product: Scarves, Tops, Jumpsuits, Dresses, Separates in 100% Cotton Ankara Cloth Description: Luxury African Print Fashion: "Drool Inducing Fashion Marvels" Collection Pieces: Dashiki Trench Coat Dress, Maxi Skirt, Dashiki Harem Jumpsuit or Skirt Made In: Proudly Nigerian Price Range: 19.99 - 169.99 Owner: Rahyma Momodu-Awanife Business Started: 2010 Website: R A H Y M A
Proudly Nigerian B E S I D A made in nigeria ![]() B E S I D A bombay skirt M A D E I N N I G E R I A ![]() . . . a little bit about BESIDA Company: BESIDA Meaning: Besida is a female name from the Itsekiri tribe meaning "destiny determines all." Product: Tops, Jumpsuits, Dresses, Separates in 100% Cotton Ankara Cloth Description: Hand-made, Stylish, Affordable Collection Pieces: AfriKimono, Fan Maxi Dress, Gidi Crop Top, Bombay Skirt Made In: Edo, Nigeria Price Range: 29.99 - 114.99 Owner: Sophia Danner-Okotie aka Sophia O. Business Started: August 2015 Website: A Chat With Sophia O. . . . "My Secret For Success" While traveling to LA on assignment I had an opportunity to visit with my multi-genius Renaissance Woman friend Fanta Celah while she was on Zuvaa's Multi-city Pop-Up Tour along with fellow entrepreneur designers Sophia Danner-Okotie and Rahyma. Each designer is a success in her own beautiful right. Ever on the alert for superwomengoddess power and magic, I was curious about what each woman attributed to her success in business. Here's what was revealed in my chat with 24-year old native Nigerian, Sophia O. . . . What Is Your Secret For Success? "It may be cliche and perhaps the most obvious secret to success is prayer." "Anytime that I feel like I'm in lack or need strength or feel like I'm about to worry about something. I say: "God I'm not going to worry because I know you're gonna work." It says: "In your time of weakness, that's when I'm strong." P R A Y E R 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 “But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” "In a way, you can bask in your weakness because you know that's when God is most powerful. He has all the energy and he just wants to surprise you. There's so many instances where I felt like that was it for the week where I wasn't going to make enough to match my bills or pay my workers and he just does something at the last minute when I would get on my knees and pray "I need your help and I know you're gonna make it happen." That's the secret. I build a wall of defense around me that whatever the enemy has in store for me is going back to turn around in my favor." NEWS REPORTER TURNED ENTREPRENEUR "I was working as a news reporter on TV. Everyone thinks that because I was on TV that I made it. I didn't feel that was my purpose. I quit my job four months ago so I could focus on this to take it to the next level and that's where it's going. God told me it was time for me to turn in my two weeks notice. I had the letter written out and said "Lord if it's time, you will show me a sign." I wrote the letter and put it on the table. And that day my boss called me in and she said: "Hey I just wanted to know if you were still thinking about staying?" I said: "Today is the day that I give my two weeks." I already had the letter written. Isn't that crazy?" Greatest Success So Far: "Seeing how much people appreciate the clothes, appreciate where it's made. I advertise my clothes are made in Nigeria. If I could change my clothing line to "Made In Nigeria" I would. The idea that these are made by the people [is the most powerful aspect to this whole vision]. It's so difficult communicating here, there and then getting what I need here, but it's so worth it. Because I've seen my tailors expand. I'm hiring more tailors, I hired a supervisor there now. So I'm giving jobs, you're adding to the economy. That is the reason I started the company, not because I love clothes necessary because I want more jobs in Nigeria. And I want to inspire people to go back to Nigeria and start. They could do bags, they could do jewelry, it's just the perception that they're African, what really can they do?" What Is The Big Vision For Your Company? "Getting more designers to go to Nigeria to make their clothes. When you see "Made in Italy" you assume it's going to be of quality. Let's see if we can get Louis Vuitton in Nigeria to make a collection there, the production. And to change the connotation of that Africans make mediocre, but that Africans make supreme quality." 100% Cotton Ankara cloth in Edo, Nigeria. Thanks for reading. :o)
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 17 of 11/13 Moons Waning Gibbous wealth.
love. success. Yeah we say we desires these things, but are we REALLY ready to receive them into our lives if they came knocking at our door TODAY? When you get that big pay day, do you have a financial management and investment structure that will insure those seeds harvest more fruit? When he/she shows up are you ready in every way to receive them fully into your life? When you get that call and have the attention of the world finally, are you ready to handle all the interest that comes with it? My friend, beautiful and prolific jewelry designer K-Fleye and Will Smith have been saying for years: "Stay ready so you don't have to get ready." I got an unexpected text on a Wednesday evening at 7 pm to be across the country the next morning to do makeup for a TV series. I made it happen and was there. A metaphysician knows that if you don't make space for things in your life they have a hard time getting in. Sometimes they will drop in anyway, and as the unannounced guest looks for a place to get cozy, you've got to scurry about trying to pull it together to make their visit comfortable. You've been hoping, praying, desiring and conjuring but didn't believe they were coming so soon. That's the funny thing about life, each day really is an adventure because you never know what or who is going to show up. Everyday we are creating a legend. It's an amazing phenomena that every time I clean my house and let go of unnecessary possessions, I get a call for an assignment, product orders come in or otherwise somehow attract prosperity. The holiday season is here, with the powerful winter solstice leading us into a brand spanking new year. This is a really good time to explore what we need to do to get ready for wealth, love, success if we're truly serious about attracting, being, having those things. Get your passport. Keep a suitcase ready. Keep your toenails done. Lover ready undies. Have your EPK (electronic press kit) updated. Products stocked. Let's get and stay ready for all the wealth, love and success that our hands and heart can hold, because any day is a good day for miracles to occur and the legend to continue. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 16 of 11/13 Moons Waning Gibbous photo credit: Pixabay s u p e r m o o n s It's occurred to me that some people may wonder what's the deal with all the interest in the moon. For me? It's my way to be grounded in the rhythm of nature instead of a man-made rhythm of hustle and bustle. Being connected to my internal lunar rhythm as well as the external lunar cycle in the sky assists me with mastering the illusion of time and to just BE present. Tonight get out of your house to gaze, honor and conjure the desires of your heart with this Full SuperMoon in Taurus. The moon hasn't been this close to the Earth since 1948 and won't be this close again until 2034. Walk to the waters, charge your crystals, kiss your love and celebrate all of the beauty and blessings in your life - now and forever. Need some Full Moon Rituals & Observance ideas? CLICK HERE l o v e I launched Auset's Notebook two months ago on my birthday as a "mostly daily" place to share a bit of my personal holistic beauty culture - which is heavily based on habits and mindset. Like my mother, your mother probably would affirm that "Pretty is as pretty does." True. True. True. 99.9% of the 40 notes have been "inspired." I awoke with the message and compelled to write about it. Here were your TOP THREE FAVORITE Notes: #1: No. 28: Get Off Your A$$ Gorgeous CLICK TO READ AGAIN #2: No. 34: ...Before You Call YourSelf A Witch CLICK TO READ AGAIN #3: No. 3: Villains, Angels & Beauty Secrets CLICK TO READ AGAIN s l e e p So it could be YOU or it could be ME but here are the posts you TOTALLY slept on.
WTH?!? Let's try this again: Here were the TOP THREE Notes That Got Crickets: #1: No.33: Your Daily Beauty Ritual CLICK THIS TO READ #2: No. 27: Stingy With The Goodies CLICK THIS TO READ #3 was tied with the following notes: No. 6: The Goddess's Collard Greens CLICK THIS TO READ No. 21: The Excellence of Love CLICK THIS TO READ No. 31: You Must Set The Standard CLICK THIS TO READ No. 39: It's Time To Express Your Multi-Genius CLICK THIS TO READ [FAVOR] Please do me a solid and tell me WHAT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN and I'll see if I can provide inspired notes about those topics. I've opened up the comments sections and look forward to your input as well as feedback on the notes that got crickets. I LOVE feedback and don't get sensitive when I receive it so give it to me! ;o) ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 15 of 11/13 Moons Full SUPER Moon in Taurus Ever wonder why people consistently fail at their New Year's resolutions? It's the wrong timing.
Whatever you are focused on during the Winter Solstice will be amplified during the next 365 days. For any goal, vision, desire you have, there is not a better time than the Winter Solstice, the longest nights of the year to cultivate your genius within by being still and listening. The most Ancient Egyptians were legendarily advanced because they discovered the secret of cultivating the genius within. In the cocoon of darkness, dreams, visions and insight come forth like none other. Although the Winter Solstice is over one month away, we know that the seeds for manifestation began yesterday on 11.11.16. Dec. 19 to Dec. 25: Is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the four days and four nights when the sun stops its progression are the shortest days (9 hr. and 8 min.) and longest nights (14 hr. 51 min.) of the year. Winter Solstice: Wednesday, 21 December, 2016 at 5:44 AM EST I've personally observed the Winter Solstice since 2012 and host an annual observance community on Facebook. A great deal of my observance practices were inspired by the work of Ra Un Nefer Amen of Ausar Auset Society. Not on Facebook? Shoot me an email and I'll find a way to include you in the goings-on. This year's observance will include key events: 1. Pre-Winter Solstice Cleanse/Detox beginning on Sunday, Nov. 27th 2. Global Conference Call 3. Celebration & Gathering at Metamoorphose Wellness Temple on Friday, Dec. 30th. The basic protocol during these four days (Dec. 19 to Dec. 25) are the following: 1. Eat lightly. 2. When the Sun sets don't use any artificial light. 3. Quiet your environment. 4. Refrain from speaking. and 5. L I S T E N Be ready to write down what you hear and see. When the Sun returns you will be the newborn Queen/King ready to serve, receive and shine. This is the ULTIMATE preparation for a 2017 filled with Health, Love, Unity & Prosperity. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 14 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous 11.11 First thing, today is a particularly auspicious day for setting intentions and manifestation. The intentions we cast today will begin to unfold and manifest after the Winter Solstice throughout 2017. Soon I'll be inviting you to join our global community for our 2016 Winter Solstice Observance 11:11 AM 11:11 PM Now let's talk about the expression of your multi-genius. you. Here's what I KNOW about you: You've always kinda been the different one, the go-to person, the maverick. Now you're ready for something next level and although you've been paring down a bit, you're desiring even more simplicity in your life. You've been experiencing a great deal of a transition in your life that's been at work for years. In your Spirit, you're the heart-centered rebel that gives so much to everyone else that often you feel a bit depleted and off-track. You CAN play as hard as you work though. You were born to inspire and lead others by shining without apology; sharing and serving generously. No matter the station in life or work you've done, your presence has always been that of a lightworker. If you fully accept this charge, your purpose for being here at this particular time, you will be taken care of and rewarded if you keep your eye on contributing and serving others. We are at the threshold of a Golden Age, you've heard about the Aquarian Age? That! The last Golden Age was during the building of the Pyramids in Egypt. me. This is what you should KNOW about me: At eight years old I was cleaning - no ...actually TRANSFORMING my friend's bedroom from utter chaos to order. The same year I organized a surprise party my mother - and people showed up. Can you imagine? We had a good time. At thirteen I made a pair of jeans for a friend of mine and she paid me four dollars. CREATING, FACILITATING TRANSFORMATION & BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER is in my DNA. I was born to serve and create. It is my deepest urge. My name Akua means "the sweet messenger" and I've been given one specific job to do - a very sacred job: inspire women and girls to be magical and powerful. Our marriages, our children, every relationship in our community depends on it. As a seven-year old who was bullied and suffered painfully from a low self-image for most of my teens and early twenties, I never would have believed that I would grow up to work with the leaders, luminaries and lightworkers of this world. While painting over a 1000 faces as a makeup artist around the country for celebrity clients, writing SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic, I've organized holistic beauty-centered experiences like: 9 1/2 Weeks: The METAMOORPHOSE Project™, SoulSistah Fest™, and 2012: The Love & Beauty Journey™. I've been called a magician, a muse, a healer, a high priestess, an artist and that I turn people into rock stars. Those titles are all true. By the time people make their way to me they are ready for their moment, their moment to step up to their next level. My Mars in Sagittarius aspect can make me a bit spicy at times, but my intention has always been a heart-centered desire to serve, create, and transform. we. Even the greatest lightworker requires a community of lightworkers; and because we experience this reality in the physical, spiritual, emotional, ethereal, mental dimensions we have an opportunity to be multi-dimensional beings or multi-geniuses, literally BEING in different dimensions at the same time using both hemispheres (feminine & masculine: the ultimate marriage) of our brains as well as. It's not enough to just master law and finance, or just balance your chakras, or just focus on your love languages. You got the point, but we are multi-dimensional, multi-geniuses to be activated, cultivated and expressed. Activating, Cultivating multi-geniuses is my area of genius. When people acquire my services, follow me, engage in my experiences they get activated, cultivated and express it in the world beautifully, prosperously. Like a farmer, I'm in the ministry and enterprise of growing multi-geniuses i.e. superwomen & goddesses. An Invitation & Request. Most of the time, the"money" part of my work is an after-though when I'm creating products, experiences and serving people in the capacity with which they engage with me because my priority is Love, Beauty & Magic, kind of obsessed with it actually. On this particularly auspicious day I know that it will be beneficial to us both to extend this invitation and request to you. The Invitation is to allow me to pour my genius, wisdom, knowledge, creativity and love into you daily as a kind of personal godmother. I'll find out what your goals are monthly, give you a structure, a blueprint and support to fulfill on those goals to further cultivate your multi-genius Self. And of course, there are gorgeous holistic beauty products and tea ceremonies are definitely involved. If you've ever wished for someone who will keep you on-point, who won't sell-out on you when life gets crazy busy or you just get lazy, here I am! I'm happy to support you and was born just to do that. The Request is, partner with me by becoming one of my patrons. I've just set up a community page on Patreon, which is still being edited. I'm still getting the hang of using it and this arrangement will provide an opportunity to just give, give, give to you without any limits. Whether or not you accept the invitation or grant my request I will still do what I do: serve, create and facilitate transformation. Honestly though, it would just be a lot more fun if you were part of our community. You can commit to as little as 5.55/mo. or as much as 2222.22/mo. You can change it from month-to-month or cancel at anytime. We'll figure out how to do that together. Patreon is new to me but creators I respect have used it with success. I know when I give, I get and that we only get to keep what we give away. Whatever seed you plant in our garden it's going to be fun to witness the magic, miracles, prosperity, collaborations that will be born out of this circle, tribe, family. Love. Beauty. Retreat. If the monthly pledges are hearty enough as a community, I'm looking to host at no-cost (other than your airfare and lodging) to our monthly PATRONS a Love & Beauty Retreat in a balmy, paradise in 2017. I'm so excited about The Golden Age that we are at the threshold of. I'm honored to be in your midst. This is our time. Let's do this together! CLICK THE IMAGE TO JOIN US ♡ ☆ ♀
Akua Day 13 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous photo: elation. anger. apathy. I'm glad I committed to a "mostly" daily notebook, because it's been a whirlwind week with unexpected travel, work and adventure. I've come back with so much to share with you and had other notes in mind to write today, but out of compassion for the people in America, our home - post-election, I feel I need to offer some light and comfort.
DIVIDED Apparently a quarter of our country is celebrating the result, a quarter of our country is in shock, grief and feeling angry, while half of the country is perhaps frustrated, apathetic or altogether disconnected from politics. No matter where you stand in any of those groups, it's time to, as Seth Godin writes in his blog today, "Roll Up Our Sleeves." Voting twice every few years isn't going to do the trick, nor is just balancing our chakras. This is a great time to really take ownership of our reality. What if each person treated this nation/planet and land as it were our own home? Like someone else isn't going to get the dishes and make the bed, we are. No matter where you stand, the activities that we've been witnessing on this planet of late have been a mighty catalyst for bringing the ugliness and beauty out of us all to the surface. No matter how it appears, it's can be a beneficial thing because now we can REALLY get honest, have compassion, really dig in to do the work of healing. FEELING ELATED? Be compassionate and respectful, honoring the feelings and processes of your fellow citizens. FEELING ANGRY? Be committed to not violating another's right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in your expression and process. Beneath anger there's always hurt, disappointment or even fear. Anger is completely valid and natural. Knowing that all illness and disease begin in the Spirit, the key is to express your anger, then move on. Like a child expresses his/her emotion and then pretty quickly moves on - we have an opportunity to express anger while taking note of the hurt/disappointment beneath it. The goal is to process the roots of your emotion and look for "the gift" in it, which could be an insight for change/transformation/renewal, added wisdom, etc. The goal is to use your anger a tool for growth and expansion then get back to having a light heart. There's a quote from Buddha that I quite appreciate: "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." FEELING FEARFUL or INSECURE? I can definitely empathize with a feeling of uncertainty. My last note was about "F*ck Fear! Say Yes." It's important to keep a proper perspective of our true power to create our own reality. Every choice we make is creating our future on the microcosm and the macrocosm. You've got the power. Just know that a fearful or insecure person is a vulnerable person. We don't always make the best choices when we feel afraid or insecure. And sometimes even, others set up people to feel fear and insecure to take advantage of their feeling of vulnerability. My Healing Prescription: BE. DO. HAVE. To soothe and empower yourself, here are a few things you can "do."
We're all feeling the winds of transformation and hopefully the dismantling of all that doesn't work on this planet. How we navigate this era will depend on our consciousness and mindset from moment-to-moment, day-to-day keeping our eye on the prize without distraction. The future will reward those who are productive, who contribute to the lives of others, that can pierce through the illusion, see and move in the Source of Our True Power. Speaking of the winds of transformation, the other day I was on a plane flying over Denver which is known to have choppy air. When the flight got uncomfortably turbulent, my si"star" friend held my hand and said "The plane is just dancing in the wind." ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 12 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Gibbous This note is dedicated to Stacye Branche, Fanta Celah, My Mother, My Ancestors, My Daughters and Yours. Having not read Shonda Rhimes' book "A Year of Yes," I was still inspired to deem 2016 my "Year of Yes." After watching "Yes Man" starring Jim Carrey, I was fascinated about how more beautiful and adventurous my life could be by simply receiving the opportunities presented to me.
Through saying "Yes." this year I've:
F*CK FEAR How do I, you, we trust life, ourselves, others and not be in fear? At the end of this note, I've got a challenge for you. When I think about the saying "Ignorance Is Bliss," it's a bit true. I did the most brazen things in my early twenties not because I was necessarily courageous but because I didn't know to have concerns, fears or hang ups. I walked into the offices of power players, laid out my vision and created enduring relationships. When I think about that girl, she's my muse, my rockstar. YOU KNOW TOO MUCH We get older, and consume way too much fear, lack and scarcity through the eyes of "grown-ups," media and our painful experiences. REALITY CHECK If I think about the fact that things ALWAYS work out, even when they don't, it reactivates that free-spirited adventurer within. Knowing that my highest good is always at hand, I can trust The Most High, the Universe, the Spirit Allies and my inner Oracle i.e. my Heart. Through being even more intentional about receiving and following-through with opportunities I've identified hidden layers of concerns, fears and hang ups that are just frankly out-dated and illogical. Those damn concerns, fears and hang ups of ours short circuit and block my/your/our ability to serve, share my/your/our gifts, wisdom and love with others. OFF WITH YOUR HEAD So . . . if we started or continued to ignore our monkey minds (survival-focused) and get into our hearts (not emotion, but our inspiration/passion) and be led by that - the magical and miraculous will continue/begin in our lives. In our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES culture, we believe (be + live): REAL superwomen think, feel and act with a mind that anything is possible and REAL goddesses inspire life in everything they touch. It's the only way if I/you/we are to really work the highest power and magic. So . . . RIGHT NOW IDENTIFY . . . at least one b*llshit concern, fear or hangup that you KNOW is illogical, challenge it and put it to eternal rest. It's our time to win, progress, and accomplish. Every accomplishment we make juices us up to create another and another and another. And not just accomplishment for accomplishment sake or our ego but the expression of our divinity, beauty and power within. DO THIS. I want you to:
♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 8 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Crescent Four recipes. Two days. Looks like the New Moon has stimulated my appetite. The first time I enjoyed this snack was at my good friend, Chef Keidi's Kitchen Lab in Los Angeles and it was soooo good, I'm STILL thinking about them. I can't believe it's taken five years to finally make this recipe. Now that I've made my own (with the help of my lil' eleven-year old friend Dzenkesh), I can see that this will be a staple in my home because sometimes I have a taste for Starbursts or Twizzlers. This natural candy tastes sooo much better than the toxicly sweetened corporate candies and is HIGHLY NUTRITIVE providing benefits for men who experience erectile dysfunction. Watermelon is a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopene, amino acid (citrulline), vitamins B1 and B6, pantothenic acid, biotin, magnesium, potassium and dietary fiber. Historically African Americans were ridiculed in media and propaganda for being a watermelon-eating people, but screw the stereotypes because watermelon, especially eaten naturally, is excellent for the kidneys. It's known also to be "Nature's Viagra™" due to the citrulline which relaxes and dilates blood vessels like the pharmaceutical. So EAT YOUR WATERMELON! Make sure it's seeded because when you eat seeded food, you will have a vital seed within. Watermelon Candy Recipe by Chef Keidi Adapted from the book "Living Superfood Recipes" To order: seeded watermelon 1 tsp. citric acid or juice of 1 lemon 1 c. water Equipment: dehydrator, wax paper, very large sharp knife, paring knife 1 PREPARE a shallow and large dish to soak the watermelon slices by combining the citric acid or lemon to water. 2 CUT watermelon into manageable sections with a sharp large knife, then cut into whatever shape you desire leaving the thickness of the slice about 1/2 inch. If it's thicker than this it will take a super long time to dehydrate, it it's thinner it will be a very fragile chip. Leave the seeds intact as they contain critical nutrients. 3 REMOVE RIND from your watermelon with a paring knife and set aside to juice if you desire. 4 LAYOUT the watermelon slices on the dehydrating screens and place in the dehydrator for about twelve (12) hours at 135 degrees. 5 FLIP the watermelon slices about six (6) hours into the dehydration process. 6 EAT, SHARE & BE MERRY Thanks Chef Keidi! This is sooooo good. WATERMELON RIND JUICE 1 part watermelon rinds 2 parts sweet, variety of apple Equipment: juicer 1 CUT UP a sweet variety of apple. 2 JUICE the rinds from the watermelon and the apples. 3 DRINK in gratitude. ♡ ☆ ♀
Akua Day 4 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Crescent If you're a juicer of fruits and veggies you'll know the feeling I'm talking about. I always feel wasteful when I juice up a bundle of produce and throw away the plant fibers and other "refuse." So this week I did something different. I juiced then I used the refuse to make soup! And it was sooo good. Juice once. Drink twice. Recipe below. Check it. SuperWomanGoddess Shot™ 1 serving 1 fuji apple 1 golden beet with about 4 in. of stem 2 in. chunk of fresh ginger root 2 pieces of fresh turmeric root Equipment: Juicer, Sharp Knife, Cutting Board 1 WASH the produce thoroughly, keeping in mind that you'll be consuming the peels and every part of the fruit/vegetable. 2 CUT in sections small enough to fit into the juicer. 3 JUICE the produce. 4 "IN" JOY your SuperWomanGoddess Shot™ with a heart of gratitude. Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and receive the nutrition and healing within the spirit of this food. 5 SET ASIDE PLANT FIBERS/REFUSE and refrigerate if you will not make your soup right away. Now, let's make our soup! photo: SuperWomanGoddess Soup™ 6 to 8 servings Refuse/Plant fibers from SuperWomanGoddess Juice 2 TBSP Organic Coconut Oil 1 Large onion (I used a sweet onion), chopped 1 Large shallot, chopped 2 green onions, chopped 2 sweet potatoes or yams, chopped 4 c. of water (spring, filtered) 2 c. of "milk" (coconut or unsweetened almond, etc) 6 tsp. Braggs Amino Acids or Dehydrated Veggie Stock Mix or Coconut Aminos 4 to 8 sprigs of fresh or dried thyme or rosemary Pink Himalayan Salt to taste (I used about 1 1/2 TBSP.) Cayenne and/or black pepper to taste (I used about 1 tsp.) finely chopped pecans for garnish Equipment: Heavy-bottomed soup pot 1 MELT the coconut oil in your soup pot. 2 ADD the onions then SAUTE until tender but not brown. About 5 - 7 minutes. 3 ADD the sweet potato or yams and SAUTE until sweet potato or yams begin to soften. ADD the water, milk and aminos or veggie stock powder. Cover, simmer for 30 minutes until veggies are tender. 4 REMOVE sprigs and discard. You make leave the soup chunky as is or PUREE the soup in your blender or food processor if you prefer a smoother consistency. 5 RETURN the soup to the pot and add your seasoning to taste and heat gently; do not boil. 6 SPRINKLE chopped pecans and a bit of black pepper on top of each serving . 7 "IN" JOY your SuperWomanGoddess Soup™ with a heart of gratitude. Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and receive the nutrition and healing within the spirit of this food. ♡ ☆ ♀
Akua Day 3 of 11/13 Moons Waxing Crescent . . . read this.
Somehow, many of us are looking to gather the pieces of who we are, very much like Auset searched the Universe for the pieces of her husband Ausar's dismembered body after Set in an angry rage murdered and dismembered him. Eventually Auset did locate every piece of her beloved's body and the moment that she placed the final piece in it's proper place, Heru was born, the original Christ, the hero, the Enlightened One, the Awakened Soul. And like Ausar, once we are able to put all of our pieces together in alignment, the Christ, the Enlightened, the Awakened within is born. KNOW THYSELF Neophytes in their education to become Egyptian priests could study the ancient temples covered in inscriptions that included the command to "Know Thyself." This command is more popularly known to appear at the Temple of Delphi in Greece, and although not the author, Athenian philosopher Socrates is credited with this essential personal duty. For most of us, achieving this charge could take a lifetime, but it is the first order of business. Knowledge of Self brings peace, power, prosperity and provides a road map of continuity for our descendants to follow. THE LABYRINTH TO SELF There was a time when huemanity was not dominated by "white" supremacy and world domination, but peoples for the most part were left to express their perception of the universe, nature and the world around them. Although not the only part of the world where colonization has occurred, in the colonization of Africa specifically, the English and French organized that they colonize every other country so the people "next door" would be unable to communicate with the other and that is why there is a leap frog set-up of English and French speaking countries next to each other in the continent. Crazy right that people would go to such lengths to alienate people from each other? Even worse is the cultural loss of ancient texts, scrolls in the burning of the national library of Alexandria in Egypt by the historically accused army of Julius Caesar. Today, when you think about what American culture is, it's really just become the pop culture created from the corporate monolith that has been unfolding for centuries and most recently through the "spin" of corporate media whose reach is worldwide. Instead of daughters and sisters learning about who they are, traditions and rituals from their mothers, grandmothers and aunties, we follow the style and trends of corporate-financed celebrities who exist not only for the expression of their art but for the profit orchestrated by the corporate monolith. Enter the internet, which is open source, free and independent from the "Truman Show"-type social engineering. Although this truly democratic way of communicating, expressing, sharing is a beautiful thing in many ways, the damage of the agenda for world domination by the financiers of the world structure has been done. People think they have their own opinions but have actually been spoon fed ideology from a very young age through university and that ideology is seamlessly maintained in our daily news, TV shows and advertising. A call to critical thought of or opposition to these intimately held beliefs are met with a Stockholm Syndrome type response. We are all attempting to reconstruct organic and essential personal cultures that are sweet, healing and resonant with our Spirit and Soul. However, it can get a bit murky in lieu of the programming we've forgone and continue to be exposed to with the agenda of world domination of the financiers of this era who have constructed our churches and religions, schools/universities, advertising/entertainment embedded with ideology that favors a male anglo homosexual agenda for power. Language is so powerful because within language you'll find worldview. A great part of what some of us have lost is the power of our native tongues. Almost twenty years ago I desired to more closely align with the culture, traditions and language of my Ancestors (which is quite a mix) so I replaced what I could with the appropriate cultural expressions, traditions and rituals. I eventually went through medicine woman training and initiation as well various trainings in Ancient African spirituality as my nomadic Fulani bloodline originated in modern-day Sudan. What is still missing for me is to be fluent in my native tongues so it makes me appreciate my Hungarian si"star"-friend who still speaks her native language with her parents while they Skype or my former Ghanaian beloved who spoke his native tongue of "Twi" with his mother on the phone. THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND So something as simple as an "African-American" young woman reading a blog about awakening her witch, leads her into a query to find a word to express her desire to create her reality using her intention and rituals leads her to questioning if foreign cultural labels like "witch" and "spells" fit because somehow it just doesn't resonate on her soul level. Disconnected from her native tongue, traditions and culture it's awfully confusing. WITCH In my estimation, all girls and women have the ability to work power, magic and express the miraculous, when they learn to tap in and harness these powers. "Witch" is a Wiccan term for a female who possesses magical powers or can command supernatural forces. In my study decades ago of the English Wiccan religion I appreciated their pre-Christian connection and honoring of nature. It indicates a certain rhythm with Universal laws. If you haven't read the book "The Mists Of Avalon" or seen the film adapted from the book by author Marion Zimmer Bradley and interested in the time during King Arthur's Camelot when Christianity and honoring the Goddess co-existed, it's a fascinating read. With the agenda of the Catholic church and those behind it: the wise woman, healer and seer have had a very tragic history which includes a holocaust of women and healers. It's funny that John Lennon actually penned a song "Woman Is The Nigger Of The World." The word "witch" for many has a great deal of negative stigma attached to it, while it's lovingly and proudly embraced by others. Similar to the word "nigger" or "nigga," the conversation and debate opens up a can of worms. BEAUTIFUL JAMBALAYA The beauty of our world is that we have at our fingertips a jambalaya of culture, tradition and ritual through food, fashion, art, etc. Is it assimilation, appropriation, adoption or alliance? At the end of the day, it is context and meaning that determine the expression and the way that one experiences a thing. To keep it simple and inclusive for me I recognize that first and foremost we are all connected as embodiments of divinity. From there our inquiry into who we are can go as simply or as comprehensively as we choose : biologically, historically, culturally, astrologically, vocationally, etc. CHOICE It may be empowering to one's personal journey back to Self to become familiar with and align with how they express and communicate their uniqueness through ancestral culture, tradition and ritual. On the other hand, perhaps we've lived many lives and bring to this life several influences and experiences that color how we resonantly express ourselves. Every human being has the right and free will to call themselves whatever the hell they choose. Our hidden treasures are waiting to be discovered if we only clear away the fog of foreign ideology and create from our essential voice. Always keep in mind the very first command to the neophytes of the Egyptian priesthood: "Know Thyself." INjoy your adventure back to Self! ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 2 of 11/13 Moons New Moon ![]() The Spirit of Order calls us to honor the rhythm of the cosmos and its enduring predictability. The Spirit of Chaos calls us to honor beingness and allowing of this moment. There's a time for order and there's a time for chaos. When we bring them together interdependently, there is a marriage which brings creation. In every spiritual school of thought we are invited to walk in the beauty of balance. The electromagnetic Universe (feminine) that we live in is governed by the universal law of Maat which brings order. Maat is an ancient goddess from the most ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) tradition. The Spirit of Maat represents order, truth, balance, harmony and justice. Maat has her laws (universal) and those laws have been interpreted by Tehuti, the god of wisdom mathematically (Maat). The most ancient Egyptians were guided by these laws in their daily 42 Declarations of Innocence. Apparently prior to foreign influences and invasion, the most ancient Egyptians maintained a Maatian civilization that lived in peace for thousands of years with no need for police. My friend Kajara NiaYaa NebtHet wrote a book called "Light As A Feather: 42 Laws of Maat For Children" on this topic for children. I digress. The bottom line is that being alarmed out of your sleep in the morning and popping out of bed to put out fires, meet deadlines and be pulled by someone else's train all day is not going to create a life that you deserve where you are cherished, appreciated and compensated on every level. Before Michael Jordan ever stepped out on the court to perform the superhuman feats that he was able to do time and time again, he had a pre-game ritual. I perceive every day of my life as stepping out on the court to play so I also have a pre-game ritual. My "pre-game" ritual is based on the things that I require to be prepared to play at my highest capability and to perform superhuman feats that I'm able to do time and time again. A couple of days ago, I hosted a LIVE Facebook event and the women on the call unanimously admitted to putting EVERYONE else's requirements and desires before their own requirements and desires. Some might see forsaking your own needs as being a saint or sweet. Being a martyr for others may give you saint status, but at the end of the day it doesn't work because it's unsustainable. At some point you will burnout and crash. And holistically speaking, in every case (wife, mother, employee, entrepreneur) we set the standard of how others will cherish, appreciate and compensate us as well as be influenced as to how they will conduct their own lives. How we care for ourselves and live our lives has a domino effect on our relationships, families, community and culture. Women are the enduring example and first teacher in every context we exist in. If you expect to live in an environment where each person is cherished and appreciated in their relationships, as well as be paid top dollar for their abilities then YOU'VE/WE'VE got to set the standard. On Sunday, 6th November, from 2 to 4 PM, I'll be hosting a FREE Workshop: "How To Create Your Daily Healing Beauty Ritual." If you would like to attend in-person or online, please send me an email ([email protected]) or text (312.566.7506) as soon as possible, NOW. Until then begin to GET CLEAR on what it is you require daily to really perform at your best everyday and get it in BEFORE heading out to save the world. ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 10/13 Moons Waning Crescent
Me on the film set of a Chevy commercial in 1997 with Michael Jordan & Muhammad Ali.
Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?
Yes? No? Well either way, by the end of this note my goal is that you will identify where you fit in with this rule and where you want to be with this rule.
I've been surrounded by a beautiful diversity of people throughout my life; which includes people living in wealth (defined by mindset + finances) as well as people living in poverty (defined by mindset + finances). From a young age I've been surrounded by wealthy and successful examples. The first time I heard about the 80/20 rule was at a business conference and understood it to be that in no matter the circumstance, in a mass of people with evenly distributed wealth, that 20 % of the mass would end up with 80% of the wealth or that 20% of the people will do 80% of the work.
Throughout my life I have observed to see if this rule is actually true in real life circumstances. I must say in my experience that it is not only true, but it actually seems as the public is becoming more and more INFLUENCED by mass media, "group think" and the social engineering that has and is occurring, the disparity between the two numbers seem to be even larger. According to The Guardian in October of 2015: "Half of the world's wealth is in the hands of less than 1% of the population." According to in 2015: 71% of the world who have under 10K in assets only hold 3% of the wealth while 84.6% of the wealth is held by 8.1% of the global population. Well my focus in this note isn't only about wealth in regard to tangible and cash assets but in the the consciousness, mindset, worldview, habits and behavior that creates wealth. Wealth being defined for me as being able to choose to life how you spend your day, your life and that you get to live as you envisioned and dreamed it, fulfilling on the things you said that you'd like to do and experience. Even if it turns out differently than you planned, you feel happy and fulfilled in your life for the most part. That is wealth. So it's pretty clear that wealth, happiness and fulfillment is somehow connected to consciousness, mindset, worldview, daily habits and behavior? In the culture of this moment, we tend to celebrate the individuals that through tough odds were able to persevere, relent and break through the obstacles set in their path. In sports, entertainment, business, even health and longevity, we call those that have accomplished what most couldn't or wouldn't, heroic and lift them up as celebrity. I myself am incredibly attracted to and marvel at people who are bold, brave, and consistent in the expression of their gifts, talents and abilities or the pursuit of a goal or a vision. It's EXTREMELY attractive. If everyone chose to be bold, brave and consistent I suspect that the "wealth" gap would be even smaller; the gap between those that are winning in and loving their lives and those who as Les Brown calls it "living in quiet desperation." I've been involved in so many groups, courses, initiations, etc. where everyone begins excited, committed and on board (100%) and then after a week there are some that drop off and then as time goes on even more drop off leaving the few consistent ones to complete the envisioned task alone at the finish line and it's not even 20%, but more like 1%. Sometimes it's not even that the task was done particularly well, but the fact that they crossed the finish line and didn't give up or quit.
So my question to you is: Who are you?
Are you part of the 80 or 20? . . . the 99% or the 1%? Either way it's fine, but are you where you want to be? Whether it's how you take care of yourself by tending to your health, your relationships, fulfilling on your life's purpose, gaining a certain level of education, will you stay in the game until the end or will you just quit? This world celebrates and rewards the people who cross the finish line. Who will you be? The 80 or the 20? ♡ ☆ ♀ Akua Day 24 of 10/13 Moons Waning Crescent
"You Must Set The Standard." PLEASE STOP AT :45 seconds then continue on to the note. ![]()
You can watch the rest of the video later, because today's note is all about the first :45 seconds of this video. "You Must Set The Standard" is about setting the standard for all relationships in our lives by doing one simple thing.
Here's the transcript of the first 45 seconds: Mind if I ask you a question? How did you end your day yesterday, then how did you begin this day? The reason I ask is that there are so many women who routinely roll out of bed every morning and look up and it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon to find they forgot to eat...but yet the children, the husband, the boss and the clients have all been taken care of. If that's you, you KNOW that's not going to work for long. If you expect to be cherished and appreciated in your relationships, paid top dollar for your abilities then YOU'VE got to set the standard. I'm Akua Auset of My name Akua means "the sweet messenger" and my zone of genius is facilitating transformation. I've been given one job to do, and it's a very sacred job and that's to inspire women and girls to be magical and powerful - because our marriages, our children, every relationship in our community depends on it. HOW DO YOU END AND BEGIN YOUR DAYS? In tomorrow's note, I'm going to go into more about this topic. THIS EVENING at 7 pm CST, I'm going to do a LIVE Facebook Event in our SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES community about how to you end and begin your days. I'd love to hear from you on this topic, so set your alerts and alarms to join us at 7 pm CST. CLICK THE IMAGE above to join our community and to attend the event this evening. This Last Quarter Moon week is a good time to let go of habits, behaviors and things in our lives that don't work for us. Let's begin that letting go process. SEE YOU TONIGHT! So . . . whether you followed directions and stopped the video at 45 seconds or not, I'll explain what this video is for. For the last month, I've been part of a Mindset Alchemy™for Female Entrepreneurs course facilitated by one of my favorite clients: Tracy Neely of We met when I was hired to "d0" her face for her promotional photo shoot. Gorgeous right? She's wearing A U S E T : B E A U T Y cosmetics.